Chapter 57 Drink

Name:The Guardian gods Author:
Chapter 57 Drink

The sun hung high in the sky when Ikem reached the entrance of the ape's domain. Taking a deep breath to calm his excitement, he stepped forward, only to swiftly retreat as a wooden spear flew out, landing precisely where he had just stood.

A bow construct materialized in Ikem's hand, and he looked up to find an ape perched in the tree, armed with a spear. Ikem and the ape locked eyes until Aqua's voice came from behind, "Your appearance, young master." Realizing the issue, Ikem dispersed the bow, revealing his demigod form.

Confusion crossed the ape's face, and though it seemed like it wanted to move, it remained in place, abandoning its aggressive stance. The silence lingered until Ikem questioned, "Are you with the apes residing in this forest?"

No clear indication showed that the ape understood, but Ikem caught a flicker of surprise in its expression. Without offering a response, silence settled over the area. After a while, Ikem's demeanor shifted as armor constructs enveloped him, and he wielded a sword and shield in each hand. The treants also readied themselves as they too sensed multiple mana signatures approaching them at a decent speed.

Observing Ikem's actions, the ape resumed its attack stance, readying its spear to throw it. The forest held its breath, tension escalating as the impending confrontation loomed.

The silence lingered as the multiple mana signatures reached them. The spear-wielding ape jumped down as if on que, and at the smae time primates of various sizes and colors emerged, each perched on a tree.

Silent gazes from the apes were fixed on the trio until faint footsteps echoed from the forest. All eyes turned to see an old gorilla, using a stick for support, approaching Ikem with measured steps. The spear-wielding ape walked toward the elderly gorilla, whispering some words. The elder nodded and said nothing before scrutinizing Ikem, circling him.

Having seen enough, the gorilla spoke, "Who are you, boy?"

Ikem was taken aback by the gorilla's ability to initiate clear conversation on its own but quickly composed himself. He was about to proudly proclaim his lineage as the son of the Lord of Nature, Ikenga, but he remembered his father's journal and decided to chose a different path.

"I am the first son of Panacea," Ikem proclaimed with confidence, locking eyes with the elderly gorilla. Surprise flickered across the gorilla's face, and Ikem's words had a ripple effect on the surrounding primates. The once-quiet area buzzed with the chatter of primates talking and pointing at Ikem.

"Silence," the elderly gorilla commanded, striking his stick on the ground. A small wave spread out from the impact, surprising Brix, who felt the earth elements surrounding the gorilla.

The elder, surprised, exclaimed, "It's alive, how?" Ikem turned to him, curiously asking, "What do you know about this tree?"

The elder quickly regained composure, clearing his throat before gazing up at the tall tree. "This tree stands as a sign of your father's reign over primates and his claim over this territory. I remember how the tree sprang from the ground with your father and mother standing on top of it, proclaiming his rule over us after defeating me in a battle," the elder reminisced.

"It has been something of a symbol for us. We recently gained a certain level of mindfulness and understood a bit of the being your father was, the tree became a focal point for worship and a resting place for our departed, in hopes of getting closer to your father and mother, Panacea," the elder explained.

Chuckling, he added, "Hahaha, it's still something of a surprise to me that this tree is alive. I thought I understood your father, but it seems I'm still lacking," conveying a tone of self-mockery.

Ikem couldn't quite articulate the whirlwind of emotions surging through him. Although he had read about his father's conquest of the primates, the details had remained elusive. Now, hearing the elder's words filled him with excitement. However, his focus remained on the peculiarly sentient tree and its familiar energy, reminiscent of the tattoos and markings on his father's body.

"I don't think father knows about this tree; otherwise, he should have mentioned it in the book. I should keep an eye on this tree," Ikem pondered silently. He attempted to communicate with the tree, but it remained unresponsive, confirming that it had recently gained consciousness.

Shifting his attention back to the elder, Ikem inquired, "What is this fruity smell that I have been perceiving all this time?"

"Hahaha, follow me," the elder chuckled as he led Ikem further into the cave. Soon, they arrived at a small area covered with large plantain-like leaves. Pulling aside the leaves, Ikem was met with the sight of purple, fruity-smelling liquid. Eager for an explanation, Ikem asked, but the elder remained silent, summoning a small stone bowl.

Reaching out to scoop a bit of the purple liquid, the elder took a hearty sip before scooping once more and offering the bowl to Ikem. Hesitating briefly, Ikem closed his eyes and took a small sip, only to open his eyes wide and proceed to take big gulps.

"Wow!" Ikem exclaimed, pointing at the liquid. "What an amazing drink this is!" The elder chuckled again, pleased with Ikem's reaction. "That, my young friend, is the nectar from the various fruits you saw on the way here. Some of the fruits are magical and unique that only grow deep within our territory. The fragrance you noticed earlier is the natural aroma of these fruits after they have been preserved for a long time. The liquid is not only delicious but also known for its rejuvenating properties."

Ikem, still savoring the taste, couldn't help but express his gratitude. "Thank you for sharing this incredible discovery with me. I've never tasted anything like it."

Ikem Looked over to Brix and Aqua while offering them the bow " You guys have to try this" The two treant already curious went ahead and grabbed them selves a drink to which they gulped down while nodding at the after taste.