Chapter 89

Name:The Guardian gods Author:
Chapter 89

With a final burst of golden light, the cocoon dispersed, releasing a cascade of glowing embers that rained down upon the mountain landscape. Each ember found a resting place, embedding itself into the soil, rocks, and air, becoming a part of the very essence of the land.

Ursula knew that her sons had found their final resting place, becoming one with the mountain and the sky and skies that raised them. The Harpies, witnessing this sacred ceremony, bowed their heads in solemn respect.

"May the Phoenix Embrace carry their spirits into eternity," Ursula whispered, her voice resonating with a mix of sorrow and gratitude. The golden phoenix, having fulfilled its duty, flew back to Ursula while dispersing into a burst of golden lights.

Looking around where the Ember of her son's body fell, Ursula thought to herself "This might be a bit selfish but as a mother, i want you all to be besides me as long as you can"

With that done Ursula made her way back into the palace which is her home, The harpies in the sky knew their queen needed a time alone so they all dispersed, with their wings beating in harmony.

A week passed before Ursula appeared in front of her people, now the council was called upon as their kingdom needs some tending to.

The council and elders all stood up as Ursula walked into the throne room, as soon as she sat down they all bowed before also sitting back down in their seats. "So how has things been for the past week i was mourning"

Iris one of the female elder spoke up, "Your highness, if i may"

Ursula looked at her and nodded prompting Iris to stand up from her seat "My team and i have made a small progress in understanding how the weapons from the sky works, It came to our notice that there may be a similarity to it with our third stage of power system"

"I don't know why, you keep bringing this nonsense up when the other council members already disagree with your disposal" Molte said from his seat as he knocked his cane down to the floor while looking displeased at Iris.

Ursula's meaning was thinking on Iris's words, "I can't really offer my people up for a research, the harm outweighs the benefit and it is not a good look if the people know their queen is offering them up to be used as research, but what if the benefit outweighs the loss. We could gain a much better insight on how our power system works and that in turn leads to more abled harpies strengthening us all as a whole"

"But from Molte and the other elders' look, they won't agree with Iris's proposal" Ursual thought to herself as put on a thinking face.

"Molte, why do you and the other council members disagree so heavily with Iris's proposal? I am sure you all could see the benefit in her request" Ursula asked as she looked at Molte and the other council members.

Molte shifted uncomfortably in his seat before responding, "Your Highness, it's not that we don't recognize the potential benefits. We are concerned about the well-being of our people. Sending them into such experiments, especially with unknown risks, raises ethical questions. We must prioritize the safety and comfortness of our people."

Another elder, Thalia, spoke up, "I understand the curiosity and the desire for progress, but we have to consider the consequences. What if something goes wrong during the research? We could end up harming our own citizens, and that is a risk we cannot take lightly."

Ursula nodded, absorbing their concerns. "I value the safety and happiness of our people as much as anyone. Iris, Molte, Thalia, let's find a compromise. Iris, can you assure us that the research will be conducted with the utmost care and precautions to minimize any potential risks?"

Iris nodded fervently, "Your Highness, I promise we will take every precaution necessary. We won't proceed if we aren't confident in the safety of our harpies. It's for the greater good of our kingdom, and I believe the potential benefits could be significant."

Molte leaned on his cane, contemplating the situation. "Your Highness, perhaps we could establish an independent oversight committee to monitor the research. This way, we ensure transparency and accountability. If the committee deems it too risky at any point, the research can be halted."

Ursula considered the suggestion. "That's a wise proposal, Molte. It maintains a balance between progress and caution. Iris, do you agree to have an oversight committee to supervise the research?"