Chapter 305

When I opened the third door, there she was...

What a beautiful person... Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

The world is amazing... Maybe because I have the blood of a goddess and a dragon, I can see her true forms.

Carmilla appeared as a bat, and Daji appeared as a fox, but Hera-san can only be seen as a beautiful woman.

Moreover, to think that such a beautiful being exists in this world... Her beauty is on a completely different level.

I thought that no one could surpass Mommy Ishtas in terms of beauty, but Hera-san... She looks even more beautiful.

"Oh, is there something wrong? Why are you staring at me?"

"Well, Hera-san, or should I say Hera-sama, could you possibly be the goddess of beauty?"

"No, I am not the goddess of beauty! Hehe, I did compete with the goddess of beauty and the goddess of war in terms of beauty, but that was all in the past."

"No wonder you looked so beautiful. I have never seen anyone as beautiful as Hera-sama."

"Hehe, thank you."

"No, I..."

"By the way, I heard that Serena-sama also has the blood of gods and yet he is only 12 years old. It's rare."

"Yes, I'm still just a child."

"*Gulp* You're really young, aren't you!"

"Young? Is that so?"

"That's right! There aren't many 12-year-old gods... Most gods, even the child gods, have an appearance of old age... It's like they're grandfathers, if you compare them to humans. It's fresh, or I don't know how to put it..."

"I guess being young is not Hera-sama's preference, right?"

"Um... Well, the thing I govern has a 'maternal instinct'! So, I guess it's my honest preference."

"Is that so? That's good!"

"So, you like it! Can I take it as a yes?"

"Yes, but currently I already have five fiancées. Will that be a problem?"

"Originally, I am also the goddess of marriage and chastity. I prefer monogamy, but if you want polygamy, well, I have had various experiences, so let's accept it this time... However, I believe that a man with a harem should have qualifications."


"Is that okay with you, Hera-sama?"

"A few years for a goddess or god is like a few days for humans! I really want to spend time together, but I'm a high-ranking goddess, so nothing will happen to me... Anyway, I'll look forward to you turning 15 in the heavenly realm. Well, after talking to Everyone, of course..."

"I understand... Um, is it okay to say that the arranged marriage is confirmed?"

"Of course."

As expected, foreign goddesses are amazing...

It's like talking to moms.

* * *

Hera's POV

Hehe, amazing... a 12-year-old child of a god!

Most gods are just scammers.

They may look like boys, but their actual age is old... I don't feel anything anymore.

There are goddesses who think it's okay if they have humans serve them... but they die quickly.

In that case, why not give humans nectar and make them gods...

But most humans are just foolish and lowly people who try to get close to gods.

And then there's a marriage proposal with a 12-year-old boy god.

As a goddess of 'maternity', there's no way I wouldn't accept...

Most of the gods of Olympus... have a liking for lolis and shotas.

I thought about making him mine and doing this and that...

But I am a goddess who governs maternity, after all.

I should encourage Serena's growth...To do that, I need to teach him a little more.

And, it's a little, you know... How should I put it, touching a 12-year-old, even for me...

However, After 3 years pass and he turns 15, from there... cough!

Well, it is my duty as a goddess who lives long to educate his three human fiancées and make a livable heavenly realm while waiting.

Hello, we have a new project about someone who has returned from an isekai. The main character is a hero who has defeated the Demon Lord. However, for some reason, the human-demon war has resumed and will take place in the MC's original world. The MC, unaware of this, meets a Saint from that world and asks them to join the war. But what does the MC say? They refuse. Is it because their love was rejected by the princess when they adventured together in the past or are they simply fed up? And are the MC will join later? You can find out by clicking on the following => [Link]

I also release a alternate story about Shizuko's POV in [Link]