Chapter 68

Name:The Guardian gods Author:
68 68

The shout grabbed everyone's attention, and they looked at their leader with concern. He focused on his back, where there was no sign of pain or blood. "What was that?" the leader asked, examining himself for injuries but finding none.

"Maybe it's just one of those annoying flies," he mumbled to himself as he rejoined his people. They collectively sighed with relief upon seeing that he was unharmed. However, as the leader followed behind the group, he suddenly noticed that his vision became blurry. Unbeknownst to him, his eyes turned dark red before returning to normal as he regained his sight. Shaking his head to dispel the slight dizziness, the leader absentmindedly continued following his group.

Meanwhile, deep beneath the surface of the vast ocean, in the mystical underwater kingdom ruled by Queen Flowua and King Tide, the disaster wreaking havoc on the surface world had an unexpected impact. The natural barrier of water shielded their realm from the destructive forces affecting other territories. Consequently, their kingdom not only remained unscathed but also experienced an unusual influx of resources.

News of the disaster's aftermath reached Queen Flowua through her aquatic messengers. She promptly convened a meeting with King Tide through a water mirror, a communication device constructed by their people. This meeting involved not only Tide and Flowua but also their council of advisors. The royal chamber, adorned with bioluminescent flora and populated by an array of aquatic creatures, buzzed with anticipation.

"Queen Flowua, King Tide," spoke an advisor murloc, a wise seahorse with iridescent scales. "The upheaval on the surface has presented us with an opportunity. The currents carry tales of metal and stone structures falling from the sky—unknown artifacts of great power."

King Tide, his regal presence evident in the ebb and flow of the ocean currents around him, nodded. "We must investigate. Send scouts to gather these artifacts and assess their potential. Our kingdoms can both benefit from this unforeseen boon."

Queen Flowua, her flowing mane of seaweed reflecting both wisdom and curiosity, added, "But let us not forget the delicate balance of our underwater ecosystem. We must ensure that the artifacts do not disrupt the harmony of our home."

Scouts and explorers, a diverse array of aquatic beings, were dispatched to the surface to investigate the fallen treasures. What they discovered surpassed their wildest imaginations. Enormous metal structures, some resembling fortresses, and others intricate devices lay scattered across the ocean floor. Among the debris, they found swords forged from metals not known to the underwater realm and seeds that glowed with otherworldly energy.

As the artifacts were brought before Queen Flowua and King Tide, the council reconvened to discuss the potential applications of these newfound treasures. The seeds, glowing with energy, were sealed in ice by both Tide and Flowua, unsure of what to expect and the dangers around them.

The mysterious weapons had strange, unknown drawings that shone when swung, exhibiting unparalleled strength and agility underwater. The council marveled at the prospect of enhancing the kingdom's power and defenses with these extraordinary weapons.

Once Eric finished drinking the blood, it seemed like clarity came back to him as he looked around confused " Huh, what was I doing here again" Saying that eric looked around confused before his attention was taken to the spear, this time he grabbed hold of the spear twirling it around like he was familiar with it before walking back from the crash site ready to attend his people and his new position. Eric may not have noticed his pupil is now blood red.

Down deep in the planet of Nana, where the space and realm of the underworld resides, Roth and Xerosis took a deep breath once the eyes of the whale disappeared.

Roth looked to his sister before asking " What was that?"

Xerosis looked at him and was about to respond sarcastically but remembered that her brother was just asking out of fear, she also wanted to ask at the same time but Roth beat her to it " I don't know" That was all she said as they both fell silent.

Soon their expression changed as they felt Large surplus of souls coming into their realm, Roth and Xerosis could only stand in silence as the incoming souls flew past them, they noticed the souls weren't only humans but also the souls of those coming from the lineage of gods like their mother.

This wasn't the first time they have seen the souls of the other race but the difference this time was the amount of souls flowing in at the same time. This went on for a while before the influx of souls stopped. Soon they noticed the subtle shaking of the realm showing that it was expanding and rowing in power from the souls that just came in but that didn't bring a smile to the faces of the twin demigods.

" Something is happening up there and it isn't good," Roth said as his sister nodded.

" Go check it out, let me handle the souls that just came in" Xerosis said as Roth nodded before closing his eyes to talk to the realm consciousness which agreed before opening up a portal to the surface world which Roth walked through.

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