Chapter 5: Chapter: Childhood (4)

Name:The Heaven-Slaying Sword Author:
༺ First Chapter – Childhood (4) ༻

“I’ll help.”

Ma Il-seok declared upon returning to the straw-thatched house.

Mok Seon-oh blinked in disbelief as he stared at him, unable to understand what prompted this change of heart when he had previously stated that he did not want to help.

His thoughts continued for a moment. In the end, he simply smiled.

“Thank you.”

After all, what could be more important than his brother, who had experienced a change of heart and made an effort to come all this way?

* * *

At last, the three of them were gathered in one place.

Mok Riwon, with Mok Seon-oh’s smiling face and Ma Il-seok’s brooding expression before him, blinked and gazed at the two.

“Starting today, this Beggar King will assist in your training.”

Although it was more of a declaration than a discussion, Mok Riwon greeted the statement with a beaming smile.


Ma Il-seok’s body twitched. He had tried to maintain a serious demeanor, but the boy’s enthusiastic happiness in response suddenly made him feel awkward.

However, the discomfort passed quickly.

Ma Il-seok’s expression hardened again as he continued.

“Exactly, that’s why there are many unusual aspects to your nature.”

“Unusual aspects?”

“Are you aware of the star you were born under, boy?”

Mok Riwon nodded his head.

“The Heaven-Slaying Star!”

“Then, do you also know why it is referred to as the Star of Slaughter?”

Mok Riwon, about to respond, suddenly froze and closed his mouth.

‘Now that he mentions it...’

He was not very familiar with this concept.

The reason being that even Mok Seon-oh, who had introduced him to the notion of the Heaven-Slaying Star, had only made vague remarks like, ‘Those born under this star are fated to commit atrocities.’

In the ensuing silence, Ma Il-seok sighed and muttered under his breath.

“I knew it...”

Ma Il-seok gave him a look of discontent.

Mok Seon-oh, clearing his throat awkwardly, responded full of excuses.

“I intended to tell him when he was older.”

“Of course you would have, Brother.”


Ma Il-seok then returned his attention back to the boy, continuing in a stern voice.

“Listen carefully.”


“The Heaven-Slaying Star is called the Star of Slaughter for this sole reason.”


Ma Il-seok took a step forward.

Mok Riwon gulped while looking up at him.

That piercing gaze held a bone-chilling sharpness.

The overwhelming pressure exuding from him was unlike anything Mok Riwon had ever experienced in his life.

“It’s because those born under the Heaven-Slaying Star possess a certain mania.”

As he spoke, Ma Il-seok drew a dagger from his robe and placed its blade on his palm.

“A mania?”


Mok Riwon, unsure of what was to come, had a foreboding sensation that it would not be pleasant, and found his fears confirmed.

With a deep, intense gaze, Ma Il-seok met the boy’s eyes.

Then, ran the dagger across his hand.


“Specifically, an exhilaration at the sight of blood.”

The world began to dye red.

In that instant, he felt it–


–A heavy, pulsating heartbeat. A rising heat coursing throughout his body. An exhilarating sensation, unlike anything he had experienced before.

* * *

Mok Riwon awoke to a night sky illuminated by the shining full moon.

Staring blankly at the ceiling of his room, the events that transpired before he lost consciousness came rushing back.


It was the memory of that scene.

The moment when a crimson liquid engulfed his world in red, his heart pounded violently as he was consumed by an abnormal thirst.

The heroes he knew were those who helped others, not preyed upon them.

Mok Seon-oh went on.

“Then, what if someone who possesses evil qi uses his power to help others?”

Mok Riwon shuddered at the thought.

With a slightly mischievous smile, Mok Seon-oh continued.

“Would you consider that individual a hero? Or, despite their good deeds, would you deny them because of their evil origins and label them a demon?”

Mok Riwon’s lips quivered slightly as his gaze unexpectedly met Mok Seon-oh’s.



“A sword lacks judgment. It cannot discern friend from foe, nor tell apart good from evil. A sword only has the will of its wielder.”

Mok Seon-oh’s hand brushed Mok Riwon’s cheek, wiping away his tears.

“What does it matter if a sword appears slightly tainted or unsightly in form? If the hand that wields it knows of chivalry and righteousness, is that not enough? Then, would that sword not be considered a hero’s sword?”

Mok Riwon simply listened to the words being spoken, gazing deeply into his master’s eyes. His pupils were the only dark part amidst an otherwise entirely white appearance.

Darkness was often likened to evil.

It was a fact Mok Riwon was well aware of.

Yet, even so, he knew the difference between darkness and evil.

Because the darkness in those eyes was not evil, but rather, a reflection of the countless shining stars twinkling brilliantly in the night sky.

“Regardless of the vile mania that lies within you, if you suppress those dark impulses and channel that killing intent for righteousness, does that not make you good?”

Mok Seon-oh continued without pause.

“There was someone called the Demonic Hero.”

“Demonic Hero...?”

“Yes, Demonic Hero. It is the name of a man who, despite possessing malevolent demonic arts, uses his power to punish evildoers. His story is detailed in a book titled ‘Tales of the Martial Heroes’, which you can find in any bookstore in the city.”

Curiousity sparkled in Mok Riwon’s eyes.

Mok Seon-oh smiled awkwardly and added.

“Nothing is preventing you from following the same path as that man.”

A fabricated tale in truth.

The so-called Demonic Hero never existed, and the ‘Tales of the Martial Heroes’ he mentioned was nothing more than a trivial book written for amusement.

No, it was even denounced for seemingly glorifying a demonic practitioner.

Yet Mok Seon-oh cared not.

‘Even so, what of it?’

Could even worthless fiction not become a source of hope to one as desperate as this child?

“Won, you are a kind child who can even channel the killing intent within you towards the right cause, are you not?”

Mok Seon-oh awaited Mok Riwon’s reply upon finishing.

Mok Riwon gazed at Mok Seon-oh, his fingertips trembling slightly.

He looked at the stars reflected in his eyes, at the stars that illuminated the night sky, and the white moon that enveloped them.

The scene was painfully beautiful.

Mok Riwon watched silently for a long time before slowly nodding his head.


“Indeed, you are a kind-hearted and righteous child. You can certainly become a hero.”

Mok Seon-oh’s laughter tickled Mok Riwon’s ear.

In that moment, he realized.

‘My heart...’

It was no longer racing wildly.

“Ask my beggar friend to fetch you a copy of ‘Tales of the Martial Heroes.’ I think the story of the Demonic Hero will resonate with you as well.”

You as well.

Hearing those words, Mok Riwon asked.

“Do you like the Demonic Hero too, Master?”

Mok Riwon knew nothing of this supposed Demonic Hero, nor the fictional ‘Tales of the Martial Heroes, or the martial world itself.

Therefore, only one thing mattered to him.

Could this old man, who was both his master and father, truly love him, a being belonging to evil?

Could a hero born of evil, truly walk the path of righteousness?

Mok Seon-oh blinked at the sight of Mok Riwon’s tense figure, then suddenly burst into laughter and replied.

“Well, of course, he too is a hero. What is there not to like?”

The child’s world was small.

It was just a straw-thatched house in a mountain valley and the nearby stream.

Thus, the old man’s simple words filled him with overwhelming joy, ecstatic that he had been acknowledged by his father, the center of his tiny universe.

That night, the child had a clear dream for the first time.

To walk in the footsteps of this man called the Demonic Hero, a man he had never heard of before.

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