[part 2]

Following the direction of their gaze, I also saw—Standing outside the window, ‘something’ is staring at us.

It has hands and feet and muscular body like a human. However, from the neck upwards—it has a head of a bull.

“Mi-Minotaur……?” I mumbled unconsciously.

That’s right. Outside the dining hall’s window, there was a therianthropic beast that was mentioned in the legend!

A Minotaur is a famous legendary beast. A queen of a large island in the south gave birth to a beast which was fathered by a demon; a Minotaur that has a head of a bull and a human body with the appearance of a cow. The king feared its power so he made a huge labyrinth and confined the beast there. And every year, seven boys and girls were sacrificed and sent to the labyrinth.

However in one group of sacrifice, a valiant young man called Theseus, who later on became a hero, defeated the Minotaur and escaped from the labyrinth by following the ball of thread that he had prepared in advance. That was the story.

Still, it is just a legend.

There is no former hero who was called Theseus, and in the first place, children cannot be born between a demon and a human being. It’s because a demon is a vessel with a magical core, and their method of reproduction is different from humans. I wonder if such a legend was born in order to give an explanation to its appearance, but nothing is born between a human and a demon because the races are different.

Perhaps the people of olden times did not know that fact and made a story when they saw the therianthropic beast. In fact, the half-human is just a beast’s appearance. Most of the time, humanoid demons have higher intelligence and magical power than beasts. But……

“It definitely has a human form, but……”

What’s with this feeling of disappointment? Here I was, thinking of a demon who clearly looked like a human being because it is a humanoid type. It is a therianthropic beast, but unfortunately—no, fortunately, I encountered this type of beast.

There are a lots of knights and magicians in this castle, so if it is only this one, we do not have to borrow the power of Greed-sama and the others.

Looking at the beast in front of me, I let out a sigh of relief.

……However being incautious, I was forgot the most important thing.

With the capability of the beast, it should not have been able to pierce the barrier and penetrate this castle—

The Minotaur that is out of the window (I will say so for convenience) looked towards the dining room through the glass in a lazy attitude.

Because most of the people have escaped from the dining room, there are not many people left inside. I caught it looking at me, who was peeking inside through the door.

Ugh. I gasped and ducked my head, but its gaze quickly ignored me.

Because my face is ordinary and can be seen anywhere, it probably did not care. Hurray for my mob face!

But when I thought of that, the magicians screamed, “Ahh!”

“! [Concealment]?!”

“No, perhaps [Teleportation] was used!”


Carefully looking at the Minotaur, how did it gradually fade?! The figure of the Minotaur is on the verge of becoming unclear.

The wizards started chanting something, but before it was over, the figure of the Minotaur became completely transparent and then disappeared, and when they noticed it, there was nothing outside the window.

“It’s no use. I cannot detect its presence.”

“Damn it!”

While the magicians were unanimously expressing their frustration, one of the knights rushed to the window, opened it, and looked down and looked around. Yes, the dining hall is not on the ground floor but on the second floor. In other words, the Minotaur was floating in the air.

“Not good. I can’t see it anywhere!”

“What happened? Did it go away?”

One of the knights asked the magicians while sheathing his sword. One of them answered, frowning.

“It used concealment magic as well as teleportation magic. In other words, it used a technique to disappear by making itself invisible, then went somewhere.”

“Where to?”

“That…… Because we failed to trace its presence, we don’t know……”

“Good gracious……”

Color drained from the face of the knight, and I can see that despite his sun-burnt skin. Even I myself paled.

The magicians were unable to keep up with the series of actions of the Minotaur. It was too quick, so they could not trace its presence when it disappeared. Therefore, it is completely unknown where the Minotaur went to.

I don’t even know whether it went outside the castle or somewhere within the castle. But I do not think it concealled itself and went out of the castle. I think that the beast hid its presence and is still somewhere inside the castle.

Ah! I’m so stupid! Why did I not immediately think of the princess!? [T/N: How to lure the Hero: Princess Louise <— Aria <— Greed]

Wasn’t the Princess kidnapped by the Demon King just recently? No wonder the demons attacked again, aiming for the Princess!

……Of course, I have not forgotten that there was the possibility that I could be targeted due to my association with the Hero. But the Minotaur did not react at all when it saw me. Maybe, it wasn’t aware that I am [The Fiancee of the Hero], but still if it wanted to target me, I think it should have somehow reacted when it saw the maid’s uniform!

However, since it did not react, it means that it’s aim was not “The Princess’s maid, [The Fiancee of the Hero]. I can’t sense what it was looking for and its intent remains unknown, but still it does not necessarily mean that the Princess is not targeted. After all, invading the castle of a small kingdom, there is only a small possibility on who the demons are targeting.

—The Princess, the Hero and me. These are the only possibilities.

Now that the possibility that the target is me was eliminated, the considerations are—Ah, why did I leave the Palace?! I wish I could rush to the Princess as soon as possible!

Anyway, I should confirm the safety of the Princess as soon as possible, then inform the Hero and the others, and have them protect the Princess! [T/N: Hmm, doesn’t the Princess have a prince already? And a magician to boot.]

I ran earnestly through the hallway. However, at the hallway leading to the Palace, I stopped advancing further. The door in the hallway where I entered a while ago was tightly shut.

The Palace is an important place where the royalty and state guests are staying. Therefore, if something happens, the door of the hallway that is connected to another building is closed to prevent the intruders from entering. A beast appeared in the dining hall, so the door was closed.

That door can only be opened from the Palace, so I can’t do anything about it. No matter how much I pound it, it was futile.


Without realizing it, I kept on pounding the door in anger…… I only hurt my leg.

“What should I do……?”

Trapped here, I cannot confirm my master’s safety and I cannot report the Minotaur to Greed-sama. Is there any way to enter the Palace……?

I thought while biting my nails out of irritation.

And the idea which suddenly came to mind was the entrance from the servants’ quarters that I use every morning.

It should have been treated as a backdoor. Perhaps it wasn’t closed……?

Unfortunately, there is no direct way to go to the servants’ quarters from here, but I have no choice but to go outside and go around towards the Palace. I have no idea when that Minotaur will reappear, and I’m honestly frightened . . . to go outside of the building.

But if I am stuck here, what if something happens to the Princess……?

When the macho Demon King abducted the Princess, I couldn’t do anything out of fear and I only stood there and watched it happen.

After that, didn’t I cry wretchedly in regret?

So if anything happens to the Princess besides that—

Tightly pursing my lips, I returned to the hallway, ran down the stairs and rushed outside.

Whatever, a woman should have guts! Am I still a first lady-in-waiting if I am afraid of one or two beasts?!

—The true scariest thing is losing your mistress. And regret that you could not do anything. I had enough of those days not doing anything, but only cry and pray for her safety!

I took a roundabout path towards the Palace, and headed for the servants’ quarters. Fortunately, I was not alone, because it seems that some people who fled from the cafeteria also went outside. Also, the knights, the soldiers and the magicians who heard the commotion went to the eastern building to look for the beast that disappeared. I felt afraid, but I saw that I was not the only one outside the building. Feeling relieved, I hurried to the servants’ quarters while I passed the knights and the magicians.

The servants’ quarters is across the Palace, situated opposite the Eastern building where the dining hall was located. Although the size of the castle is small because it is a small kingdom, the distance from the servants’ quarters to the Palace is still considerably far. As I ran around, I was struggling for breath. I braced my hands on the wall of the main residence for a while, catching my breath. When I could easily breath somewhat, I lifted my head and dashed.

It was during that time when I noticed that person.

It is a courtyard that is sandwiched between the servants’ quarters, the Northern building and the Palace. I found a small figure in the middle of the courtyard.

For a moment, I thought it was Greed-sama. That was the very place where Greed-sama stood this morning.

But it wasn’t Greed-sama. It was a boy with gray hair instead of light blond hair and has a much smaller silhouette than Greed-sama.

I think he is around ten to twelve years old. He wore a brown vest that most children in town wore, and navy blue pants. The boy was quietly gazing towards the Palace from among the low plants of the courtyard.

Why is this child inside the castle…… I wondered, but some noblemen’s younger siblings would enter the castle to become an apprentice valet or lady-in-waiting. And if ever they got lost inside the wide castle, they check the position they are currently in by looking up at the main tower and the main residence.

……Well, that was based my own experience, though. That’s why I though that child must be also a novice apprentice. Perhaps he got lost as when he rushed to escape the commotion in the dining hall.

When he noticed me, he hung his head. I guess he felt embarrassed that he got lost. Since that child is in a rebellious period, I’m sure his pride is high.

I contemplated on what I should do. I do not know who he is, but I cannot leave him in a place where a demon might appear. I think I should take him to the Palace with me.

With those thoughts, I was about to call out the boy while I approach him, when—

“Aria, don’t.”

I suddenly heard a voice behind me.

“Do not come closer to it.”


This voice—!

Briskly looking back, my eyes widened like saucers when I saw Greed-sama, who was in his usual attire of white shirt and the Holy Sword in his waist, standing a few meters away from me.

When did he appear……? Perhaps he used magic……? But……


But I was surprised not only because Greed-sama suddenly appeared. Greed-sama, who would usually smile upon seeing me, had a grim expression as he gazed at me.

Greed-sama repeated what he said, approaching me one step at a time.

“Do not approach it. Get away.”

At that moment, it happened.

As Greed-sama got near me, it activated—Yes, that “bam”!


My arm where the bracelet was worn was pulled in one go, and my feet was lifted from the ground. And, just like that, I hurtled towards Greed-sama’s chest like a released arrow. He then hugged me in his waiting arms like a treasured thing and slowly lowered me on the ground.

……He showed it off in front of others apart than those who knew the circumstances……!

Embarrassed and disapproving, my face reddened.

However, when I looked up to protest, I felt Greed-sama’s tension despite his expressionless countenance. And he is staring straight at the boy.


What is this? It seems different than usual. For a moment, I thought he was jealous of such a kid, and yet……

A chill suddenly run down my spine. Don’t tell me, Don’t tell me……

Greed-sama extended his hands towards the boy and said.

“Blade of the Divine Wind.”

All of a sudden, a fierce wind broke out of Greed-sama’s palm, became a whirlpool and went to attack the boy.

I was taken aback. Wait, towards the boy……?!

However, the next moment, I was dumbfounded.

The boy, who was supposed to be attacked by the whirlpool of wind, also extended his hand like Greed-sama, and caused the whirlpool of wind that Greed-sama created to vanish.

“……It can’t be.”

It can’t be, It can’t be……!

“As expected of the Hero. I did not expect to be noticed as soon as possible.”

The boy raised his face after saying that, sneering. When I saw his face, I gasped, unknowingly clinging on Greed-sama’s arm.

……He was a very ordinary boy. I can say that is it a mob’s face.

A face that can be seen anywhere, the face of the ordinary boy showed no sense of discomfort.

—But I don’t think that the smile on his face was child-like. Loud laughter—that kind of smile would suit his expression.

But what made me shudder above all else was—the boy’s eyes.

—Crimson, his eyes were bloody red.

* * *

A demon who definitely looks like a human being.

It does not have an imperfect human appearance like the Minotaur. What was in front of me was completely human in shape.

That only means one thing. It could be a demon with a high magical power.

Greed-sama spoke to the demon who took the form of a boy in an indifferent tone.

“Making a hole in the barrier without alerting the magicians who erected it—the precise and delicate technique you used was truly commendable. Had the spirits not reported it, and if we weren’t wary of the thinnest parts of the barrier beforehand, we would not notice it.”

[Watch out for the thin parts of the barrier.] When I heard that, something came to mind. That’s right. Greed-sama would stand at this place every morning and looking up at the sky. And judging from the what the demon has done until now, is the place where the barrier is thin—not here?

That’s why Greed-sama……


Greed-sama suddenly touched my back, watching me. He had the usual smile on his face.

“I’m sorry, but could you go to my friends and tell Rufaga I summoned him? And also tell this to the others. The half-beast, half-human demon is currently wandering around the castle as a decoy to attract the magician’s attention. It purposely appears on places with lots of people to be seen in order to make this [boy] to be able to move freely.”


“I’m counting on you.”

After Greed-sama finished speaking, my vision suddenly blurred. But it wasn’t just my vision. I remembered, I felt that the ground suddenly disappeared and floated, then shortly afterwards, it felt like I’ve lost my footing, fell down and sank at the bottom.

But it only lasted for a moment. As soon as the sensations stopped abruptly, my vision also cleared, then realized that I was standing inside the living room that Greed-sama and the others were using.


I was speechless. It was obvious what happened—Greed-sama used a magic spell on me and I instantly teleported!


When I suddenly appeared, all the people who were present—except Greed-sama and the magician Rufus-sama—got up from the sofa and gathered around me.