Chapter 46: Chapter: Dragon Phoenix Tournament (19)

Name:The Heaven-Slaying Sword Author:
The scent of blood thickened, the pounding of his heart grew louder, and the pressure that once weighed down heavily on his body was now transforming into a pleasant delight.

Despite having only peeled away the first layer, the sensations were already this thrilling.

Mok Riwon felt his heartbeat accelerate with the rising ecstasy.

Just one more layer.

Just a little further.

A craving rose within him, whispering to him to indulge in this intoxicating sensation.

He bit down on his lip until it bled.

...Pull yourself together.

It’s not a cocoon to be shed off on a path of carnage.

It’s just a skin temporarily cast off to determine superiority.

What he desired from this match was to prove his own righteousness.

To declare that the sword exists for chivalry, not for tyranny.

For that purpose...

I must become the trial itself.

Mok Riwon couldn’t allow himself to recklessly swing his sword with killing intent in the arena.

Sword Dragon...

I’ll apologize later.

After all, it was he who had pushed him to this point, seeking to draw out his killing intent.

Mok Riwon fixed his gaze on Namgung Jincheon.

This time, he didn’t swing his sword indifferently.

Annoyingly enough, Namgung Jincheon became increasingly cautious as he perceived the change.

I don’t have much time.

The longer he dwelled in this state, the more devastating the aftereffects.

This sensation would extend and continue to torment him, therefore he had to end this match quickly.

“If you won’t come to me, I will go to you.”

With those words, Mok Riwon stepped forward.


Their swords collided.

* * *

The transformation made no sense; it wasn’t a physical change, but rather a shift on an intuitive level.

Therefore, it was extremely troublesome for Namgung Jincheon.

The path of his sword has altered.

It had become sharper, more intricate–no, more ruthless.

Mok Riwon’s were a blur; his sword lashed out and withdrew in the blink of an eye.

Similar to his previous match with Hyungong, he cornered his opponent with the strong sword, suddenly switched to the swift sword, and then confused the enemy’s judgment with the phantom sword.

The aggression was relentless.

But that wasn’t the real issue.

Something else held Namgung Jincheon back from attacking.

His strength is draining.

Mok Riwon’s onslaught was seemingly meant to unsettle him, as if he was aiming for something.

Even amid the flurry of attacks, he left subtle openings that could be exploited.

He needed to be careful.

However, Namgung Jincheon couldn’t do that.


Because his pride told him otherwise.

His star, which had always reigned supreme, was rejecting the very act of being intimidated by the opponent’s bait.

Instinct was telling him.

Strike through that opening and vanquish your foe decisively.

Show the overwhelming difference that lies between you.

Namgung Jincheon did not resist.

Whatever he attempts, I’ll crush it.

With that conviction, he swung his sword.

...That was a mistake.

* * *

In the spectator seats, Tang Hwa-seo was gazing vacantly into the arena.

She wasn’t alone in this.

The entire venue, previously alive with cheers, abruptly fell silent.

Like the natural reaction of a human when they encounter something they could not comprehend, they froze in shock.

“What in the world is that...?”

Hyeun those words muttered beside Tang Hwa-seo.

Yet, there came no reply.

No one present could grasp the move unfolding before them.


It plunged him into an unprecedented sense of despair and emptiness.

His past actions of wandering in search of stimulation now seemed utterly absurd.

His boredom was the curse of his excessive blessing.

For the first time, Namgung Jincheon faced his deep-seated dread of defeat and failure.


Yet, even amidst this revelation, his arm moved.

It was desperation.

A desperate struggle to not be defeated.

However, ultimately, it was a futile endeavor.


Because Mok Riwon’s sword was forged at the end of an ascetic practice that Namgung Jincheon couldn’t even imagine.

Mok Riwon had learned nothing.

It was just an infinite continuation and exploration of the fundaments, fundaments, and more fundaments.

That was why Mok Riwon was thirsty for application.

This sword was something that emerged only at the end of that long thirst.

Mok Riwon analyzed the only sword dance he knew, not separating form from the basics, nor movements within the basics, but breaking down the movements themselves into pieces and splitting them into tens of thousands of branches.

Reassembling those scattered pieces into infinite forms, he continued that ascetic practice endlessly for more than a decade after learning the sword, to form this blade.


The result was terrifying.

Mok Riwon’s sword posed a question within its fleeting moment of descent, containing tens of thousands of possibilities.

It made the opponent constantly second guess where this sword was headed next, driving them into despair.

His sword endlessly forced a choice that must never be wrong even once.


Namgung Jincheon looked into his eyes, then his sword.

His thoughts were already concentrated to the point he couldn’t focus any further.

The momentary instant was already stretching close to infinity.

It was a level of concentration where Mok Riwon’s sword had almost seemed to come to a standstill.

However, even so, Namgung Jincheon couldn’t find the answer.

The phantom sword? Strong sword? Or will it remain the swift sword?

The myriad possibilities froze him in a moment outside time.

If he slashed upwards like this, that sword would curve and pierce his waist.

If he tried to block by bringing his sword near his body, that sword would aim below.

If he unleashed his qi to take the initiative, that sword would be shot out faster by redirecting that power.

As the possibilities swirled, Namgung Jincheon continued to ponder the neverending uncertainties.

He gradually lost his footing amidst the endless doubts.

The more he did, the more his final conclusion solidified into one.


Mok Riwon’s sword transcended the realm of understanding.

Namgung Jincheon’s eyes rolled over and looked at his.

For a moment, Mok Riwon’s eyes seemed to be blood-red.


Namgung Jincheon felt a chill running through his entire body.


Unknowingly, he lost the strength in his hands.

Even so, the sword flew out again, demanding an answer.

And this time, Namgung Jincheon chose wrong.


His sword split in two, the broken pieces soaring skyward as sounds dimmed and his vision tunneled.

...I lost.

The harsh reality dawned.

Here was a frog.

A frog that confined itself in a well, thinking it was the whole world.

The frog named Namgung Jincheon one day looked at the shadow cast over the well.

Not knowing what it was, he approached the shadow, just assuming it was of the well where he reigned supreme.

And this was his awakening.

Thus, in his hubris, he finally realized.

Beyond the well, which he thought was the whole world, a viciously cruel snake was lurking in wait.


Mok Riwon brought his sword before Namgung Jincheon’s throat.


Mok Riwon smiled.

“I won.”

On a certain day, at the late age of twenty-two, Namgung Jincheon learned /genesisforsaken