Chapter 255

Serena's POV

"You, even though you're just a kid, you've really decided to buy this... One silver coin (銀貨) for the purchase, two gold coins (金貨) for engraving the slave mark... In total, you need to provide two gold coins and one silver coin. Give me your blood right away."

"I heard that in the royal capital, slaves cannot be sold for less than one gold coin... Is that true?"

"You know a lot. That's about the general trading. In auctions, it's allowed to be less than that... But two gold coins for the slave mark is a common rule. Sorry, but that's how it is."

I injured my finger with a knife and handed over my blood, asking them to engrave the slave mark. Then, I paid the price and took Rosalia with me. This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

"Shall we go now?" I suggested.

Rosalia cried out, "Auauawawa," her words incomprehensible and filling the room with her distress.

"What's the matter?" the slave trader asked.

"Let's leave," I urged, feeling a sense of heaviness from Rosalia's anguish.

But Rosalia continued to cry out, "Auauauwawa" her wailing persisting.

Confusion overwhelmed me as I sought answers. "What does this mean?" I asked the slave trader, hoping for an explanation.

"Oh, Rosalia's mind is damaged. She can't speak properly," the slave trader heartlessly revealed. "That's why her price was low. She's considered broken, like junk, so she's cheap! Didn't you know?" he added with a smirk.

"I had no idea..." I confessed, my voice filled with regret.

"I see, that's unfortunate," the slave trader replied. "That's why we started at five copper coins. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to let go of a villainess who seems to be involved in many bad things. And don't feel sorry for her or be kind... She's despised by the Hero Clan, you know," he cautioned, his tone a mixture of caution and disdain.

The Hero (Yuusha) Clan again... What on earth is it?

"What is the Hero (Yuusha) Clan?"

It's better to ask again here, just in case.

"Huh?! You don't even know that? They are the ones who have the blood of the former Hero (Yuusha) party, including Hero (Yuusha) Zect., who got Kohane from Ceres-sama and became king while Ceres-sama and his wives went to the god world. They are the descendants... There are royal families and noble families of Kohane, as well as local nobles... Well, the royal family of Kohane is genuine, but the authenticity of others is doubtful... Oh, this is a secret."

"I understand... Thank you for telling me."

It's been several hundred years since Zect-oniichan died.

But maybe Zect-oniichan... was not blessed with any offspring.

And Dad is addressed as '-sama.'

Well, whatever... for now, Rosalia's treatment comes first.

The Hero Clan again... It makes me angry.

The third man chuckled condescendingly. "Hahaha, that's right. The Heroes won't do anything wrong, that's why they punished Rosalia... She's a bad person," he stated venomously.

"But if she becomes a slave, wouldn't her sins be forgiven? Doesn't this situation seem strange?" I questioned, trying to shed light on the hypocrisy of their judgments.

The first man's patience wore thin, his face contorted with impatience. "Huh? Can't you stop already? She's a bad person, so 'killing' is the only solution," he snapped, his words filled with malice.

Another man chimed in, giving sinister advice. "If you don't want to be hated by the Hero Clan... it's better to get rid of her," he warned, his eyes gleaming with a twisted sense of logic.

"That's right, and besides, once she's broken to that extent, she won't be able to recover," the third man added, his tone certain.

They're openly showing their murderous intent.

It seems like they think it would be bad to keep Rosalia alive.

"I want to keep her by my side as a beautiful woman, so why not?" I confidently stated.

The first man looked at me sternly. "But keeping her alive would be a bad idea... Don't you understand?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

The second man, with a warning tone, added, "The Hero Clan despises her... If you protect her, you might bring misfortune upon yourself."

"Well, since we feel sorry for you, we'll buy her for one gold coin and her slave mark for two gold coins, totaling three gold coins... How does that sound? It's a fair deal, isn't it?" the third man suggested, his voice tinged with manipulation.

"Sorry, but I won't let go of Rosalia... That's final," I declared firmly.

Their initial show of sympathy vanished, exposing their true intentions. The first man's patience wore thin, and anger seeped into his voice. "Wait, you brat!" he snarled, venom dripping from his words.

The second man's threatening tone followed, his words carrying a chilling promise. "You... We treated you kindly because you were a kid... but if you continue, we'll kill you," he growled, his eyes burning with malice.


There's no one around.

I'm glad they chose such an empty place.

It's a concentrated embodiment of malice, that much I understand.

'Dragon Breath!'

Even in this form, I can unleash flames that can incinerate the three humans in front of me.

In an instant, I burned them all...

I actually wanted to abduct them and interrogate them, but it's impossible in this location. There's no other choice.