"Let's go. Let's go and watch for the two masters and see what the uncle is going to do."

The moon thinks that is such a reason, then also nodded, "well, let's go together."

Before they went in, they heard a cry of displeasure coming from the courtyard.

"Why hasn't your master come yet?"

Little seven followed. "Back to the Sea Lord, I went to urge you just now. I must be on the way to come."

While talking, he looked at the autumn pool and the moon, and he quickly waved. "Autumn pool, bright moon, is Jiuye coming soon?"

"I've seen him." The two maids, with bright eyes and good eyes, beamed at Si Qinghai and gave a gift. Only then did they reply.

"Master Huihai, my master and my aunt are eating, and the master's legs are not good. Now my aunt is punishing me to change the medicine. "

Si Qinghai was stunned and said," if you punish me, you master and son are not willing to take it? " Shit, that son of a bitch, how could he be so lucky.

You have to be ordered to take the medicine.

"It's not true. It's just that sometimes you make trouble."

Si Qinghai's eyebrows are all dancing. Make a noise, just make a noise.

That son of a bitch, how to make trouble with her.

"Well, your aunt doesn't care about him?"

"Hee hee, childe is joking. How dare my aunt manage you? After all, the childe is an adult in our mansion." Akichi looked at him with a smile and thought that this adult was a fool. How could he ask such a question. However, looking at this person, to is a whole body of noble spirit, is a person seems to be too decadent.

"Well, so is your childe. Give her an aunt's name."

Lazy to argue with two maids, Si Qinghai decided to be honest. It's just that he's very busy at ordinary times, but today he doesn't have the heart to do anything.

The man waited left and right. When he was about to fall, Murong Xiude came late.

"Aha, uncle Hai, I've kept you waiting, waiting."

"You son of a bitch, you just know to come now, right? Ha ha, you're not such a high-quality man What, what do you call me? "

When Si Qinghai realized the appellation of this dead boy, he jumped up in surprise.

"Ah, uncle Hai, my aunt said that we should call you that way. After all, you and Yifan are brothers and sisters, and we can't surpass each other."

Si Qinghai choked for a long time, and then waved his sleeve to make a casual look.

"Well, what uncle asked you to do What's up? " It seems that there is nothing wrong with being a uncle. At least, push this kid down a notch. Ha ha, such a thought, Si Qinghai's original depression is much better now.

"Uncle Hai, you know that my masters are not willing to go to politics. Is it not embarrassing for you to force them to do so?"

"Si Qinghai sneers," embarrassed you? Then you are still in trouble for me. I can tell you that now the emperor is seriously ill. I will handle all the affairs inside and outside the imperial court. If you don't ask a few people to help, I'm afraid the world will be in chaos. Ah, my dear nephew, I can't help you with this matter. "

This one mouth a uncle's, say more and more smooth ah.

Murong Xiude squinted at him, "I have to probe into their words again. I don't know. If I set up the Juxian library, would my teachers be willing to go? "

Juxian library. E-book shop www.txtinfo.com

"Si Qinghai thought move," you mean, Wanmin reading building? "

"Yes, the reason why my masters came to the college together was to publicize their knowledge. If there is a library for the people of all over the world to be set up, the royal family will take the lead to donate all kinds of books, so that all the people can see the books and learn knowledge. I think some masters will be willing to do their best for the imperial court

"It turns out that the ideals of several masters are so great that I misunderstood them." Si Qinghai is in awe.

For a long time, he thought that the fifth division just wanted to put on airs. But now it seems that people just want to do some practical things for the people.

"My masters have always been so pragmatic. Their most original wish is that their students are all over the world. But, because of bad temper, one by one they are not willing to accept some ordinary disciples. Because of this, there are few disciples out there. I was lucky to be favored by several masters, so I also know their personalities. I can imagine their wishes, their thoughts and so on. However, to realize this ideal, I am afraid that the royal family must take the lead. "

"I think it can be done. Tomorrow, I will tell my brother that this matter can be done. "

"If this can be done, I would like to thank you on behalf of the five masters and the people of the world."

Wanmin library.

People all over the world can borrow books. Such a great good thing is what all people want to see.If you can achieve this, it is the blessing of peanuts in the world.

"Ha ha, this is a big event. Haidang should strive to achieve success."

"Thank you, uncle Hai."

This sound sea uncle, and the Secretary Qinghai called eyebrows are wrinkled.

"Well, can't you get me some more food? Just call uncle Hai, and don't give you anything good and practical. Boy, you are too unsophisticated

"You didn't eat?"

"No Si Qinghai straightened his chest, "not only did not eat, there is no place to sleep. You haven't arranged for me to live up to now, boy. How can you treat your elders like this

Murong Xiude glanced at the various memorials behind him, "do you put the memorial here to review?" God, this is a memorial. If there is a leak, Murong house will not exist.

"Boy, there's something wrong with the memorial and something wrong with me. You've got to carry it all over the house. Darling, go and prepare food for uncle."

"Uncle, what happened to you is that you are willing to come. It seems that you have little to do with Murong mansion. What's more, you have to move here by force. I'm still wondering if you want to frame up our house. So, uncle, let's take it easy, can't we? "

If you want to threaten him, hum, Wan'er said, you have to be more powerful than him.

Si Qinghai stares at this cheeky fellow, angry words also can't say.

"No matter, I'm hungry now."

Murong was indifferent to virtue.

Si Qing Hai Qi said, "good nephew, I'm hungry."

This soft words, finally let Murong Xiude lift his hand.

"Autumn pool, moon, let people send food."

Mingyue and Qiuchi have long seen that Si Qinghai is eating shriveled. Now it has to be made, and it will be crispy.

As soon as there is no one in the room, Si Qinghai looks dignified and tells Murong Xiude the purpose of this line.
