It was when the exasperated Renas, Milly, and Rufus were urging Greed, who would not eat anything since morning, to eat supper.

Greed, who was leaning against the window of the living room of their guest quarters as he listened to his friends, got up in a hurry.

“Something is coming.”

Something made up of demonic powers is heading towards them. They knew it because many spirits were placed outside the temporary barrier built by Renas and Rufaga.

Greed has been waiting for it.


Suddenly, Greed disappeared. He used teleportation magic.

“Outside the barrier.”

Rufaga, who was informed by the spirits, told everyone before teleporting after Greed.

Everyone else followed.


The party moved outside the barrier, above in the air. One can see the roof of the main tower below. The sun is setting and the sky is changing from red to purple to darkness above them.

Teleporting, they rushed beside Greed, who teleported ahead of them.

Greed stood in the air, staring at the sun setting on the horizon.


Upon hearing Rufaga, the party members followed Greed’s line of sight. Then, they saw something like a black bird flying away from the setting sun.

At a distance, it looked like a flying bird. But as it got closer, they find that it was not the case. It was just a bird-shaped dark object with no eyes and mouth.

Eventually, in front of Greed, the bird-shaped object stopped moving.

Everyone got ready for battle instantly. But Greed commanded them.

“It poses no harm. It’s just a mass of magical power that carries a message.”

With that said, Greed reached out to the object. And as soon as Greed’s fingertips brushed it a little, it changed shape. It turned into a rectangle slightly larger than Greed’s palm.

“This is……”

Greed muttered as if he noticed something and grabbed it by the edge. Then it changed color in a blink of an eye and turned white.

It was a piece of paper. Perhaps someone cast a spell on the paper to be able to fly this far.

“A letter from a higher-ranked demon……”

Rufus muttered.

Something is written on the paper. Greed gazed at it and squinted.

“So, what was written in it?”

Milly peered into the paper from the sides and gasped.

It was written as follows.

──If you want to get your belongings, come to the Demon King’s Castle alone tomorrow at noon. The Demon King’s castle is in the same location as before. However, do not wear armor or carry your holy sword, but come as you are. If you do not follow, the life of the hostage is not guaranteed.

After that, the party returned to the living room and discussed the letter sent to them.

However, Greed did not join them, and instead, he just stood by the window as before.

“When I sent the spirits to scout, I was able to confirm that there is a new castle in the place where the Demon King’s Castle used to be.”

Rufaga said gravely.

“It was a blind spot. It was a place that spirits couldn’t approach after the Demon King’s Castle collapsed, so I did not have any information that a castle was being rebuilt.”

“Is there any doubt that Aria is there?”

Sitting on the couch, Milly asked.

“Possibly, but I could not confirm it. The higher-ranking demons put up a strong barrier that even the spirits can’t enter.”

“Even spirits can’t enter?”

Rufus realized the implication and turned pale.

“Yes. Since Greed was blessed by all the spirits, they probably realized that he is free to use the power of the spirits. Unlike the previous barrier, the spirits are also completely shut out. You can’t use the power of spirits inside that.”

“Then, Greed will be totally unarmed……”

Farah whined.

He will face the demons without a holy sword and armor, and he will not be able to use the power of the spirits. Moreover, Aria was taken hostage. And even if it’s Greed, he won’t be left unscathed.

“First, I was thinking of securing Aria with the power of the spirits . . . But if that can’t be done……”

Rufaga’s expression hardened.

Renas couldn’t stand it so he got up from the sofa and shouted.

“Don’t go, Greed! You’ll just be killed!”

Let Greed come unarmed, make him suffer as much as they can, and kill him. The enemy’s intention was clear.

However, Greed glanced at the door and then shook his head with a blank expression.

“I’ll go. It’s no use stopping me this time.”


“Even if you go, you may not be able to save Aria’s life under those conditions, right?”

Fara also said with a stiff expression.

However, Greed shook his head again.

“If I don’t go, they’ll hurt Aria as a lesson, so I’ll go even if I will unlikely win. I’ll bet my life on rescuing her.”

“……Greed. The world still needs a hero, you know?”

Rufaga said, sighing.

However, it sounded like he had given up, probably because he knew that he would not be able to stop him with such words.

Greed answered quietly.

“A hero is not needed anymore.”


Rufaga warned, his eyes squinting.

“Regulating the magical powers is my job as the hero, but what I actually do is subjugate the demons. Since I have done that, then that’s enough. The hero . . . is the only one who can defeat the Demon King. And I have already done that. The hero is not needed in this world anymore.”

Greed plainly stated the facts, paused for a while, then continued.

“It’s fine. I will be unarmed, but that doesn’t mean I can’t use magical powers. If we slash each other, at least one executive will be hurt. I’m sorry but I’ll leave the rest to you……”

“You’re always like that, Greed!”

Suddenly Renas lashed out in an angry yet anguished voice.

“You always do that, deciding on your own and taking things in your hands! You don’t think about the feelings of those you will leave behind!?”

Greed’s eyes widened a little at Renas’ crumpled face as the latter held back his tears, then turned his eyes down.

“……I’m sorry.”

He expressed it with a guilty expression and not in his usual blank face, that Milly could not help but smile as she cried.

“Oh, Greed, just as Aria taught you, you honestly apologized……”

“Right. I think you’re sly for being faithful to Aria’s teachings only at such times.”

Rufus also covered his face with one hand and curved his lips into a smile.

As he left his childhood friends in wonder, Greed felt his chest suffusing with warmth.

It was very similar to what he felt when he was with Aria. It was also the warmth he first felt when he lost Aria.

“I’m sorry, everyone.”

Apologizing once again, Greed closed his eyes.

──Aria, what you gave me is still inside my heart.

Then Greed opened his eyes and looked around, saying.

“But because it is you, guys, that’s why I can entrust you with the rest. I can say that selfishly…… I’m grateful.”


Renas grimaced.

He is aware, too. No matter how much he persuades, he cannot stop Greed.

“In case of emergency . . . I’ll ask later.”

Greed said, exhaled a little then called out to the door.

“By the way, to the person who has been outside the door for a while. Isn’t there something that you need to do?”


Upon hearing that, everyone except Rufaga, was dumbfounded.

Immediately after that, the door opened, revealing the Prime Minister who was smiling wryly.

“As expected of Greed-dono. Did you see me?”

“It was because I was able to see through the spirits…… You already heard what we were discussing, right?”

“I was curious about what you were talking about so I just……”

After saying that without remorse, the Prime Minister kept his chin up.

“Now that I heard it, I have to report it to His Majesty . . . will that be alright?”

“……Yes. I was going to report to him regarding the letter that came from the demons anyway.”

They were attended to for a long time, and the reason why the demons attacked the other day is that Greed is here. It would be unreasonable for him to keep this from the king of the kingdom who was inconvenienced because of them.

“I will tell him then.”

The Prime Minister nodded and changed the topic.

“I came here to tell you that Famir had just returned to the castle together with Viscount Milford and his wife.”

Upon hearing that, Greed widened his eyes.

“Her parents?”

“Yes. The Viscount finds everything very bothersome, but not when it comes to his family. Famir has teleported them here so that they can meet her once she returns. It seems that they believe that their daughter will come back.”

The Prime Minister chuckled a bit and asked Greed.

“They are now with His Majesty. Would you like to see them?”


Greed nodded. He thought he had to apologize for not being able to protect her.

However, the other people who were listening to the conversation started making noise.

“Aria’s dad? I want to see him, too!”

“Me, too!”

“I heard he is a very interesting person.”

“I think the Princess wants to see him, too. It might distract her a little from her depressive thoughts.”

“Will it be troublesome for them to meet such a large number of people?”

The Prime Minister smiled amusedly and said.

“It’s all right. Please come and join us.”

The Hero’s party, together with Princess Louise, headed to the main tower, where the king’s office is located.

Princess Louise has redness on the edges of her eyes, but she seems to be quite calm now.

“I believe that Greed-sama will rescue Aria.”

The party members did not inform the princess, who was smiling cheerfully, about the demons’ letter. They were being careful not to cause her more heartache.

As they talked about Princess Tiana’s return to her kingdom, a young man ran up as the party reached the corridor leading from the main residence to the main tower.


It was Norwen, the apprentice magician.

The Princess’s face shines brightly.

“Norwen! Have you recovered?”

“Yes, I’m sorry for making the Princess worry.”

Norwen hurriedly bowed his head.

It was the Princess who had been by Norwen’s side when he became unconscious after the barrier was destroyed.

“Thank goodness. We didn’t know the extent of your injury at that time, so Aria was scared to death. If she knew that you were safe, Aria would have been relieved.”

As soon as Norwen heard those words, big fat tears fell from his big eyes.

As the tears streamed down his face, everyone was puzzled.


“……Forgive me, Princess. If I were stronger, the barrier would have not been broken or Aria-san would not have been kidnapped……”

Norwen’s face twisted in agony.

“I . . . I wasn’t able to do anything of importance……! On the contrary, it was Aria-san and the Princess who protected me . . . I’m sorry, Greed-san. Aria-san was kidnapped. It’s all my fault……!”

After he said that, Norwen hung his head. His little shoulders were trembling, probably because he was holding back his sobs.

The princess exclaimed in surprise.

“It’s not your fault! Because of you, we got to know that Arthur was trying to break the barrier.”

“But I could not stop him . . . Had I been able to use more magic……!”


Greed, who was silently listening to the conversation between Norwen and the Princess, suddenly spoke up.

Norwen’s body jerked.

Greed reached out his hand and gently placed it on top of Norwen’s light brown head.

“Your help has given me time before the barrier was destroyed. If you did not notice it, Aria would have been kidnapped much earlier. I was able to make it in time because of you.”

His voice had no intonation as usual. However, it seems that he has fully conveyed his feelings.


Norwen then heaved with sobs.

“Rather than drown yourself in regret over the past that you cannot undo, you should do your best to do the things that you can do now.”

Upon saying that, Greed withdrew his hand from Norwen’s head.

Norwen nodded vigorously, tears streaming down his face.

“Yes. I will give it my all to do the things that I can do for now……!”

Then, the Prime Minister, who was silently observing their exchanges, came forward.

“Norwen, surely Famir must have instructed you to go down to your room and rest. You have been treating the wounded since this afternoon. You should be resting, right?”

Norwen shook his head and said.

“No, I’m still fine. I still have magical powers so I will work.”

“Norwen, follow the instructions and rest.”

The Prime Minister emphasized with added strictness.


“The magical powers of magicians are essential to rebuild the barrier. And several magicians are still injured and unable to move. You need to treat them. If you get down with illness right now, the magicians’ return will be delayed.”

“I understand.”

Norwen became dejected.

Apparently he did not follow the instructions to rest and had been treating the injured until now. That’s why he was probably in the main tower where the medical room is and not in the Magicians’ Tower where his private room was.

“Now, go back to the room.”

“……I understand. Then please, excuse me. Please forgive me for detaining you.”

Prompted by the Prime Minister, Norwen bowed to the Hero’s party. But there were no traces of tears on his face anymore.

After seeing Norwen off and watching his back disappear into the main residence, the Prime Minister turned to Greed.

“Thank you very much, Greed-dono. Thank you for saying that. Also . . . I heard from Renas-dono that the Hero has discovered the healing skills of Norwen. We are grateful for your intimation. Famir was also convinced. He had been wondering if that ability was the reason why that child had a strange bias in his magical proficiency level. I’m sure from now on, he will train that child to develop his strengths.”

When he heard that, Greed shook his head.

“He was born with that ability. I did not do anything. I just told you the truth.”

“Still, that child was saved more than anyone else, no doubt.”

Behind them, the Hero’s childhood friends were deeply moved.

“Who would have thought that Greed, who does not care about anything, could comfort others……”

Milly agreed with Rufus’ statement.

“I know, right!? If it was the former Greed, he would have completely ignored Norwen’s tears.”

“Even though Aria is not here right now . . . you’ve grown, Greed.”

Renas nodded enthusiastically.

After hearing the conversation of the childhood friends, Farah then told Rufaga.

“Aria had a better impact on Greed than I expected. They can’t lose . . . not even either one of their lives.”


Rufaga nodded with a determined expression.

When the Hero’s party entered the King’s office, there were three strangers other than the King and Famir in the room.

The first person Greed and his friends noticed was a woman in her late thirties with flax-colored hair and dark brown eyes.

After chatting with Famir, the woman noticed that the party has entered the office and she beamed at them.

The party members were familiar with that smile.

“Exactly like Aria……”

Milly muttered in surprise.

That’s right. Aria’s mother, Margaret Milford, has a similar appearance to her, although her hair color is different from Aria.

She also has a mediocre appearance, but her face is expressive and charming. It made them think that Aria would probably look like her in another twenty years.

“Ruth-oniisama, these people are the Hero’s party, if I’m not mistaken?”

Margaret asked the Prime Minister.

“You’re right. This is the Hero, Greed-dono, and his comrades,”


It was Princess Louise who unknowingly said it.

The Prime Minister turned to the Princess.

“Maggie . . . Margaret is my maternal cousin.”

“Then, the Prime Minister and Aria are related by blood……?”

“That’s the case. However, she does not have much awareness that we are relatives……” [T/N: Reference - Vol. 2 Chapter 13 - The Ice Prime Minister]

For the Prime Minister, Aria is the daughter of his friends rather than a distant relative and Aria recognizes the Prime Minister as just a friend of her father.

“My, I did not know!”

The Princess was too shocked to know this fact just now after working with Aria for six years in the castle.

“I’m sure that child had forgotten, Louise-sama.”

Margaret said briskly as she smiled at the Princess and the party members.

She then took a step forward and curtsied.

“I’ll introduce myself again. My name is Margaret Milford, Aria’s mother. Thank you for looking after my daughter.”

Magaret raised her face and gestured to a young man of about twenty years old nearby.

“This is my son, Justin.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for taking care of my sister.”

Justin Milford, who has the same flax-colored hair as his mother, bowed slightly after saying that.

Unlike Aria, he doesn’t look much like their mother. And for some reason, he has two thick books under his arm.

“E-Excuse me, but why do you carry books?”

When he heard it, Renas was immediately washed with regret. He remembered Aria mentioning it before. The Milford men tend to be extraordinarily addicted to their hobbies; the father is horse-mad, while the brother is a book nerd.

“To read them.”

Justin replied in a tone that says, “You have a problem with that?”

Even if his sister was kidnapped by demons, he won’t seem to let go of his books…… Wait, does he dare to read his books in the King’s office?

“I believe she will come back safely, because Father said, ‘Somehow it will be taken care of'. We did not come here because we are worried about Aria. We came so that we can meet her once she comes back.”

At that time, the man who had his back to the party and was talking to the King──Viscount Milford, turned around after their conversation.

Aria’s father, Lionel Milford, was supposed to be in his mid-forties, but he looks like he is still in his late thirties.

His face does not resemble Aria at all, but his walnut-colored hair looks just like her. Standing beside Margaret, it is obvious that they are Aria’s parents.

Lionel looked around, saw Greed, and greeted him with a friendly smile.

“Hey, long time no see.”


Greed’s eyes widened in surprise. Without Aria around, it was rare for Greed to change his expression.

But Greed was not the only one who was surprised. Everyone except Aria’s family was stunned.

“Greed, do you know Aria’s father?”

Milly queried.

But Greed shook his head.

“No, I only got to know about him when I searched for Aria through the spirits of the earth, but I never met him in person."

He clearly knew him, so Greed could not hide his confusion.

Lionel blinked his eyes when he saw the reaction.

“You mean, you have not met me yet?”

Greed became more confused because he could not understand the context of the question.

The next moment, Lionel beamed.

“I see, I see, we have not met yet! Then it’s alright!”

As if convinced of himself, he turned to his family.

“Margaret, Justin, rejoice! Aria will definitely come back!”

“Oh, thank goodness!”

Margaret smiled at her husband.


Justin also grinned.

“So is this the one you said to me before?”

“Yes, this face. No doubt.”

Lionel nodded with an assuring expression.

“Lionel . . . I don’t really understand what you’re saying. Please explain.”

Famir said, frowning.

“I met him a long time ago. He who called himself a ‘Hero’ with this current appearance. I think it was almost ten years ago?”

Lionel pointed to Greed and said that.

Everyone stared at Greed, but he shook his head, indicating that he did not remember it.

It was the Prime Minister who caught on to what Lionel said and interjected.

“You’re saying that it was his present ‘appearance’? And he called himself a ‘Hero’ ten years ago?”

Ten years ago, Greed must have been just a young boy, and he was chosen as a hero only a few years ago.

“Yes, it was exactly him, with the sacred sword on his waist, and he said that he came from the future.”

“The future!?”

A lot of them exclaimed. Greed was also flabbergasted.

“I do not know what caused it, but when I noticed, he was there and said that at that time. Well, I thought it was just a crazy man’s ramblings……”

Lionel continued, scratching his head.

“When our mansion was attacked by a demon beast, he suddenly appeared and quickly slashed the demon beast with the sacred sword. Can’t a normal sword defeat the demons? No, the only sword that can cut through a demon beast without the ‘blessing’ of the priest is the sacred sword. That’s when I believed him that he is a Hero and that he came from the future.”

“B-But how would Greed……”

Renas stammered, but his opinions completely changed when he heard what Lionel said next.

“What surprised me was not the fact that he came from the future, but when he told me that he wanted to propose to Aria, who was just ten years old at that time. And nine years later, he asked for permission to propose to her again.”

“Oh, that’s definitely Greed.”

“That’s why when I heard from Famir that the triumphant Hero proposed to my daughter, I thought he finally appeared. But that’s not what matters now. What's important is that you haven’t met me before yet.”

Then, Lionel looked straight at Greed.

“In other words, him going back to the past is still a long way off. And at that time, you said you were with Aria before you went back. In short, my daughter is alive at that point in the future.”

“In other words, Aria is safe because Greed, who is with Aria, exists in the future. Is that what you’re saying?”

Famir, who had been silently listening for a while, chimed in.

Lionel nodded.

“Yes. I wanted to make sure of that so I forced Lionel to bring me. If the Hero had already met me, then my daughter’s safety would not be guaranteed. In the end, a correct answer will come.”

The Prime Minister smiled when he saw Lionel smiling.

“No one can predict the future . . . not even the goddess.”

“I know. Still, I think it will work out somehow. Well, that’s my usual intuition. For some reason, I can only think that she will come back safely.”

Lionel sighed in a light tone, and Famir sighed in astonishment.

“……As usual, ‘it will work out somehow’. You really don’t change.”

Saying that, the Prime Minister and Famir became more cheerful.

“How do I describe him……? Aria’s father is a strangely fascinating person.”

Beside him, Princess Louise nodded.

“Today is the first time we’ve met him properly, but . . . he’s a very interesting person, isn’t he?”

“Do you think he has skills?”

As if he noticed something, Rufaga asked Greed.

Greed nodded, keeping his eyes on Lionel.

“Yes. He was born with [Precognition].”

“[Precognition] . . . I see, I get your point. In other words, when he says, ‘it will work out somehow’, it is because he unknowingly uses his skill to predict the future.”

While Rufaga said that, he nodded several times.

“Yes. [Precognition] has the power to see one of many futures, but in his case, he also has the power to attract the best future…… No, I think he is good at selecting the options that will lead him to the best future without mistakes.”

“That’s amazing.”

But the good news he relayed was that Aria is safe.

──However, what one can see using [Precognition] is just one of several futures. Unlike Greed’s [Divine Revelation], it is not accurate. The future will change with the slightest change.

As the leader of the party, Rufaga has no intention to bet their lives on such uncertainties. Therefore, as he listened to the conversations, he was calmly contemplating the actions they should take in the future.

──Think. What should be done?

Greed cannot be stopped. He will definitely go to the Demon King’s castle tomorrow at noon.

As long as the demons have stipulated for him to come alone, Rufaga and the others will not leave him alone. But if they do that, they would harm Aria.

Above all, as long as there is that barrier, they can’t go inside. If they have to force their way in, they must aim for the time when the demons would loosen the barrier momentarily to invite Greed. But if it fails, Aria will be harmed.

……Is the barrier really the problem?

As long as there is no barrier, Greed can use the power of the spirits. They would know where Aria is, but it is still possible for the demons to recapture her.

However, it is a barrier created by the higher-ranked demons. It cannot be destroyed without using a great deal of magical power.

The barrier can be broken pretty easily by applying force from the inside, but unlike the previous Demon King’s castle, the spirits cannot enter so the spirits cannot help. Therefore, if Greed destroys it alone, he will swoon again after releasing his magical powers. Even if he will be able to make a hole in the barrier, he will not be able to fight. Indeed, they need the power to break the barrier from the inside.

At that moment, something flashed in Rufaga’s mind.

……That’s it. Something that can discharge strong magical power inside the barrier. If they can use that, they can destroy the barrier from the inside.

But then, Rufaga’s expression became grim.

When the power is activated, that is the time when her safety is the most threatened.