Chapter 26: Dhamar Kingdom, We Don't Need Hero

Chapter 26: Dhamar Kingdom, We Don't Need Hero

"The hero Zect and the others are stuck in the town!? Did something go wrong!?"The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

It's still early in the journey to defeat the Demon King... and the hero party is stuck in such a place...? It would be natural if there was a natural disaster that destroyed a bridge or something like that, but no such report has been received for a while now.

"That's the thing..."

"What's the problem? Tell me what's going on! You're in charge of reporting, so I won't get mad at you..."

"Yes! The church and the guild report that a party member has been expelled, but there seems to be... a problem."

Expelled? That party consisted of four members (a hero, a saint, a sage (wise man), and a sword saint), plus one member.

Three positions can't be expelled, so it must be the last one.

"You don't need to tell me, but the one who was expelled was Ceres, the magic swordsman, wasn't it?"

"Yes, that's right!"

"So, Ceres-dono... has he been officially expelled according to the church or the guild?"

"According to the story, the situation is so outrageous that Pope Romaris and the Adventurers' Guild are discussing it and have decided to treat him as a separate party for incomplete records."

"What a shame... they should have just 'expelled' him..."

"Then, simply send a message to our hero, Zect, that he must keep moving forward."

"I understood..."

By the way... the hero doesn't bring any benefit to the Dhamar Kingdom.

They say "Demon King," but for the Demon Kingdom to invade this kingdom, they'd have to go over Galban Empire and the Holy Kingdom Gandhar.

Without destroying those two countries, we'll be safe for a few hundred years.

Besides, the hero will go on a journey to defeat the Demon King. There will be no benefit to this kingdom when they leave this kingdom, because they are only fighting against demons and demons.

Even if the capital is in danger, it is basically impossible to call them back. Even if they are called back, if they are far away, the capital will be 'finished' by the time they reach there.

The fact that we continue to pay money to such a meaningless existence for the sake of a mere decorative honor of the "land of the heroes"'s really ridiculous.

It's not only about money... if the Demon King is defeated, I must also arrange the engagement between my daughter, the second princess, Marin, and the hero...

"For now, there is not much we can do, but since Ceres-dono is leaving. We should do what we can to help... Otta, you will be in charge and take action."

"Yes, I will act immediately, my King."

The kingdom doesn't need the hero... but we need Ceres to act when the time comes... to fight off even the dragon species...