Chapter 68: Chapter: Friendly Competition (3)

Name:The Heaven-Slaying Sword Author:
The day of the competition dawned.

Mok Riwon prepared to step onto the sparring ground with his sword at his side.

There was a specific reason why he was going first.

“Thank you for listening to my stubbornness.”

It was because he had asked to completely overturn their plans the day before.

The other members smiled, recalling yesterday’s events.

—I wish to spar with Great Expert Golden Sword. I want to draw him out onto the training ground and share with him the thrill of exchanging swords.

All the members here knew.

Whenever the usually childlike Mok Riwon spoke with a serious face, something mysterious was bound to happen.

“Do your best.”

As Tang Hwa-seo said that with a smile, Mok Riwon responded with a bright grin.

“I’ll bring back results worthy of my stubbornness.”

He stepped onto the sparring ground.

* * *

Gwon Pyowol wore a troubled expression as he watched Mok Riwon climb onto the sparring ground.

The conversation from that night flashed through his mind.

—I heard your story. I didn’t know you had a personnel evaluation coming up soon. I’m sorry.

—Ah, no. I should be the one apologizing. For disappointing your expectations.

—Then, may I make one more unreasonable request?

—...What is it?

—Please step onto the sparring ground.

—Haha, I’m afraid that...

—It’s just a sparring match, isn’t it?

Gwon Pyowol couldn’t forget the smile Mok Riwon had shown at that moment, in the middle of the dimly moonlit corridor.

—Upholding chivalry with our swords is of utmost importance, but isn’t it odd to say that we should save our swords for the sake of wielding chivalry?

It was like a child being stubborn, but there was a strange magic to his words.

Gwon Pyowol couldn’t find the right thing to say to refute him right there.

So he could only ruminate what Mok Riwon had said as he left.

—I’m not forcing you. I understand your position. I too know that there are things one must give up for the greater good. So I just came to tell you this.

—...Tell me what?

—I will go first in the competition and not lose even once. If I achieve a perfect victory, it will probably negatively affect the White Sword Unit’s personnel evaluation. So...

The playful smile Mok Riwon had shown at that moment.

—Then you’ll have no choice but to come up and make an example of me, right? You’ll have no choice.


Gwon Pyowol’s hands balled into a fist.

Nonetheless, a strange flicker began to appear in his eyes, and a smile unknowingly formed on his lips.

No choice... is it?

No choice but to step onto the sparring ground, no choice but to spar. It was a clever play on words of not forcing him, and Gwon Pyowol couldn’t deny its effectiveness.

If, just if, such a thing were to happen, I might put aside all other thoughts and step onto the sparring ground.

And I might just enjoy crossing swords.

Why was this newfound desire arising now, of all times?

Gwon Pyowol thought that if there was a reason, it must be that man’s eyes.

They’re clear.

Mok Riwon’s eyes were clear. As clear as a transparent lake.

* * *

Boom! Boom!

The drums sounded.

Simultaneously, a martial artist from the Azure Dragon Unit who was acting as referee shouted.

[Both sides to your positions!]

At those words, Mok Riwon stood in the center of the sparring ground.

The man coming up from the opposite side was a martial artist famous for his swift sword in the White Sword Unit.

“It’s an honor to cross swords with the Ink Dragon. I am Wang Il.”

As the swift swordsman Wang Il made a fist-palm salute, Mok Riwon returned the gesture.

“I hope we have a good match.”

Though he said this, Mok Riwon’s attention was far away.

Golden Sword Gwon Pyowol. Seeing him watching strengthened his resolve.

Mok Riwon knew that he was being unreasonable.

But he decided not to care about it anymore.

This is the martial world.

A world of martial artists who uphold chivalry with their swords, a merciless world where the strong dictate what is right or wrong.

What does it matter if it’s the tantrum of a child? What does it matter if it’s a romance ignorant of reality?

He just had to be strong. Mok Riwon decided not to hesitate anymore in proving himself with his sword.


The sword was drawn.

Only then did Wang Il’s stance enter his eyes.

A stance holding the sword with both hands, preparing for an upward slash.

He had a big smile on his face.


Suddenly, someone called him.

It was Sa Kyungwoon, the vice-commander of the White Sword Unit and his longest-serving comrade.

“Is it your turn?”

“What are you talking about? If I go up there, I’ll just lose. I’m the vice-commander, I don’t want to be embarrassed by fighting such a monster.”

Sa Kyungwoon laughed heartily.

Then, stopping his laughter, he smiled gently and said to Gwon Pyowol.

“You know what? Ink Dragon came to see me yesterday.”

“...Ink Dragon did?”

“He talked about a situation where one has no choice.”

His eyes shifted to Mok Riwon.

At the boyish enthusiasm looking back at him on display, Gwon Pyowol felt his body stir.

“Commander, at this rate, we might not be able to hold our heads up high in the Martial Alliance. Why don’t you go and show them a thing or two?”

At Sa Kyung-woon’s words, Gwon Pyowol bit his lip.

“...You know.”

This spar didn’t make sense. If he were to lose in this sparring, it would be an even greater loss than if the White Sword Unit suffered a complete defeat.

It would be far better to suffer a complete defeat in a friendly competition where the commander didn’t participate.

The harshness of reality was too high to simply enjoy...


That wasn’t it. Gwon Pyowol lowered his head to look at the sword at his waist.

The golden scabbard was a resolve he had added to never forget the weight of the sword, one that was clouding his vision.

That’s not it. Perhaps...

Gwon Pyowol suddenly had such a thought.

I might have become afraid.

I might have been enchanted by this brilliant radiance itself and at some point started chasing after position rather than martial arts.

Gwon Pyowol’s brow furrowed.

To take the safe path in front of Mok Riwon, who was his junior, was not befitting of a martial artist.

I didn’t take up the sword for the sake of status.

What he desired had never changed.

For a long time, the dream that had led him here from being just an instructor at a small town martial arts school and what he had wanted to become, was not his current self.

Sword Star.

It was to be like him. A serious martial artist who could imbue even a single stroke of his sword with righteousness.

Not someone like this who was afraid to even draw his sword, burdened by the weight of it.

Only then did Gwon Pyowol laugh helplessly.

He had concluded after much contemplation.

Just what am I doing?

Why is a martial artist hesitating to draw his sword?

Why am I fearing an evaluation more than the sword?

Gwon Pyowol cursed himself.

And when he raised his head, he saw something.

His unit members were there.

Most of them could have taken better positions elsewhere, but they were grateful comrades who had followed him.

They were people who followed him simply out of admiration for the righteousness he held.

Gwon Pyowol couldn’t help but smile at the expectation in their eyes.

“...You really know how to embarrass me.”

As Vice-Commander Sa Kyung-woon stepped aside, the other members also moved back.

A path to the sparring ground opened up before Gwon Pyowol.

And he looked at it.

It’s a path I should have taken long ago.

Gwon Pyowol’s feet left the ground as he headed towards the sparring ground.

As he walked, his sword was drawn and the golden scabbard was thrown to the ground.

...Only now do I walk this road, freed from the illusion of pretense.

Standing out in the sparring ground, Mok Riwon smiled brightly and said.

“I look forward to our match.”

Gwon Pyowol had to admit it.

He was stubborn and persistent. In the end, he had managed to draw him to this place, so it could be said that this was already his victory.

And yet, he remained pure and sincere.

He was the very model of what a martial artist should be.

So Gwon Pyowol decided to forget.

“Five of my members have been defeated by you.”

The complicated personnel evaluation, the dignity he should maintain as a commander, and the hollow title of Golden Sword.

Forgetting everything and becoming simply the swordsman Gwon Pyowol, he said,

“I’ll give you a five-move handicap.”

It had been a long time coming. For the first time in years, he smiled like a carefree /genesisforsaken