Chapter 97: All the womens were mesmerized, Qin Tian did a hero save beauty!

Chapter 97: All the womens were mesmerized, Qin Tian did a hero save beauty!

Not only was the sky above Kuoh Academy cloudy, the entire sky above Kuoh City had also become cloudy now. The change in the clouds in the sky was so rapid, even ordinary people gazing at the sky realized that it was a strange phenomenon.

In just a few seconds, the sky that was originally adorned in orange was now covered in many black clouds as if heavy rain was about to fall.

Many people on the street quickened their pace, some wanted to quickly find shelter, some wanted to quickly return to their homes. Naturally, people didn't want to get caught in the rain as they were worried about catching a fever or flu the next day.

Some people who remembered today's weather forecast, frowned and complained that the weather experts who said it wouldn't rain today were wrong.

But they didn't know that the weather experts' forecast was actually accurate, only that they wouldn't have thought that the dark clouds covering the entire sky of Kuoh City were caused by someone's current bad mood swings.

Only supernatural beings realized the change in weather was caused by someone, although they didn't know for sure who that person was.

Only the heroines knew.

~ Qin Tian Villa~

Li Yan looked up at the cloudy sky with worry.

"Who? Who made little Tian angry? Is it Protagonist?" she muttered in a low voice.

From his inner voice that she heard, it seemed like someone had hurt one of his woman.

That's why little Tian was so angry, she could even feel the killing intent from his inner voice, making her body shiver for a moment at that moment.

The other heroines living in Qin Tian's villa were also the same, though they were frightened for a moment by Qin Tian's cold voice and the murderous intent they could sense. All of them were actually worried about where the dog man had gone?

In the room where Koko used to play games. At this moment there were only two people there and that was Koko and Momo.

The two looked at each other after hearing their host's inner voice.

"Koko, the host is angry!" Momo said loudly to the silver-haired loli while playing with the system screen floating beside her.

The silver-haired loli nodded with a flat face. "Koko knows."

"Uh, that's it? Don't you have to do something as one of his systems?"

Unlike Momo who seemed to be busy monitoring the complaint system screen. Koko on the other hand was just sitting quietly on the sofa watching anime, she didn't seem to react much to her host about to start a massacre because someone made him very angry.

Koko shook her head looking at Momo, compared to the veteran loli like her who had been with her host for 10 rounds of life. This golden-haired loli system is indeed a newcomer, so she must not know all the things about her host.

'An energetic newcomer. As expected of a youngster.' the silver-haired loli said in her mind. She was like an elder who was currently looking at her junior who was still in the eager phase of doing her work.

"You're overreacting, Momo. Even without us doing anything, the host will definitely be fine with his current power level. The protagonists he has encountered so far won't even be able to hurt him, especially after the host doesn't need to pretend to be weak since he has the destiny villain halo now. He doesn't need to bow his head to those children of destiny anymore." Koko said 'children of destiny' with disgust in her eyes, but the golden-haired loli did not notice. The silver-haired loli was also a good actor because she could hide her emotions with her expression and flat gaze.

Momo looked at the silver-haired loli with admiration after hearing her words, yet there was also jealousy in her eyes.

Momo was jealous that the silver-haired loli knew more about her host than she did. Although it was natural since Koko was her host's first system, but still she didn't want to lose.

"Hmph. I know that too Koko, but I'll keep working diligently and not slack off like you! (That way I'll be the number one system, host! Koko will be placed under me hehehe.)" Momo averted her gaze from the silver-haired loli and focused on monitoring the system screen in front of her.

Koko gave the golden-haired loli a flat look, her eyes narrowing slightly before continuing to watch the anime. She didn't care about what Momo said from her mouth or from inside her mind. Although not sure what the golden-haired loli was saying inside her mind, but she knew from her expression that the golden-haired loli was planning something related to her.

The grin on the golden-haired loli's face proved her suspicions, how could a great actor like Koko not notice?

'How naive Momo... Koko knows you are pretending, even playing games together before was also just to compare yourself with Koko. Well, at least Koko knows your fondness for hosts is genuine. So Koko doesn't need to get rid of you for now.'

The silver-haired loli watched anime lazily on the sofa, while the golden-haired loli sitting next to her looked busy working.

The two were in stark contrast, but if anyone else saw this. They would only find the sight of two loli sitting together cute and adorable.

The lolicons out there will have nosebleeds and can't help but smile.


Back to the point where Qin Tian's inner voice had just said something about Genocide or Killing someone.

Qin Tian waved his hand as he flew in the sky and a wave of golden-colored Qi swept across the barrier covering the entire area of Kuoh Academy.

The blue-colored magic barrier was extremely thick and it would probably take a Maou-level attack to break it. Now the barrier shattered like a fragile object with a single wave of Qin Tian's hand.

The Makeup Group and the others naturally noticed this. Except for Irina, Xenovia, and the enemy group. The others knew who the person who came and destroyed the enemy barrier was.



"Tian Senpai!"

'Ah... I see. Sona has a breast complex because of her small breast size. She must be wondering if Tian likes small ones like hers? I'm not sure, but Tian might like it as long as she the heroine. Next, Tsubaki.'

Rias could see Tsubaki looking at Qin Tian with a look of love in her eyes. It seemed like after experiencing the moment the hero saved beauty. Tsubaki was in love with Qin Tian, but wasn't sure if the rather serious glasses girl would do something about her feelings or not.

All of Sona's other peerage also looked at Qin Tian in a similar way to Tsubaki. Except for Sona's new peerage named Genshirou Saji of course, he was male and looked at Qin Tian with admiration and... there was jealousy in his eyes. But that's natural when a male sees another male who is superior to him.

Her boyfriend, Qin Tian was very handsome and strong. So it's natural for other men to be jealous of him, while many women are attracted to him.

'Wow... Since when am I so good at reading people's emotions?'

Rias began to question herself, whereas before she was scared because a robot wanted to cut off her limbs, but now she seemed fine and not traumatized at all.

Hmm... She actually felt a calming energy probing her body at this moment.

Her gaze fell on the golden barrier Qin Tian created. It seemed that in addition to protecting them, the golden barrier also served to calm the emotions of the people within the barrier.

Her boyfriend was a very considerate person.

Rias's heart felt warm.

Then she continued to look at the reactions of the others in her group as in the sky Qin Tian was preparing to do something about the portal that kept ejecting an army of robots.

Yuuto had the look of a fanatic in his eyes, he said something like... "Tian Senpai... I will definitely be worthy to stand beside you someday."

'No, no, no. My knight, Yuuto? What's wrong with you? Don't tell me you're swinging like that? I should warn Tian just in case later. Although I'm not sure Yuuto is that kind of person yet. But it's better to be safe than sorry.'

Rias made a note that Qin Tian should not swing like that and might threaten him to leave her if it really happened.

Qin Tian who was thinking what to do to the portal above his head, glanced at Rias briefly in the corner of his eyes before glancing again towards the portal.

He felt that Rias was thinking something rude about him.

Maybe it was just his imagination?

Well after finishing this. The red-haired girl should hug her and kiss her passionately.

Qin Tian was looking forward to that.

Rias didn't notice Qin Tian's gaze on her earlier and glanced at the two exorcists she had just gotten to know a few hours ago.

The brown-haired exorcist named Irina Shido was looking at Qin Tian with a look of admiration and curiosity in her eyes. There was also a hint of fondness in her eyes, but it wasn't enough to make her eyes have peach blossoms.

Rias was amazed by her emotion reading skills, yet she was somewhat disappointed and pleased that the brown-haired exorcist didn't seem to be completely in love with Qin Tian.

'Does she already have a boyfriend or has a crush on another man out there? Hm... That's possible. Well, but if Tian makes an effort to get Irina Shido into his harem, I'm sure he'll be able to do it.'

Rias had complicated feelings with the idea of her boyfriend having many additional women in his harem, but she could only support him on that.

After all, who was the person who allowed that man to have a harem?

Rias feigned ignorance and glanced at the blue-haired exorcist named Xenovia Quarta. That girl was quite annoying before, but fortunately she wasn't a vindictive person just for being slandered. So she didn't hate the blue-haired girl.

But she was surprised to hear the blue-haired girl mutter. "I want to have a child with him." while looking at Qin Tian.

'Xenovia Quarta! Y-You're too hasty! There are steps you should take before wanting to make a child with someone!'

Rias gave Xenovia a strange look.

Something was wrong with the blue-haired girl's head.

[This handsome and handsome man has finished doing hero save beauty. So where is my kiss reward?]

Rias gasped and just realized Qin Tian had finished dealing with the enemy.

She didn't know what Qin Tian had done to that portal before.

Hearing his inner voice.

Rias was about to get up to give him a kiss, but another figure had preceded her and covered her boyfriend's lips with a passionate kiss!

"You- Hey that's my boyfriend!!"


I swear it's not Yuuto. All of that is just a joke and I won't make Yuuto and Qin Tian that close. Yuuto's goal is also pure and not dirty, please don't misunderstand... About Qin Tian's anger, you will only see it later when he meets the culprit.

Please give me stones and a 5-star review to motivate my life. By the way can anyone recommend me a group chat fanfic? I want the MC to be not too kind and I want him to selfishly do manipulative actions to get all the women in the chat group. There are no other men besides the MC in the chat group. Is there something similar like that? I've searched for chat group fanfics on webnovels and their MCs are mostly too nice and often say cringe words that I can't stand. My mentality in reading novels is actually like that of a villain who doesn't like seeing the protagonist being too kind and humble. I want to read fanfics with MCs that suit my taste. At least an MC who is not too kind and I want him to be selfish to get what he wants even if he has to do evil things. I want to see a Fictional MC, not a Realistic MC who gives examples of good people in this world. I honestly want to make something like a group chat fanfic, but my hands are full and I wouldn't be able to work on another fanfic if I did that. Maybe I should add a loli system with group chat power to Qin Tian? Hahaha I'm not sure about that.