CH 140

Name:The Hated Male Concubine Author:
“Very well. I’ll leave the rest to you, Empress.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Yihan slowly raised himself. He was a different man, a different emperor from his father, and Yihan was willing to go the right path for the only person he had ever found. Leaving the Empress Palace, Yihan left Hwawoon with the newly found vigilante.

That being said, Jaran decided not to tell anyone about her secret giggle at the sight of the emperor leaving the room with a determined look on his face.


“Don’t you think Songhyun is very cute?”

“Your Highness, how could you laugh? I was terribly horrified in case someone would tell His Majesty.”

“Haha. His Majesty won’t blame Songhyun too much even if someone tells him about her.”

Still unable to wipe the smile off her face, Biyoung soothed Myeongju. She recalled how Songhyun grunted about the Emperor, “How could His Majesty bring Yeonbin to such a state when he knows well that Yeonbin is weak?” and she felt like she would still laugh even in her sleep. Sometimes Biyoung wished that Songhyun would stay the way she was now for a very long time, like an immature little sister. She would feel so sad when Songhyun acted like a grown-up someday.

In the meantime, Myeongju came with a fan and began to fan Biyoung, who was overheated from walking outside.

“By the way, Yeonbin won’t be able to sleep with the Emperor for the time being, so you should display your sincerity by sending some snacks to Jungcheon Hall when the sun goes down.” 

“It sounds like you’re telling me to do something while Yeonbin is sick.”

“… Your Highness. It’s been a long time since the last time His Majesty looked for you. How could you be so relaxed?”

Biyoung showed no reaction despite listening to Myeongju’s nervousness. She savored the aroma of the tea that one of the courtiers had left behind and then spoke up.

“There’s no reason to fight over love here, so why can’t I relax?”

“But Your Highness, you shouldn’t forget that you are a concubine. Wouldn’t it be safer for you to give birth to a descendant sooner rather than later?”

“… Even the Empress hasn’t yet given birth. This is not something I need to rush into.”

Biyoung’s gaze turned cold for a moment, but Myeongju, who unfortunately hadn’t gotten a good look at her face, continued unfazed.

“That’s why you need to get pregnant sooner. Your Highness, the Imperial Palace is a scary and cold place. Right now, the Empress is treating you well, but you never know what will happen in the future.”

“… I got you, so stop it.”

“If the Empress later changes her mind and tries to push you away, who will be there to protect you? If you give birth to the first prince, the Empress will not be able to look down on you—”

“Oho! How dare you use your mouth to speak blasphemy!” 

Biyoung, who couldn’t listen to Myeongju any longer, set down the teacup she was holding roughly and raised her voice. The tea spilled over and soaked the table, but Biyoung was not bothered and turned her head to look at Myeongju with cold eyes. Myeongju then sensed the tension and hurriedly knelt down in front of Biyoung. Biyoung said in a cold voice.

“Who are you to speak ill of Her Majesty? Why would the Empress send me away without any reason if I served her with courtesy and respect?”

“Your Highness, I was out of line with my speech…!”

“Even if I were to never get pregnant and never receive a single glance from the Emperor, the only person in this palace who would stand up for me and protect me is Her Majesty the Empress. So don’t you ever utter that crap again.”

“Yes, Your Highness. I will make sure to keep that in mind.”

Looking down at Myeongju, who was prostrating, Biyoung let out a low sigh, then said in a weak voice, “Get up.” With a much calmer gaze, Biyoung looked at Myeongju and said.

“I know your concern for me. But the Empress isn’t like that, so don’t you fret yourself.”

“Yes, Your Highness. I was thoughtless…”

“… Go and prepare me new tea.”

“Yes. I will prepare it right away.”

Watching Myeongju leave with her teacup, Biyoung sighed once more.

Strictly speaking, Myeongju wasn’t wrong. In the short term, the status of a concubine was determined by the emperor’s love, but in the long term, it was naturally more influenced by the presence of a child. Especially for a family in such an ambiguous position like Biyoung’s, a family that could be attacked from above and below, so it was wise to have a prince as soon as possible to solidify their position.

But Biyoung still remembered that day. The day she entered the palace and met the Empress for the first time.

Biyoung totally understood her parents’ intentions in making her a concubine. She also accepted to become a concubine to repay her parents’ favor. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t scared to enter the palace. In the palanquin, Biyoung recounted over and over again the stories of the many concubines who had disappeared into the bloody history. I shouldn’t look like a pushover. I shouldn’t stand out too much until I reach a stable position. Trust no one, but always be vigilant and suspicious of those around me to protect myself and my household from the veiled enmities of the empress and the other concubines. With that resolve instilled in her, Biyoung walked into the palace, shaking.

But on the first day, on their first meeting. Let’s not be the typical empress and concubine, where you and I are at odds, harassing each other and disrupting the empire. Let us not be such miserable women, for the sake of the Emperor, for the sake of the Imperial family and nation, and for the sake of ourselves. Let’s be the kind of people who care about each other and help each other, regardless of the emperor’s love.

Can you help me to make such an internal court?

From that day to this, the Empress had been unwavering in her words and had not drawn Biyoung into any intrigue. The Empress had become her salvation. No one except Biyoung would have known.

It was then that the young Biyoung decided to bend over willingly under the shadow of the Empress, who would eventually grow into a giant tree. With the benevolent Emperor and the dauntless Empress by her side, Biyoung had nothing to fear.


“Gre-greetings, Your Majesty.”

Ahjin greeted the Emperor with a horrified look as if she saw a ghost. Seeing the strange face of the person who usually welcomed the emperor with open arms when he walked by, Yihan was taken aback and replied in an awkward voice, “Get up.” Yihan asked as Ahjin stood up with a nervous look on her face.

“Is Yeonbin inside?”

“Yes… Yes, Your Majesty. He’s inside. But… But, His Highness is…”


“Your Majesty, I mean, my master is…”

Ahjin’s strange demeanor didn’t stop there; she seemed to be afraid of the emperor. Ever since the emperor and Yeonbin had gotten along, Ahjin had never been afraid of Yihan. Yihan frowned slightly, unable to figure out why she was acting so suspiciously today, and Eunuch Oh, who was half a step behind him, spoke up.

“How dare you hesitate like that in front of the Emperor!”

And suddenly, Ahjin was kneeling in front of the emperor. Before the bewildered Yihan could ask anything, Ahjin had already prostrated and said,

“Your Majesty, the doctor said that His Highness had to recuperate for the time being. Therefore… Please punish me for blocking your path!”

“I can’t understand what you are trying to… Aha…!”

Yihan also knew that Yeonbin had collapsed due to lack of health. Moreover, he rushed to the Empress Palace and heard the report from the doctor directly when he heard that Yeonbin had collapsed. Thus, Yihan couldn’t understand the reason Ahjin was acting like that and replied, but then he understood her meaning and shut his mouth. His face heated up in no time. The Emperor spoke up, a look of disbelief on his face.

“What do you think of me…!”

“… Pardon?”

“Why would I come here to spend the night with a sick person?”

This time, Ahjin looked up without realizing it. Eunuch Oh had to fight hard not to let out a sigh, and Ahjin, finally realizing what was going on, hurriedly put her hands and head on the floor.

“Your-Your Majesty! I-I am guilty of death!”