Chapter 21: Let there be light

Name:The Guardian gods Author:
Chapter 21: Let there be light

Realizing I had drifted off topic, I shook my head and returned my focus to the flower-made bed I had constructed for Panacea. Her death affected me more deeply than I anticipated, and yet it wasn't as agonizing as I expected. Was my godhood impacting my emotions to this extent?

Before I could delve deeper into my thoughts, a feedback stronger than any I had experienced before surged through me, and I immediately recognized its source.

It came from Panacea. It seemed her death was considered natural. "Natural?" I pondered, realizing that perhaps her passing wasn't as painful because it was an inevitable part of the process. Death during the birth of an offspring from a higher life form was a natural occurrence.

Lost in thought, I felt a hand tap my shoulder, bringing me back to the present. "What are you thinking about?" Mahu asked.

"Nothing," I replied, turning my gaze back to the flower bed.

I looked at my son and then summoned a large stone construct in the likeness of Panacea. The construct stood surrounded by the flowers that formed her bed.

"I will fulfill my promise. He will know and have a glimpse of what his mother looked like," I said, determined to ensure that my son would have a connection to his mother's memory.

I turned to Mahu and took the boy from her, holding him in my arms. As I looked down at my son, I couldn't help but think about my parents back on Earth. They would surely be overjoyed to know that their son had a child of his own, even though the child wasn't human. I imagined their reaction, and a smile unconsciously appeared on my face.

But now, a new challenge lay before me. How would I take care of the child, especially considering how quickly they would grow? While Mahu would be there to help, she couldn't be present at all times.

"What do you plan on naming him?" Mahu asked, breaking my train of thought.

As Mahu disappeared through the portal, a wave of mental exhaustion washed over me. It wasn't physical fatigue but the weariness of an overworked mind. I hadn't given my brain much rest since my breakthrough, consumed by my experiments. And now, as reality settled in, I realized that I was about to embark on the journey of fatherhood.

Feeling the weight of my thoughts, I made my way to the steps of my altar and took a seat. I could sense the joy and greetings of every creature in my realm, expressing their happiness at my return. Two familiar beings, a green blur and a purple blur, approached me with excitement.

The white bird had grown significantly over the years, now reaching the size of a normal eagle. Similarly, the green-winged snake had grown larger and thicker. But as they neared me, they both shrank down in size. The bird perched on my right shoulder, while the green snake wrapped itself around my left hand.

They began talking rapidly, recounting what had happened in the realm during my absence and expressing how they had missed me. Soon, they started bickering about who I had missed the most.

Not in the mood to listen to their banter, I shushed them away, but not before hinting that there would be a surprise soon. With that, they both flew off, leaving me alone to gather my thoughts. Although I wanted to begin creating the light source, I realized I needed some rest first.

My eyes closed, and I drifted into a deep sleep. I couldn't tell how much time had passed, but when I awoke, I felt refreshed and ready to continue. I decided to start working on the light source and fulfill my desire to hold my newborn son once again. Seated on the step of the altar, I extended my right palm in front of me, ready to channel my power

What lay before me was perhaps the greatest achievement of my two lives combined. It was the result of countless hours of mastery and repetition, honing my skills in manipulating nature.

In my palms, a lotus began to blossom. Its petals were a mesmerizing shade of fiery red, as if aflame. The intricate veins of each petal were clearly visible, leading to a small fireball at the center of the lotus, gently rotating. Satisfied with its creation, I released the lotus.

Slowly, the lotus ascended towards the sky of my realm. As it reached the pinnacle, I commanded the sky to open, allowing a flood of sunlight from the sun to pour into the realm. I could sense the happiness radiating from every living being in my realm, basking in the warmth of the sun. Yet, my focus was directed elsewhere.

The lotus, suspended at the center of my realm in the open sky, began to grow larger. With each ray of sunlight it absorbed, the lotus expanded, and the fireball at its core grew in size. Once I sensed that the lotus had reached its maximum growth and the fireball had attained the desired magnitude, I willed the sky in my realm to close. Darkness did not follow this time, for the colossal lotus now illuminated the realm.

With a simple gesture, the enormous lotus tipped over, hanging upside down. From its back, small roots emerged and fused with the sky of my realm. Instantly, the realm became brighter, and the oversized fireball descended gracefully. A smile stretched across my face, witnessing the culmination of my efforts.

The trees and plants in my realm appeared elongated, as if yearning to grasp as much light as they could. Their joy resonated with me, and I assured them that they would never be deprived of light again. What seemed like a simple act held profound significance, as the sun lotus represented the culmination of my years of labour.