“Huh? Now? As in right now?”

I asked as I stared at his outstretched hand. This is unbelievable, but Greed-sama nodded with a smile.

“That’s right. You promised to dance with me.”

“Well, I sure did. In exchange for you attending the ball in formal wear. But that’s for the next ball……”

I didn’t think it was today.

“You don’t know when the next ball will be, right?”

“Well, you’re right . . . but I also told you, didn't I? That I haven’t been invited to this ball, right? If you are not invited to dance……”

“Yes, I know. So we will do it this way.”

Greed-sama presented the antechamber and said.

“I propose that we use this private room. We can hear the music here, and since it is a royal’s antechamber, no one can take a look, right?”

“W-Well, you have a point but . . .”

I felt confused, but the smiling Greed-sama pressed me for an answer while he held out his hand to me.

“It is just the two of us here. We can dance without anyone watching us.”

“But . . .”

“I want to dance the first dance with you, Aria…… No, the only dance today……”


Then, Greed-sama’s smile suddenly dimmed and tilted his head pitiably.

“Do you hate dancing with me?”

……Ugh, so sneaky! He looked like an abandoned puppy again!

“I-I understand.”

I raised the white flag…… Somehow, I feel that Greed-sama is manipulating me like I manipulate him…… Am I just imagining things?

But I knew I am not dancing with him not just because I lost to his sad puppy look. He refused to dance with other people, including Tiana-sama, and told me that he wanted to only dance with me…… To be honest, I was very happy.

If someone tells you that, you have no choice but to give in!

I put my hand on his outstretched hand and answered, looking forward to the day after tomorrow, to hide the lightly tinted cheeks and my shy expression.

“Well, it’s a p-promise. I have no choice but to dance with you.”

……It seems like I am becoming a tsundere in earnest.

The song that popped up is a waltz.

Greed-sama and I got close to each other in the antechamber, did the steps matching to the music, and turned around lightly. Every time we turn, I can see the gorgeous chandelier and the guests dancing and chatting between the curtains that separate the ballroom from the antechamber. It felt like this place was also a part of the ballroom.

But no one is looking at us. If someone looked into the antechamber, they would witness a strange couple dancing; a handsome man who came straight out of a fairy tale and a plain woman in maid clothes.

In the beginning, I danced with reluctance but the feeling of security of being not watched gradually relaxed my stiff shoulders, and I was able to enjoy the dance.

When that happened, other things became a concern. Greed-sama, aren’t you really good at dancing?

Even though I’m not very good at dancing, it was extremely easy to dance.

“Where did you learn to dance, Greed-sama?”

I’m a noble so I am used to dancing. But Greed-sama must have been a mere villager until he was selected to become the Hero. As Rufaga-sama said, both Renas-sama and Millie-sama can dance properly. Could it be that ballroom dancing is popular in Langrea village?

Greed-sama answered the simple question with a smile.

“We learned to dance at the Great Temple. When I stayed there for a while after being selected as the Hero, I came to learn that there would be such an opportunity. Not only dancing but all the manners and etiquette required in social circles.”

“……I-Is that so?”

I still don’t understand the role of the Great Temple. Not only to assist in the Hero’s journey, but also in socializing as well……? Is the Great Temple a Hero producer or something?

“However, this is the first time I have actually danced like this.”

While leading me and turning dexterously, Greed-sama smiled broadly and said.

“Until now, I have refused all the invitations.”

“Y-Your first time……?”

His movements are natural and smooth as if he had been doing it for years……

“Yes. This is my first time dancing. But dancing is no different from moving your body, and you only have to remember the patterns, so it is easier than martial arts.”

“E-Easy . . . you say?”

I remember having a hard time learning, and my facial expression stiffened a little.

Come to think of it, someone . . . was it Rufus-sama who mentioned it before? “Greed is proficient in whatever he does.” Whether it is swordsmanship or magic, it is easy for him as breathing. I’m sure he learned dancing quickly in that way…… Somehow, I feel I can understand the feelings of the village men who were very jealous of Greed-sama. What a hateful perfect superhuman!

“Err, is there anything that Greed-sama can’t do……?”

I asked reluctantly.

Seeing the superhuman before my eyes, I thought that he wouldn’t . . . match the ordinary me who doesn’t have any ability. Yes.

Greed-sama thought for a while and then said as if he remembered something.

“I cannot sew. I’ve done it before, but I stabbed my fingers with the needle many times enough to make the cloth bloody. I haven’t done it since then. Renas is good at that kind of thing.”


Renas-sama, who holds needles and threads in his hands, attaches buttons and sews frayed hem, came to mind. Is he a mother?! Is what I want to retaliate, but even though it feels like it suits him, shouldn’t it be Millie-sama?! I also wanted to add that.

But above all, I was relieved. Sewing. In that case……!

“I can sew. I can’t sew a dress, but I can do other things. So……”

After saying that with a smile, I finally realized what I said and felt my face getting hot.

Hey, what am I talking about and who am I appealing to!? Why do I worry about what Greed-sama is good and not good at and patch things up, on top of that!? Pretending like a wife, girl!?

Greed-sama smiled delightedly at seeing me, who was unable to endure a second longer due to embarrassment, violently castigating myself in silence.

“Then, can I ask you a favor next time?”

“Uh . . . Y-Yes……”

I nodded.

I’m somewhat insane. I just realized my feelings. I can’t hide my confusion towards myself that was clearly different from yesterday . . . I mean, was I such a character?

My emotions are so disturbed that I can’t control myself. I don’t know what to do with my heart…… How did I treat Greed-sama until yesterday?

I can’t even remember those confusing course of events. I miss my old calm self. But……

As I did the steps, I glanced up at Greed-sama, who looked at me with a smile.

……I think the reason why I am so happy to have this smile on his face is because I have realized my feelings. So…… even if I am at the mercy of an unfamiliar swirl of emotions, I don’t want to close my eyes again as I refused to admit it to myself and go back to the way that I was before.

I closed my eyes a little and then looked up at Greed-sama and told myself.

I don’t know when the next opportunity to dance with the person I like will be. Now, I’ll enjoy dancing together without thinking too much.

──Soon the song was over.

Greed-sama and I stopped at the same time. But soon another song played and we started to move naturally simultaneously.

This time it is a waltz with a slower tempo than before. The steps aren’t too difficult, but you will be compelled to dance closer with your partner compared to the song that we were dancing to earlier. It is also called “Waltz of Lovers”, and it is said that it is preferable for lovers and spouses to dance it rather than dancing with parents and siblings.

Perhaps even at the ballroom, couples are holding hands with each other and go to the hall to dance. I’m pretty sure the Princess and the others are dancing with their bodies close together.

It is such a song so it is inevitable that Greed-sama and I are so close with each other…… Well, that was an excuse to dodge my flurried feelings.

Until now, I should have been already accustomed to it because we are close with each other……

The reason why I became aware of it is probably because I realized my feelings. Greed-sama did not even change a bit.

──Yes, fortunately or unfortunately, Greed-sama’s attitude has not changed since yesterday. The words I say don’t really seem to come through him. I’m only relieved of that.

Greed-sama put his hand around my waist and smiled happily while leading the dance well.

His stoicism in the hall earlier was almost a lie. While I was watching his face, I said it unintentionally.

“I wish you would not smile at anyone other than me.”


Greed-sama’s eyes widened as if he was a little surprised.

……Ah, I’m happy that he’s been able to make such delicate facial expressions. Little by little, he is beginning to express various emotions.

Nodding, I said with a smile.

“That’s right. From now on, only smile at me……”

No, I don’t want him to smile like this at other people, especially at Tiana-sama…… except for Renas-sama and the others.

“I also want you to smile at your friends.”

Greed-sama said that he used to flash an emotionless smile, just to keep up appearances. Everyone who has been worried about Greed-sama was pleased that he is able to smile from the bottom of his heart, albeit only at me. I want him to smile at all his friends.

“Even if it doesn’t appear on your face, I can see that you cherish your friends, Greed-sama.”

At first glance, Greed doesn’t seem to have any special feelings, but he looks out to them silently. It’s the same when I am by his side. I’m sure Greed-sama will not stay silent when something happens to someone.

“That is why I want you to smile at everyone. A smile from the bottom of your heart, not a smile that was forced out from you.”

Judging Greed-sama’s expression while I said that, he looked a little embarrassed.

“I don’t think everyone will be happy to see me smile at them, though……”

“I’m sure they’ll be happy.”

“Is that so? But before, whenever I smiled, Renas would frown or look sad. Maybe it was because I wasn’t smiling properly……”

“Y-You’re mistaken!”

Startled, I hurriedly denied it.

“That’s because Greed-sama had an awkward smile!”

The smile that was pasted on his face did not match his cold eyes…… I could somehow understand everyone’s reaction and their feelings. I’m sure they couldn’t look directly at him.

But I can understand. The reason why Greed-sama does not smile at his friends.

Alright, this is where the educator enters!

“……Greed-sama, wouldn’t it be better for you to smile rather than to cry or have a sad expression?”

“Yes, I think so too.”

“What if I’m sad and I want to cry, but I’m forced to laugh?”

“I don’t like it.”

Immediately, Greed looked down at me and said with a serious look.

“.…Back when the princess was kidnapped, you often held back your tears and were forced to smile. I was looking at you and it was painful to watch.”

Yes, I made a problematic statement!

That was before Greed-sama went to rescue the princess, right……? Once again, I discovered a terrifying fact. But now that’s not a problem, so I’ll keep it in the corner of my brain (mark it as important).

“It’s the same. Everyone didn’t like Greed-sama forcing a smile even though he wasn’t happy. Unless it is a real smile. Greed-sama is happy when I smile, right?”


“I’m thrilled that Greed-sama is smiling. It’s the same for everyone, too. That’s why I want you to smile not only to me and be happy.”


Greed-sama fell silent. Well, that’s troublesome. His blue-green eyes reflected bewilderment.

……That’s right. It may not be easy for him who hasn’t smiled for a long time to show his smile. Especially if he had a sad expression.

But this is also for Greed-sama. As his educator, this is where I show my skills……!

“It’s easy, Greed-sama. When you ask someone a favor, just smile and say, ‘Thank you.’ Let’s start with such a small thing. Okay?”

Greed-sama pondered on my suggestion for a while, then smiled.

“Will you be happy if I do that?”

“Of course. If everyone would be delighted with Greed-sama’s smile, then I would be happy, too.”

Greed-sama’s eyes crinkled as he smiled.

“I understand, Aria. If you say so. ‘Thank you’, is it?”

“Yes, that’s it!”

I answered cheerfully while making a turn when Greed-sama led me.

If possible, I would like to be there and see everyone’s surprised and pleased reactions. How should I say it, I feel that him smiling at everyone is the culmination of my education.

I want to make him smile more so that everyone will be glad that Greed-sama met me and will not become worried that the encounter between Greed-sama and I will lead to a global crisis.

I completely forgot about the initial tension and confusion and continued to dance with Greed with a smile. Greed, who looked down at me, smiled all the time.

I was laughing and enjoying our dance and failed to notice.

From behind the curtain that separates the hall from the antechamber, there was Tiana-sama, staring at us dancing──