Chapter 61

Name:The Guardian gods Author:
Chapter 61

" Now gather in a circle" Ikem said as he let go of zephyr who joined his siblings to form a circle.

After they formed a circle, Ikem bent down and started writing a language he didn't understand around his kids. Each time he wrote something down he looked at the book in his hand to make sure he got it right, it took about a minute for him to finish writing down the word.

Blood red roots stretched out from behind Ikem as it morphed into a small red blade, which he handed over to his daughter Ripple as he gestured for her to cut open her palm, an expression of fear came over Ripple as she looked at her father with questioning eyes.

Ikem stretched out his hand to fumble her hair while speaking in a calming tone " There is no need to be afraid girl, daddy will never do anything to hurt you"

Terra, his favorite kid, calmly took the blade away from his sister and proceeded to close his hand around the blade, while pulling the blade as it cut his hands open and blood started dripping into the writing.

Handing the blade over to ember who with no hesitation cut open his palms as blood started flowing into the writing, zephyr the most excited for no reason quickly took the blade from ember while cutting open his palm, now all that remained was Ripple who after seeing her brothers also no longer hesitated as she cut open her palm.

Seeing that everything was ready, Ikem pulled out the glowing leaf in front of the book and dropped the leaf at the center of the circle, this time it was his turn to cut himself which he did as his green golden blood fell onto the leaf.

Almost like the leaf has been starving, it quickly absorbed Ikem's blood while at the same time changing as It turned to a branch as it dug into the ground with roots spreading out and sucking the blood falling from the kids.

The writing Ikem wrote down on the ground started glowing an eerie purple, staining the branch which was now growing bigger the more blood it sucked, the huge tree felt a similar aura from the purple light as it also started growing purple.

Back to the the four kids, after the cocoon covered them, their minds was brought to a forest and the center of the forest laid a giant similar to them, the only difference being the horns on the giant head but something they say made them know this was their grandfather, they saw a writing similar to the one's there father wrote on the chest of the huge being.

A huge voice sounded over the huge space bringing their attention back from the giant and listened to the voice "Inherit the essence of elemental fate, my descendants, for henceforth your beings shall be bound to the very elements you now bear. Choose successors wisely, for as each of you designates an heir, bear forth a fruit embodying the wisdom of your elemental journey, that they may inherit both your legacy and the elemental essence that courses through your veins."

After hearing the voice, four curses flew out from the giant before imprinting into four apelings, soon after they were thrown out from the forest. In reality Ikem watched as the cocoon surrounding the kids dispersed with a curse mark imprinted on their forehead which disappeared immediately after.

Zephyr, seeing his father spoke out excitedly " I think we have seen grandfather dad" Ripple spoke right after him also excited " He was huge dad, how come you are not that big" she asked out but Terra stroked her head to calm her down while regarding his father.

" We were brought into a weird space where something was said to us, do you know what that is about father?" Terra asked to which Ikem nodded but before elaborating he asked " How do you feel"

Hearing his question, there expression all changed as they thoroughly looked to themselves to see if there was anything different, it then came to their notice of the changes in the colour of their furs, Ember furs now looked a chase redder than it was before, Terra looked a lot like dusty yellow, Ripple furs looked a lot blue while Zephyr looked a lot like the colour change in Ikem but his was lot lighter green while his father was deep green.

That was the only changes as they felt like there were certain invisible things around them that has a lot of attraction to them, they tried to interact with the elements surrounding them, the element tried to be stubborn but for some reason they felt some small attraction to the apelings which shouldn't be there as there physique wasn't the type they like but for an inexplicable reason the attraction is there.

Clearing his throat, Ikem got back the attention of his kids who were amazed with the mana element around them, "For your situation, i have to inform you that you have been cursed"

Hearing the word "Cursed" the expression of the apelings changed, They don't know the meaning but they subconsciously feel like it is something bad with the way their father said it.

" No need to look so grim, not all curses is bad as in the case of guys, the curse gives you a better chance at succeeding than the other's, I won't go deep into it now as that will be taken in our next lesson of the energy and element you are now feeling clearly which is called "Mana"

" What i can tell you is that the curse has two stages which activates when the condition is right, there is the active curse state where other elements from now won't react well or get closer to you, then there is the state where the curses transfers to all your descendant who gets the elemental attribute you have now that means that some of your kids won't bear the curse only those with the same elements as you will bear it"T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)