
I was taken aback. I touched my forehead with my hand. Of course, I wasn’t hit that hard so it does not really hurt that much but……

The Princess said to me with a slightly angry expression.

“You are the one who is the most caught up by statuses such as princess or maid. That’s why you are swayed by the rumors. Only a few people say that. That’s because they never saw the two of you together, and they haven’t seen Greed-sama with you. Was there anyone close to you who said those……? Everyone here knew the truth. All Greed-sama needs is you.”

“She’s right, Aria.”

Rufus-sama mentioned my name.

But his line of sight was glued to the princess, not me. He looked at her with obvious love and pride.

“And you are wrong for calling yourself just a maid.”


The princess then softened her expression and began to say something like this.

“Hey, Aria. What am I?”


“What role do I play in the story of Aria Milford?”

A story with me as the main character? I couldn’t grasp the meaning of the question, so I answered after a few blinks of my eyes.

“The Princess is . . . the Princess. My dear, dear master.”

The Princess will only be considered a Princess. Even if I am the protagonist. The Princess is my only master.

“Then what about Belinda?”

The princess pointed Belinda, who was holding a thin carpet, standing behind her.

“Is Belinda just a role for you, such as Maid A or B, or a lot of other unnamed roles?”

“……No. Belinda is my colleague . . . an important friend.”

Gradually, I realized what the princess wanted to say, and my heart began to waver.

“For me, you are also not just a mob. Aria is an important maid to me and she is my dear friend who is always with me.”


For the Princess, I am an important maid and a dear friend…… Uuuh, can I cry with happiness?

“That is true for everyone. You are not a maid, Aria. You’re Greed-sama’s dear beloved and their friend.”

“Yes, yes.”

Millie-sama replied, nodding repeatedly.

Farah-sama and Rufus-sama also nodded.

“Also, Aria, what role do you think you play in Greed-sama’s story?”


“You are not just Maid A, okay? For Greed-sama, you are an important woman──because you are the heroine…… You already know what I’m saying, right? You’re no Maid A. Certainly, there are a lot of people who are mere mobs for you. There are only a few who knew you well who are not even your relatives. You are Aria. Nothing else.”


“You probably wanted to become a bystander by calling yourself Maid A, but you ended up using that position as an escape route.”

“Eh? Bystander?”

Told with something unexpected, my eyes widened with surprise.

Seeing me make that expression, the Princess smiled bitterly.

“At first, I thought it was just an expression since you like novels, Aria. However, when I saw you waving your position as Maid A like some sort of a shield, I realized that it wasn’t as simple as that.”

“A shield?”

Despite my embarrassment, the Princess continued.

“I have been a princess since I was born, so at first I didn’t know why you wanted to call yourself a mob…… But when I imagined the person in front of me wanted to think that way . . . I could empathize somehow. In other words, that person wanted to keep a distance from others. Isn’t it because that person wanted to draw a line and not go any further?

My heart pounded heavily.

“Aria, you wanted to be a bystander. You kept adhering to being a mob because you want to take a step back from those who try to pull you out of that position. Am I wrong? By doing so, you can protect yourself.”


I mutter, stunned. So I am protecting myself by calling myself a mob and Maid A……?

But that’s because someone like me was called that way in “Hero Tales”, and I didn’t mean to do that. But……

In my consciousness, I heard a voice asking calmly.

……That was right before, but what about now?

Why did I keep adhering to it, even though I knew I was already “The Hero’s Fiancée” and not Maid A in this castle, at least?

I suddenly remembered what happened a long time ago. An unusual family, the reaction of people around us, and the line of sight towards me.

Something unexpected filled my heart. But on the other hand, when I think about it, it didn’t make sense.

“I apologize if that may have sounded harsh, but if I don’t say it clearly, Aria, you will continue to escape by using the position of Maid A.”

“No, princess……”

I shook my head.

It was unexpected, but . . . but when she said that, I realized that it was true.

──I wanted to be a bystander. Since Maid A is a mob, I wanted to take a step back because I am irrelevant to a special person like the Hero.

……Because I could not believe that he will continue to hold me dear. I was afraid to believe and get hurt in the end.

Taking a step back, I thought I could laugh it off and say, “As expected, the Hero does not suit a maid” in the end. I don’t have to get hurt. That way, I will be safe.

……In reality, even if a princess named Tiana-sama appeared, I could never laugh it off.

Even so, I said, “I’m just Maid A, so a princess will suit the Hero better,” and tried to use it as an excuse to escape. To protect myself. So that I won’t get hurt anymore. That’s why the Princess was angry.

And I realized that there was another reason why I was particular about being Maid A and a mob.

……I was afraid that I would not become ordinary anymore. And not to be stared as if “that was as expected of that Milford’s daughter” as was in the past. To be in a situation where I can’t be recognized as myself.

When I was at my parents’ house, I was always viewed by the nobles around me as “the daughter of that Milford family”. I intended to live away from such a house to become “just Aria”, but I still couldn’t escape the curse of the Milford family even at the castle. That’s why I adhered to becoming a mob. If I were normal, I would not stand out. If I don’t stand out, they’ll accept me for who I am, not as the “daughter of that Milford family”.

Therefore, a marriage proposal from a Hero is unthinkable. I could not accept it.

The same is true with Alfred-sama. Because he is a prince, it is also unthinkable to be by his side…… It may sound blunt, but it was out of the question.

However, Greed-sama approached me without considering my feelings and dragged me away from ordinariness . . . and finally dragged me from being a mob. And he blocked my last escape route.

……I really have no choice.

The princess said in a calm tone.

“Aria, I will ask you for the last time. What role does Greed-sama play in your story? Is he the Hero you have no concern with at all?”


I shook my head.

“Greed-sama is . . . in ‘Aria Milford’s story’, he is not the Hero who is out of my league . . . but he is my hero.” [T/N: Hero as in the main character of the story ^_^]

I don’t think he is the hero who just passed through my life like a meteor. For me, Greed-sama is . . . Greed-sama is not just a Hero.

He says he likes me but . . . no, he is a very peculiar person, just like a child. He is eccentric, deeply jealous, and also a bothersome person who made me aware of the world.

But . . . But he thinks of me more than anyone else and sees me for who I am, not as a mere maid or “the daughter of that Milford family”.

Ever since he proposed to me, I was taken aback, I was thrust into the situation, I educated him, he helped me…… I have spent very unusual days.

But . . . I didn’t hate it. I was . . . really happy that Greed-sama looked straight at me and smiled only at me.

Yes, I admit it. I’m still at a loss when it comes to his marriage proposal, but I certainly . . . like Greed-sama.

That’s why I got frustrated and upset by what Tiana-sama had said. I could not just shrug it off when she said that I was not suitable……

“You finally admitted it.”

The princess laughed and tapped my forehead once again.

Huh? I wondered as I touched my forehead.

Admit……? Wait, did I say it out loud just now!?

“Y-You can’t tell Greed-sama what I said just now, okay!?”

It’s because I almost confessed! What’s more, everyone inside the room heard it! In fact, everyone is grinning! What is this, a humiliation play!?

In addition, the spirits that are protecting me also heard me! My remarks just a while ago will be leaked to Greed-sama! I’m so embarrassed I could die!

“Aria, who are you talking to?”

Millie-sama had a stunned expression when I swung my arms around and said, “Don’t tell him!” into the air.

It certainly looked weird. Because I’m screaming into the air when no one is there.

But I’m desperate!

“Everyone in this room! Including the spirits!”

Immediately after I shouted, the sound of the knock on the door echoed in the room.


It wasn’t the agitated me who responded, but Belinda, who was holding the carpet.

“I’m sorry for disturbing you. The tailors have arrived. Should we let them in?”

I jerked upon hearing the guards announce the guests.

──That’s right, there are other matters that we should attend to!

“Yes, we will open it now so please wait a moment.”

I hurriedly said and looked at Belinda.


“Then, we should excuse ourselves. Men should not watch while women try on their dresses.”

Upon saying that, Rufus-sama got up from the sofa. The Princess rushed to Rufus-sama’s side, nestled close to him, and said.

“Yes. I’m reluctant to part from you, but I’ll see you later, Rufus-sama.”

“Right. It was nice of you to scold Aria. I’m proud of you.”


Okay, stop! Don’t flirt in front of me!

……I’d like to retort, but I don’t have time to do that. After all, I have to lay the carpet on the floor before they try on the dresses.

──That’s right. In fact, there will be a dress rehearsal for the Princess, Millie-sama and Farah-sama in preparation for the ball tomorrow. They will wear the finished product and make a final inspection.

While consulting with craftsmen and designers, we will also select accessories that will match the dresses. During that time, various small items must be spread out, so it is necessary to lay a carpet so as not to soil them. We were planning to finish the preparation before the tailors came, but it took time because the circumstance with Princess Tiana developed in an unexpected direction.

Belinda and I, together with the other maids, spread the carpet altogether.

When everything was ready, I hurriedly opened the door to welcome the tailors.

Eventually, the dress rehearsal involving all the princess’s maids ended without incident.

By the time the craftsmen have left the room, Millie-sama and Farah-sama sat wearily on the sofa.

“I’m fed up with dresses……”

“I agree. It’s more tiring than fighting demons.”

While wearing their dresses, they stood still and were turned into dolls by the maids…… No, no, the two of them were helped to select their accessories.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

In contrast, the Princess, where choosing dresses and trying them on is part of her daily routine, is accustomed to it. She did not look tired and sat on the couch wearing an elegant smile.

I said while serving tea to the three ladies.

“But the dresses the craftsmen made with all their efforts and the ornaments they chose are all wonderful and excellent, so we, the maids, can confidently send you to the ball tomorrow.”

Unfortunately, I can only see Greed-sama and Rufus-sama in their formal wear tomorrow. Men are not required to choose accessories for their formal wear, unlike dresses. What needs to be done is to check their sizes in advance. Moreover, he said that he does not need the help of a maid. Tsk.

“Tomorrow’s ball is going to be lively in many ways. I’m looking forward to it.”

The princess beamed and I nodded.

“Yes. Me, too.”

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in their formal wear and dresses, but when tomorrow’s event is over, Tiana-sama will go back to their kingdom.

With that in mind, it may be possible for Greed-sama and Tiana-sama to dance together at tomorrow’s ball…… I can’t deny that I’m irritated.

Millie-sama suddenly raised her face.

“That’s right. Tomorrow, Aria will……”

“I will be waiting in the antechamber. The antechamber is adjacent to the ballroom, so I can hear the music and I can watch the ball from between the curtains. Therefore, I can see everyone in their formal wear and dresses. That is the advantage of a Maid A.”

I’m really glad I am Maid A! my co-workers were saying “unfair” in chorus, but I have no intention of giving up.

“I wish you will attend as Greed’s fiancée.”

“I. Will. Not.”

Now that she mentioned it, the Prime Minister also said that, but I don’t want to stand out so I declined. Besides, if we will attend a formal event together even though we have not been officially engaged yet, it might as well become an established fact!

“But do you think Princess Tiana will pass up the perfect opportunity at the ball? She will definitely follow Greed around and will persistently ask him to dance, right?”


I can expect that much. No, it must have been Tiana-sama’s purpose when she requested at the start that “the Hero and his party members should attend the ball.”

“Besides from dancing . . . I don’t really care.”

No, I’m honestly pretty worried. But no is no!

“True. You will be wringing your fingers when you see them dancing in the middle of the room, right? Or maybe bite your handkerchief.”

“I will not wring my fingers nor bite my handkerchief.”

“Hey, Millie. Do not make fun of Aria.”

When Farah-sama chided her, Millie-sama clamped her mouth shut.

“Because Aria is not straightforward. When the truth is, she is truly worried.”

“Aria has her circumstances. She also has her job as the princess’s maid, so it can’t be helped.” [T/N: I love Farah. XD ]

Farah-sama said that to Millie-sama and then smiled at me.

“It’s alright. I will become Greed’s breakwater. I do not plan to dance so that will do.”

Greed-sama will escort Farah-sama to the ball. Having a partner by their side is an excuse to decline the dance invitations, so it is convenient for each of them.

“I don’t really care…… But thank you for your concern.”

Alright, the problem with Tiana-sama is now settled. I already felt relieved but Farah-sama continued. [T/N: Tsundere! XD]

“But in my opinion, Aria should be more honest.”

“Ugh. Even you, Farah-sama……”

“Being a tsundere is fine, but it is better to convey your feelings a little more honestly. Of course you are not us, just be yourself.”

Farah-sama said that with a smile, but her smile dimmed after that.

“You might come to regret not conveying your feelings while you still can. He is not always by your side. He can be suddenly snatched away from you.”


Did she say that because of her childhood friend?

I don’t know the details in full, but it seems that Farah-sama is accompanying the Hero on his journey in order to help her childhood friend, a magician who has not awakened ever since he protected Farah-sama from a humanoid demon they encountered.

The magic was powerful, and it seems that it cannot be undone unless the caster is defeated or its power is drastically reduced. That is why Farah-sama resigned from her position as a knight and joined Greed-sama’s journey, believing that if it were a humanoid demon, it would surely appear in front of the Hero.

Her childhood friend is a man, and even after he and Farah-sama left the village they were born and raised, they worked in the same castle as a magician and a knight. They thought that their long-time relationship would continue, but it was suddenly severed. Maybe that was why she said that.

──The future is uncertain. You might regret your obstinacy.

I inadvertently dropped my eyes to the shining gold bracelet on my left arm.

“I . . . see.”

Now that I don’t know what’s ahead, this is not the time for me to activate my tsundere and act stubborn. I am also being targeted by demons, and even if I were not, I’ll never know when a second or a third Princess Tiana will appear……

“Once the ball is over, I’ll have the opportunity to talk with Greed-sama.”

I want to convey my current feelings and that I hope that we could take the time to get to know each other little by little. I think Greed-sama will accept it with a smile this time, unlike before when I told him that I want to cancel the engagement.

“That’s nice.”

Farah-sama nodded, her eyes crinkling as she smiled.

While returning a smile to Farah-sama, I gently touched the gold bracelet.

──When the ball is over. When Tiana-sama returns home.

I’ll say it honestly without being stubborn. That I want to be with him forever.

Yes, when the ball is over……

──But no one, including myself, thought that such an outrageous thing would happen at the ball at that time.