
Immediately after he muttered, Greed’s long eyelashes quivered and his eyes opened.

The first thing he noticed was the spirits.

“His eyes opened!”

“Greed is awake!”

“I’ll let everyone know!”

“You slept for half a day, Greed!”

──Half a day?

With that in mind, Greed turned his gaze towards the window. He then saw the bright sun shining outside. The night had already passed.

Greed instantly grasped the situation and got up. He then put his feet on the floor to get out of the bed.

He realized he was barefoot but he could not afford to look for his shoes. He needs to find Aria’s whereabouts as soon as possible.

However, he heard an admonishing voice. The owner of the voice is the priest Renas, who was watching over him in the room.

“Greed, stop. Your body overheated because of the sudden release of enormous magical power. It’s dangerous for you to be up sooner.”

“I have recovered.”

After saying that, Greed got up from the bed.

“In just half a day? Hey, Greed!”

Renas hurriedly chased the barefoot Greed heading towards the door.

He noticed it midway so he turned back and picked up Greed’s shoes. He remembered how he walked barefooted in the past.

“Greed, wait a minute!”

Even with Renas hounding him, Greed quickly walked closer to the door. However, he stopped.

The elf Rufaga immediately teleported in front of Greed.

“Where are you going, Greed?”

Rufaga, who is always calm and collected, asked with a gentle expression. He probably already knew what Greed is about to do.

“To my room.”

Greed said blandly.

That’s right, it is not Greed’s private room given by the King of Schwarze. It was a different guest bedroom.

It was Rufaga who instructed to bring Greed here after he fainted from releasing powerful magic to annihilate the demon beasts.

This is to prevent Greed from jumping out of the castle immediately to search for Aria the moment he wakes up. His sacred sword and Hero’s armor are in his private room.

Rufaga frowned.

“That was a silly question. Greed, think calmly. There are still no signs of Aria. Perhaps, even the spirits were taken to a place where they cannot be detected. Blindly searching is a waste of time.”

Greed looked at Rufaga devoid of expression.

“Then I’ll just look for a place where the spirits cannot enter.”

In fact, there are some places in this world that the spirits cannot approach.

For example, the Malm Desert is said to be the venue of the great war in ancient times. It is under the direct control of the Spirit Kings, and ordinary spirits are kept at bay. Only spirits, humans, elves, and those recognized by the Spirit Kings can enter. Of course, the demons cannot enter.

So it is unlikely that the demons took Aria to the Malm Desert, but it is also true that it is outside the scope of the spirits’ radar.

Greed is also prepared to ask the Spirit Kings in case.

Rufaga sighed.

“Greed, you still haven’t regained your composure. I know you can’t help it but you can’t get good results if you rush. Cool your head a little. You know that the enemies’ true target is you.”

Upon hearing those words, Greed frowned a little.

Rufaga continued.

“Aria is only a hostage. She was targeted because she is your weakness. Am I wrong?”


Greed managed to reply.

“Soon, they will use Aria to do something, and until then her life is guaranteed. They will not kill the hostage then mimic her. So you don’t have to rush to find her.”

Greed wasn’t relieved at all after hearing Rufaga’s sensible words.

“Her life might not be in jeopardy, but her safety is not guaranteed. They may hurt Aria to provoke me.”

Greed’s face is devoid of expression, but both of his knuckles turned white for clenching it tightly.

After glancing at it, Rufaga sighed again.

“Did you forget why you had that bracelet made for her and forced it upon her? To protect her in situations beyond your power or the spirits, right?”

Rufaga then called out to Renas standing behind Greed.

“Renas, are there any signs that your sacred magic on Aria’s bracelet has been activated? With sacred magic, you should be able to feel its activation even beyond the barriers created by the demons.”

Renas shook his head.

“The magic on the bracelet hasn’t been activated yet. At least I can’t feel it.”

Rufaga nodded in agreement and then turned to Greed.

“Do you get it now? Aria is safe, so you should wait for the enemy to make a move. If you leave here, you won’t be able to take immediate action at the right time.

Greed meditated. Rufaga made sense.

……It does seem that I am more upset than usual.

With a small sigh, Greed opened his eyes and said.

“I understand.”

Upon hearing that, Rufaga and Renas breathed sighs of relief.

“Wear shoes in the meantime, Greed.”

Renas placed the shoes in front of Geed as he said that.

Nodding, Greed put on his shoes and asked Rufaga.

“Rufaga, tell me what’s going on right now. What’s going on inside the castle? How much damage is there?”

His tone was very calm.

However, Greed’s feelings are reflected in the way he normally talks instead of the usual honorifics.

“Thanks to you, we were spared from the worst. Now, the magicians are taking turns in the restoration. His Majesty the King and the Prime Minister said to inform them once you wake up, and they will tell you the details.”

“I see……”

Greed explored the entire castle through the spirits. There was confusion and agitation, but little sadness or grief was felt.

He felt relieved. This castle is an important place for Aria, and it is a place where her friends are.

Remembering the situation just before she was kidnapped, Greed asked Rufaga again.

“What about Princess Louise?”

Renas answered the question instead.

“She got tired from crying and now she is resting in her room. Rufus is staying by her side, but the atmosphere in the Princess’s room feels like a funeral.”

“Is that so……”

Greed knows that she and her servants are grieving because her first maid, Aria, has been kidnapped by the demons.

“Where are Milly and Farah?”

“They helped with the restoration for a bit but now, they are resting.”

“What about Norwen?”

Greed mentioned the apprentice magician aside from his companions.

The boy was attacked by the Albatro magician Arthur and collapsed. When Greed teleported him to the edge of the courtyard, he knew that his life was not in danger, but……

“He is fine, but still he received some pretty powerful attack magic. But it’s amazing because his recovery is fast.”

Greed nodded and said.

“Because he naturally has a [Healing Hand], his own recovery might be quick. I think that is also the reason why he was able to withstand the Azul’s attack when we were in town.”

Renas interjected.

“[Healing Hand]!? Does he have a hidden skill!?”

The [Healing Hand] skill possessed by Norwen is a skill that doubles the effect of recovery spells.

It is a hidden skill──meaning, it is something that is inherent and is not consciously activated by the person. Perhaps the people around him often had their injuries and illnesses healed strangely quickly. Because he is unknowingly healing the person around him.

Greed added.

“He should be good at recovery magic. On the other hand, he is not good at attack magic…… But I think it’s a very useful skill.”

“I see. He seems to be depressed right now, but that might make him feel better.”

Greed blinked when he heard Renas’ words.

“Depressed? Why?”

“Well, if only he was able to stop Arthur . . . He’s regretting that.”

“There is too much difference in ability between the Albatro magician and him, let alone someone who was being manipulated by demons. It’s common sense that he would not be able to stop him..”

Renas smiled bitterly at the frank opinion.

“Hmm, you do have a point but for him……”

“I’m the one who should regret.”

Intercepting Renas’ words, Greed interjected dispassionately.

“Through the spirits escorting Aria, I realized that the magician of Albatro was trying to destroy the barrier. I had the power to stop him, but I couldn’t stop the collapse of the barrier. It’s my fault this time.”

“No, it’s not your fault, Greed.”

Renas, who knew Greed’s circumstances at that time, hurriedly said.

“Rufus, Milly, and I also were preoccupied. Everyone is responsible.”

“No, I’m more……”


Suddenly someone clapped.

Greed and Renas turned to look at the person who did that──it was Rufaga.

Rufaga said, looking at their faces alternately.

“It’s a waste of time thinking on who to blame for last night. If someone is really responsible for what happened, it is probably the magician of Albatro for creating the opportunity. If you are a magician of a kingdom, you should have protected yourself from being manipulated after encountering a demon. The sin of neglect is greater.”

“That magician?”

“It seems that he was imprisoned in a room in the Magician’s Tower, but we have no right to speak about his disposition. If you are wondering what will happen to him in the future, you can ask His Majesty the King or the Prime Minister. Other than that, my lips are sealed.”

Greed bobbed his head in agreement.

“Let’s go to the King’s office.”

When the three of them went to the King’s office, they also saw Famir, the royal magician of Schwarze aside from the King and the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister Ruth Hylingham, the “Ice Prime Minister”, still appeared cool, despite working without a wink of sleep. But the King and Famir, who worked hard as well, appeared more exhausted.

Still, when he saw Greed, he stood up from his chair with a friendly smile and walked up to him.

“So you have woken up? Greed-dono, thanks to you, there is minimal damage. As the king of this kingdom, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude.”

The King bowed his head, but Greed shook his head.

“No, you should not even thank me because the barrier was destroyed even though I am here.”

“Greed-dono, you are mistaken.”

This time, it was the King who shook his head.

“We are aware that you have already sensed the danger and tried to move immediately but you couldn’t.”

When the King glanced toward the Prime Minister and Famir, both of them nodded in agreement.

The reason why Greed could not take action right away──was because of Princess Tiana.

Many nobles who attended the ball witnessed how Princess Tiana hindered Greed when he was about to teleport.

But Greed did not blame Princess Tiana.

When he tried to cast the spell, he was forced to deactivate it. He did not do that because he was neither conceited nor careless. His arrogance in underestimating the demon executives made him fail.

“No, I could not stop the collapse of the barrier and let Aria be kidnapped, all of which are my fault. I know that best.”

“Yes, Aria. I hope she is safe……”

The King said and sighed.

As soon as they heard Aria’s name, the Prime Minister stealthily lowered his eyes and Famir frowned.

For them, she is the daughter of their best friend and is also like their own daughter. Their worries are stronger than anyone in this castle. But the two guardians cannot reveal it. Especially in such an emergency.

At that moment, the Prime Minister raised his face and asked the king.

“By the way, Your Majesty. Has Lionel . . . I mean, has Viscount Milford been informed of Aria’s abduction?”

The King turned to the Prime Minister and gave him a tired smile.

“We have to inform him because it happened in the castle while she is under our care…… Famir, take a rest when your work is over and head to Viscount Milford’s residence.”

“I am at your disposal.”

Famir answered and quietly lowered his head.

“I am sorry to impose such an unpleasant task on you……”

Famir raised his head and told the King.

“No, Your Majesty. This is something that we, her guardians, must tell her family personally. I don’t have much time to rest, so I’ll leave the rest of the work to my subordinates and fly to the Milford house as soon as possible.”

“I see. Thank you.”

At the end of that topic, Rufaga said.

“How is the situation of the damages?”

The turmoil continued last night and the assessment of the damage was unclear.

However, as the turmoil finally subsided in the morning, the King’s office was flooded with reports.

“Miraculously, no one died.”

It was the Prime Minister who answered Rufaga’s question.

“In addition, there are no reports of demon beasts appearing in the castle town. Indeed, the demons only targeted this castle.

……Because I, the Hero, am in this castle. Because Aria, my weakness, is here.

Greed unconsciously clenched his fist tightly.

Despite this, Rufaga and the others continued to check the situation.

“How’s the barrier restoration?”

Famir answered the question. He said with a sigh.

“I’m sorry for the disappointment. There were no deaths, but there were quite a few injured people. Many of them are magicians. Those uninjured magicians prioritized treating the injured. Only a few people  could be assigned to fully devote their powers to repair the barrier……”

“I see…… It’s unlikely that a higher-ranked demon will attack here again, but weak demons could enter given the castle’s current state. It’s necessary to take immediate action.”

“Yes. I already discussed with His Majesty and the Prime Minister to create a simple temporary barrier.”

“I think that’s a good idea. Let Renas and me help you.”

“Oh, thank you.”

Greed kept their conversation in mind, but it felt like he was far away from them.

Everything felt dull to Greed today.

He can’t even remember how happy he was and how he smiled.

All he could feel was pain, and he missed her warmth.

──Aria, without you, I can’t even remember why I must live.

Renas looked worriedly at Greed, who watched at the interaction in front of him with emotionless eyes.

“What about Arthur, the magician of Albatro?”

Greed raised his eyebrows when he heard Rufaga’s words.

“Thanks to Renas-dono for nullifying the spell, the brainwashing was resolved. He was shocked to know that he had caused the chaos.”

It was Famir who answered in a disgusted tone.

As a fellow magician, he must be angry with his misconduct.

“I don’t think he will try anything again, but his magical powers were sealed and he was confined in a room in the Magicians’ Tower. He confessed in front of the Prime Minister. Apparently, he was attacked by demons when he was returning home just before they came here to Schwarze, and he has been manipulated since then.”

“I’m getting a headache……”

It was the King who said that and looked at him.

“A magician from another kingdom was manipulated by the demons to destroy the barrier of the castle, and the demons attacked the castle and caused damage. This is a big problem and it wouldn’t be strange if the diplomatic relations between the two kingdoms were severed. However, Albatro is an ally and my daughter Mariage is married into their royal family. I don’t want to worsen the relationship. A lot of things need my attention, but I want it to be settled as amicably as possible.”

“Maybe it can be settled in a form of compensation.”

It was the Prime Minister who took over the conversation after the King.

“Fortunately, the damage was minimized to Greed-dono and the people can be convinced . . . regardless of whether our feelings will be settled.”

The last sentence felt prickly like a thorn, a testament to his depressed feelings.

“Err, about Princess Tiana, though . . .”

Renas spoke reluctantly.

“I think she should get out of this kingdom. That said, I think the existence of the Princess will only have a negative effect. For the people of this castle and Greed.”

As the turmoil subsided, details of what happened last night spread throughout the castle.

──The magician of Albatro was manipulated by the demons and destroyed the barrier.

── Princess Tiana hindered the Hero who tried to prevent it.

──Because of that, the barrier was destroyed and Aria was kidnapped.

According to the information gathered from the spirits, the originally not high reputation of Princess Tiana has fallen to the ground, and the people in the castle seem to have developed a grudge.

“For her safety, she should return home immediately……”

And best of all, Renas did not want her to provoke Greed especially with the current situation.

Greed uses polite language in front of the King and the others, but his pronoun is “I [ore]” instead of “I [watashi]”. Besides, Renas and Rufaga were aware.

That means that Greed has removed the controller. It seems that he can still control his powers so far, but it does not mean that he will not explode once his emotions get unstable.


The King nodded solemnly. The dissatisfaction with Princess Tiana has reached his ears.

“I think that it would be good, too. Fortunately, she can return home because the castle is in chaos. I need the Crown Prince to stay for a while to deal with the aftermath, but there is no reason to keep Princess Tiana.”

“I will make arrangements for her journey home.”

The Prime Minister interposed. He wanted her to go home as well.

“I’ll leave it to you.”

Immediately after Renas expressed his relief, a soldier knocked from the outside and called out.

“Excuse me, Your Majesty. The Crown Prince of Albatro and his wife would want to have an audience. Should I let them in?”

Upon hearing that, everyone except Greed exchanged glances. Did they hear the rumors?

“All right. I need to tell them about Princess Tiana’s journey home.”

The King nodded with a satisfied expression.

The countenance of the Crown Prince of Albatro and his wife were not excellent.

The Crown Princess Mariage is still beautiful despite her sad expression, but the Crown Prince Lautrich was so angry that he seemed to age ten years overnight.

The magician he brought destroyed the castle’s barrier, bringing the demons inside the castle. Naturally, that would happen.

Besides, there is also his sister, Princess Tiana. She gave him a headache by interfering with the Hero

“I heard that the Hero has gained consciousness……”

Crown Prince Lautrich bowed to Greed.

Crown Princess Mariage followed.

“I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused by the magician of our kingdom. But thanks to you, there was minimal damage. I am grateful.”

“It was a matter of course. In the first place, it was also my fault because I could not stop the destruction of the barrier. No need for an apology.”

Greed replied placidly, devoid of any expression.

But then, Princess Mariage stepped forward and said.

“But it is true that Princess Tiana got in your way. And because of that, Aria . . . Again, we must apologize for that.”

Greed shook his head.

“I don’t think it was Princess Tiana’s fault that I didn’t make it in time. It is all my lack of power.”


Prince Lautrich wanted to say more, but he could only sigh when he saw that Greed was aloof.

“……But I did not realize that Arthur was being manipulated by demons…… He said he wasn’t feeling well but no one noticed it at all because he looked the same as usual.”

“Me, too.”

Princess Mariage is sensitive to the signs of magical power despite not being able to use magic. Even her, she did not notice that Arthur was being manipulated.

“That’s a spell of a higher-ranked demon. It is different from the illusion and hypnosis that can be used by other demons.”

Rufaga assured them in a gentle tone.

“Unless it is a special skill such as [Analysis] possessed by a hero, it is difficult to detect. Because the humans under manipulation are conscious and can act on their own will.”


Upon hearing that, the Crown Prince and his wife widened their eyes in shock. The same is true for the King of Schwarze.

However, Famir and the Prime Minister do not seem to be surprised. It was known to Famir and the other magicians, and the Prime Minister was informed by Famir when he cross-examined Arthur.

“To be precise, even if you think you are acting on your own will, the fact is, the direction of that intention has changed. In the case of Arthur, the caster’s command to ‘destroy the barrier’ was thought to be his own will. He doesn’t understand why it has to be destroyed. He just accepted as a matter of course and doesn’t think of his behavior as strange. However, because he is conscious, his words and actions are basically the same as usual. So again, no one would have noticed until he was completely taken over.”

A slightly pale Princess Mariage inquired.

“Is it easy for higher-ranking demons to perform such a terrifying spell?”

It was Famir who answered.

“Yes. That is why we are always defending ourselves so that we humans who use magical powers cannot be manipulated. Greed-dono and the others are no exception. If we are manipulated, it will bother our allies…… It is an unwritten rule that has been passed down to us magicians in the long battle between humans and demons.”

Famir’s face was distorted by irritability and annoyance.

“Except for the apprentices like Norwen, it should be natural for a full-fledged magician. Even more so, a second-ranked magician of Albatro must not neglect to defend himself.”

“……I understand. In other words, Arthur can’t make excuses for himself.”

Princess Mariage sighed.

“Yes. It’s hard to say but Arthur can’t be acquitted. I’ll discuss with the Head Magician of Albatro regarding his future, but I’m sure there will be severe punishment.”

“It is inevitable.”

The Crown Prince nodded with a grave expression.

“By the way, Your Highness, about Princess Tiana……”

As soon as the King said that, Prince Lautrich’s body quickly became tense.

He thought he would be blamed for his sister princess for hindering the Hero.

But as long as Greed said it wasn’t her fault, the King couldn’t blame the Crown Prince for that either.

“With the castle thrown into confusion like this, the princess will be uncomfortable, too. Though, it’s unlikely that demons will attack again. Why don’t you let her return home first?”

Upon hearing that, Prince Lautrich’s body relaxed. It means that the King is acquitting Princess Tiana.

Instead of her husband, Princess Mariage replied with a smile.

“I agree. We’ll have Princess Tiana return home first. I’ll tell the maid to get ready.”

“Yes. Please do.”

The King nodded as he said that.

“Please tell us if you don’t have enough manpower. We will arrange it immediately.”

The Prime Minister added with a smile.

“Thank you, Prime Minister. Some of her maids have returned to Albatro so I would appreciate it if you could do so.”

“We will arrange for guards to escort the Princess to the border.”

Both sides agreed that they wanted to keep Princess Tiana away from here as soon as possible, and the discussion seemed to continue without a hitch.


Suddenly, they heard a soldier’s panicking voice outside the door.

“Please wait! You can’t enter without His Majesty’s permission!”

What they heard next was the voice of the person everyone never wanted to hear here.

“Move aside! I need to talk to the Hero!”

Then, the door opened without the permission of the King.

It seemed that Princess Tiana wasn’t the only one outside the door.

Alfred, the second prince of Schwarze, stood quietly behind her as she stepped into the room.

Immediately, the harsh voice of Princess Mariage loudened.

“Princess Tiana, Alfred, what do you think you are doing!? Even the royal family is not allowed to enter His Majesty’s office without permission!”

“N-No, my dear sister. Coming here to have business with Father and the Hero, Princess Tiana just pushed the door open……”

Rebuked by his sister, Alfred faltered and made apologies. In short, he just happened to be by the door.

“Tiana! Where are your manners……!?”

This time, Prince Lautrich changed his expression and scolded her.

But Princess Tiana did not hesitate to step forward in front of the King of Schwarze and curtsied.

“I apologize, Your Majesty. Please forgive me for being rude.”

By nature, the King is not fussy about courtesy. He cannot not forgive her so he raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded magnanimously.

“Mm. It’s fine.”

“Thank you.”

Then Princess Tiana said to his brother and his wife.

“I’m sorry, dear brother, dear sister. But when I heard that the Hero has awakened, I really wanted to apologize for last night……”

“Oh, hmm. If that was the case……”

Prince Lautrich, who is soft on his sister, easily forgave her.

Next to him, Princess Mariage mumbled and sighed in exasperation.

“I have a bad feeling,”

With the absolution of the King and the Crown Prince, Princess Tiana turned to Greed, who stood by the wall.

“Hero-sama…… I truly apologize for last night……”

While saying that, Princess Tiana’s legs suddenly stopped moving as she tried to approach Greed.


Greed said nothing and just looked at Princess Tiana with emotionless eyes.


Princess Tiana called out of confusion.

Renas answered all her silent questions.

“Greed did not do anything. The spirits around him are stopping you from approaching him.”

That was a pretty conservative way of saying it.

The spirits around Greed are clearly hostile to the princess. If Princess Tiana tries to touch Greed, they will attack her mercilessly.

And Greed has no plans of stopping them.

“Do you get it? This is a piece of advice. Don’t get any closer to Greed.”

“B-But that’s……”

Princess Tiana was flabbergasted.

Everyone in this room was watching the exchange between the two.

That’s why no one noticed that Alfred, who was outside the room, went to enter the room…… No, only Greed was aware but he did not say anything.

Alfred stepped forward in front of Greed and said angrily.

“……Don’t tell me, the reason why I couldn’t meet Aria lately is because the spirits were interfering!?”

Apparently, listening to the exchange between Princess Tiana and Renas made him realize that every time he tried to meet Aria, something was obstructing him.

Those who knew the situation wondered if he finally noticed.

“Where did my son inherit his insensitivity from?”

The Prime Minister answered in a horrified expression.

“I’m sure it is not from you, Your Majesty, nor Her Majesty.”

Greed did not answer Alfred’s question and merely looked at him with a blank expression.

Alfred, who got frightened that Aria was not by his side, then said as if he remembered something.

“Oh, so that was the case! Hero-dono, is it true that Aria was kidnapped!?”

Upon hearing that, Rufaga asked the Prime Minister and the King.

“Did you not tell Prince Alfred?”

The Prime Minister answered Rufaga.

“Yes. I thought it would be troublesome, and I kept silent because His Highness is busy as the officer-in-charge of the security. However, the kidnapping was rumored in the castle, so it seems that it has got into His Highness’s ears.”

Alfred asked the silent Greed.

“Hero-dono, since she was by your side……!”

When he heard that, Greed’s eyebrow twitched.

The other people in the room got scared.

Didn’t you see Princess Tiana holding Greed in the ballroom last night? Everyone wondered.

However, no one remembered if Alfred was there.

Alfred has a mediocre appearance, and he was born with [Stealth] skill that is continuously activated.

Anyway, he doesn’t seem to know that Princess Tiana interfered with Greed. Not realizing the tense atmosphere, he argued vehemently.

“You can’t protect Aria by yourself, even if you have the power to defeat the Demon King!”

The tension around the room has finally reached its limit.

The Prime Minister made a soft cluck with his tongue and stepped forward. He was trying to silence Alfred by force.

However, at that time, someone unexpectedly raised her voice.

“Alfred-sama, it is not the Hero’s fault! It is all my fault……!”

It was Princess Tiana, who was being held at bay by the spirits.

“Huh? What do you mean, Princess Tiana?”

Ignoring Alfred’s question, Princess Tiana called out to Greed.

“I’m sorry, Hero-sama. I didn’t know that the girl was in danger, and I unknowingly held you back……”

Princess Tiana looked down and fluttered her long eyelashes. Most men would be moved by her sad face.

But the only man in the room who was moved was her brother, Prince Lautrich.

Greed remained expressionless, while the others looked at the Princess with the same apathetic expression.

“When I heard that the Hero was awakened, I knew how painful it was for him, and I would not have been able to stand if it were me.”

While saying that, everyone can see through her that she was attempting to sympathize with Greed.

Princess Tiana, who is used to being forgiven for most of the things she has done if she apologizes, presumed that she will be forgiven again. She would have been, but if she really wanted to be forgiven, she should have returned home without appearing in front of Greed.

That was what Renas thought, but he said to himself, “We’ll see about that.” He could feel Greed’s magical power getting stronger, and he could also hear the angry voices of the spirits around him.

“Liar! That woman is a liar!”

“Yet, she was happy that Aria was kidnapped and no woman now stands in her way!”

“She even said that Greed is now hers!”


Greed’s eyes now seemed to lack their luster. But he saw Princess Tiana’s calculating and arrogant nature. Of course, she used her maids to bully Aria.

Still, he left her alone until now because Aria did not want revenge.

However, for Greed, whose emotions could no longer be suppressed because Aria was kidnapped, Princess Tiana’s words and actions could no longer be overlooked.

“Enough. No more false pleasantries are needed. Just go back to your room and get ready to go home.”

Greed said harshly but in an indifferent tone.


Ignoring Princess Tiana’s pale expression, Greed told Alfred.

“I will definitely save Aria . . . even if it costs my life.”


Alfred then clamped his mouth tight and nodded a little.

However, a shrill voice interjected. It was Princess Tiana.

“N-No! The Hero is a world’s treasure, you know!? His life must not be sacrificed for one mere maid!”

──At that moment, the people around them felt the temperature in the room drop all at once.

“Hnn, this can’t be.”

Famir grumbled softly and began to cast spells. However, his voice was drowned out by Princess Tiana’s voice.

“The life of the Hero and the life of a maid are incomparable!”

“Princess Tiana, stop!”

The panic-stricken voice of Princess Mariage reverberated in the room. But Princess Tiana paid no notice to the unusual appearance of her sister-in-law.

The Prime Minister also put a hand on his temple and looked like he could no longer endure the pain. Famir’s forehead also broke into a sweat as he continued to cast spells in a soft voice.

But the King and Alfred, as well as Renas and Rufaga, remained unaffected.

“She should have just gone home……”

Rufaga said to Renas, who sighed in reply.

“Well, I think it’s okay. Because Greed is still in control even right after Aria disappeared. Besides, this is the place that Aria cherishes and would return to. He can’t destroy it.”

Princess Tiana appealed further.

“Please stop doing dangerous things, Hero-sama. It’s unfortunate for the maid, but it can’t be helped. I think she will be happy to sacrifice herself for the Hero!”

“Princess, what are you……! Are you telling me to give up on Aria!?”

Alfred’s expression changed and approached Princess Tiana.

Then Princess Tiana nodded coolly.

“Yes, that’s right. You should give up on her.”

“Princess Tiana!”

The voices of Princess Mariage and Alfred overlapped.

Then Greed raised his right hand and slammed it against the wall behind me.

“Shut up!”


A thunderous roar reverberated in the office.

Snapping to look at the source of the sound, their eyes widened.

Greed’s fist has sunken into the wall.

Cracks appeared radially to it and debris fell to the floor. It probably did not go through, but the back of the wall must have looked terrible.

“Ah, he’s done it.”

Renas said that in a light tone, much to everyone’s bewilderment. Only Rufaga and he have predicted this situation, so they are calm.

Greed said, looking at Princess Tiana.

“Shut up. Never open your mouth again.”

His tone was still plain, but his words were cold.

Princess Tiana jerked.

She tried to call out to him but for some reason, she could not make a sound.

……Who is this person?

He is not the same person as the one who smiled kindly at that maid. It feels like he is a stranger. But in the first place, she viewed him with some kind of a filter and failed to see Greed as a human being. And she felt a mysterious fear as she looked in the glass-like eyes that stared at her. She can’t detect any emotions from him and he appears cold and eerily artificial.

Yes, he is like a doll……

Princess Tiana unknowingly stepped back. But then, she fainted on the spot.

“Eh, eh, Princess Tiana!?”

Alfred was surprised when she fell in front of him.

He caught her body at once, but he was confused. However, he turned to Greed and asked, knowing that some mysterious force is at work.

“Hero-dono, what on earth did you do to the Princess……?”

It was Rufaga, not Greed, who answered him.

“Princess Tiana was exposed to the magical power and spiritual power of Greed that filled this room. Currently, Greed is not suppressing his magical powers and is almost in full throttle. When exposed to rich magical powers, non-resistant humans will receive some damage.”

Rufaga then smiled at the pale and ill-looking Crown Prince, his wife, and the Prime Minister.

“For those who are not used to it, it feels intense, no?”

“Rufaga-dono, what’s happening to Mariage and the others……?”

With gaping eyes, the King asked.

“Human beings with magical powers like the Crown Prince and the others are a little tolerant, so they will not lose consciousness but they will get sick. It’s the so-called magical sickness.”

“Alfred and I do not feel anything……”

“That’s because Famir-dono immediately protected you with magic. Otherwise, you, Your Majesty, who has no magical power would have collapsed like Princess Tiana. If this was the magical power of demons, it can lead to death.”

“I see . . . Thank you, Famir.”

Famir shook his head.

“No, I did what I was supposed to do as a royal magician.”

A lot of sweat was beading on his forehead.

With high magical powers, Famir should not be so much affected by Greed’s magical power.

However, he is worn out from last night.

Moreover, using protective magic seemed to put a considerable load on his body.

“You look like you’re suffering. Do not go to Viscount Milford’s residence without resting.”


“This is an order, Famir. I do not want you to be confined in bed.”

“……I understand.”

When the King saw Famir acquiesce, he then tells Alfred, who was holding Princess Tiana.

“Alfred, please take Princess Tiana to her room.”

“Y-Yes, Father.”

Alfred dragged Princess Tiana halfway and then carried her as he walked out of the door.

The King then called the attention of Prince Lautrich and Princess Mariage, who have pallid complexions.

“The Crown Prince and his wife should go back to their room and rest. You do not appear to be in good health.”

The signs of Greed’s magical power have diminished, so the magical sickness should have subsided. However, the Crown Prince and his wife’s pallid complexion is not due to magical sickness.

The unpleasant premonition that the Crown Princess had shortly after Princess Tiana barged into the room was right on the money.

The King told them in a strict tone.

“I regret to say this, but Princess Tiana must return home soon. Needless to say, you know why……”

Princess Mariage sighed.

“Yes, Father. She won’t wake up for a while in that situation. We will send her home as soon as possible.”

“……It can’t be helped.”

Prince Lautrich nodded with a bitter expression.

The couple then bowed to the King and Greed and quietly left the office.

“……My, my.”

The King sighed deeply.

“Good grief.”

After recovering from the magical sickness, the Prime Minister pushed the bridge of his glasses with his index finger. Then he called out to Famir, who was also slightly feeling better.

“Famir, you deliberately excluded Princess Tiana from your protection. Am I right?”

Famir raised an eyebrow.

“At that moment, I could only protect His Majesty and His Highness.”

“Stop kidding me. Since you have the ability, you could have protected Princess Tiana.”

Hearing those words, Famir said with a smirk.

“You’re overestimating me. In the first place, my job is to protect the royal family of Schwarze, and it is the job of the magicians of Albatro to protect Princess Tiana. In addition……”

As he paused, Famir flashed a sinister smile.

“There’s no reason for me to protect the life of someone who said, ‘It’s unfortunate so just give up,’ regarding a daughter of a friend whom I have known since I was born.”

Then, the Prime Minister also smiled.

“Yes, you’re right…… If it was Princess Tiana who was kidnaped, I’ll also gladly say, ‘It can’t be helped so just give up.’”

“That’s a given.”

It was a disrespectful conversation involving a royal, albeit from another country, but the King could not blame them.

He also has the experience of having his daughter kidnapped by a demon. He can empathize with their pain.

“I did not hear anything.”

“If you’ll excuse me, Your Majesty?”

While listening to their congenial conversation, Rufaga called Greed.

“Are you feeling better?”

“……Yes, I’m sorry.”

Greed muttered as he looked at the wall he destroyed. He is fully aware that his emotions were about to go out of hand.

“Well, I’m glad you only needed one wall anyway.”

Renas quipped as he approached the wall. It is the result of releasing, not only his strength, but also of his magical power that was amplified by his emotions.

“But what should we do with this? Can it be magically restored?”

The Prime Minister heard it and said with a smile.

“Don’t worry about it. We will charge Albatro for the cost of repairing the wall.”

Then the Prime Minister stood in front of Greed and asked him with a straight face.

“Greed-dono, can you leave the dealing with Princess Tiana to me? The power of the spirits is too great, and the kingdom of Albatro might be thrown off balance. If that happens, our other allies will also be affected. I will make sure she will never bother Aria and you again.”

“……I understand. I’ll leave it to you.”

Greed bobbed his head. From the start, he was not planning on letting the spirits do anything.

His interest only lies in Aria, and he did not want to think about Princess Tiana, especially now. If he wants to leave it to him, then that’s better. If he were the Prime Minister, he would also do the same.

“You can leave it to me.”

The Prime Minister gave him a slight smile and bowed his head, then returned to the King’s side.

──Only about half an hour later, Princess Tiana left the castle of Schwarze, unconscious, and on her way home.

A few months later, she was also sent away from Albatro to a strict goddess monastery in the north.