Chapter 19: Talent

Name:The Guardian gods Author:
Chapter 19: Talent

My brow furrowed as I absorbed her words. "So, where is the father?"

"Dead. If I had known about the ritual, I would have kept him alive, and when the ritual is complete, I would have killed him," Mahu revealed, her voice tinged with a hint of regret.

Not bothered by what she said, I sought clarification. "Where do I fit into all of this?" I asked, struggling to grasp the connection between himself and all this.

"After giving birth in this grand chamber and experiencing the influence of my divinity, I felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness, despite the joy of becoming a mother. I yearned for someone to be by my side, and you were the first person who came to my mind," Mahu explained, her silver eyes fixed on Me.

"I am beginning to understand, but why the notion of me becoming a father?" I inquired, my confusion still lingering as I approached her.

"I saw how wonderful you both looked together, and with you here, I sensed the completion of the ritual taking shape," Mahu replied, her gaze unwavering as I stood before her.

I contemplated her words, a mix of emotions swirling within me. Eventually, I made a decision. "I agree to be his father, but in return, you must be the mother figure for my unborn child," I proposed, my eyes focused on the sleeping baby in my arms.

Mahu's face lit up with happiness, and she rose with renewed energy. Embracing Ikenga, she planted a tender kiss on my chin before delicately taking the sleeping baby from my arms and stuck figure.

To achieve the desired effect of a branch that combines both wood and iron elements, I need to follow a specific process. Here's how I will approach it:

Start by creating a plant with minimal wood element in the branch: I will focus on cultivating a plant where the branch itself has a limited amount of wood element. This will set the stage for the dominance of the iron element in the branch.

Introduce the iron element into the branch: Once the plant has grown, I will introduce the element of iron into the branch. The abundance of iron will begin to interact with and influence the existing wooden element.

Metalize the branch: As the iron element starts to interact with the wooden element, it will gradually "infect" and transform the branch, giving it metallic properties. The branch will take on the characteristics of iron, becoming stronger and more resilient.

Overcome the expulsion of the wood element: As the iron element becomes dominant, it may push away the wood element, making the branch lose its tree-like qualities and resemble pure iron. To counteract this, I will slowly reintroduce the expelled wooden element back into the branch.

Foster coexistence of the elements: By reintroducing the wooden element gradually, it will have traces of this element within iron. This way, when the wooden element reenters the branch, the iron element will accept it rather than fight against it. This gradual process allows the two elements to coexist within the branch, achieving the desired effect.

By carefully managing the interaction between the wood and iron elements, I can create a branch that maintains the strength and characteristics of iron while still retaining its connection to the plant and coexisting with the wooden element

With my successful creation of the iron wood branch, I couldn't contain my laughter. This breakthrough marked a significant step towards achieving my goal of creating a light source in the realm. Excited to test its capabilities, I summoned another branch and reinforced it using my usual method. Holding both branches in my hands, I forcefully collided them together, and as expected, the iron branch was better, denting the other branch.

Eager to explore further, I willed the iron branch to transform into a small sword. With a swift slash, it effortlessly sliced through the other branch. A wide smile spread across my face. This experiment allowed me to incorporate other elements into my innate nature manipulation abilities without abandoning them. While it would be fascinating to control all five elements, the time and effort required for such mastery would be immense. I have always believed in the distinction between natural talent and rigorous training.

As my cousin once told me, there is a difference between someone naturally gifted in a particular area and someone who works hard to achieve the same level of skill. While hard work is important, the naturally talented individual can often grasp different concepts and perform with ease, leaving the hardworking individual in awe. For instance, an individual with an innate talent for football can effortlessly handle the ball, executing tricks as if the ball were an extension of themselves. When asked about their experience, they might reply that it's their first time playing.