Chapter 7 7: Cultivating Inner Vigor

Name:The Human Giant Author:
"Oh, you must be new to martial arts. What you are practicing is a technique, not a body cultivation method which makes the body stronger and produces Inner Vigor." The man looked at Yoze with surprise

"Inner Vigor? What is that?"

This was the first time that Yoze had heard of Inner Vigor. The martial artist that Yoze met never mentioned how people got stronger and raised through the ranks.

"Inner Vigor is a sort of energy that is produced as one practices a body cultivation method. For example, these man are practicing the Blazing Furnace martial art. The Inner Vigor that their body produces is as hot as fire and when paired up with a martial art technique can make for a deadly combination."

"To truly be considered a strong martial artist one must have a body cultivation and generate Inner Vigor. Typically the more Inner Vigor a person has the stronger they are."

"How do I get a body cultivation method?" Yoze's eyes shimmered as he hoped to get as stronger.

"They are hard to find unless you join a faction. But we are at one of the places that has some."

"Anyways I'll see you around."

Bidding farewell to the wall of flesh, Yoze felt his choice to come here was brilliant. After the training a little longer, Yoze headed to the conference room were he was meeting with the other advisors.

When he made it, he saw that he was the last one to arrive.

"Take a seat and we can begin the meeting." A middle aged man with flawless skin noticed Yoze's arrival and beckoned him to take a seat.

Yoze sat down at the only seat remaining and waited for it to begin.

"We will begin with introduction. My name is Eric Lee, the senior advisor of the Martial Court Yard. I have been here for 10 years. " The middle aged man with flawless skin introduced himself.

"I am Grewn also the senior advisor of the Martial Court Yard. I have been here for 8 years." The man that spoken was covered in thick clothing so Yoze wasn't able to see his appearance.

"I am Josh Lee, a advisor for the Martial Court Yard and I have been here for 3 years." A young man with stubble who looked no more older than 20 went next.

"Leo Graham, advisor, 2 years." A older gentleman was the last to speak and kept his word short.

Yoze felt weird that their introduction were like they were in prison. But he obliged and introduced himself.

"I am Yoze Thunder, I am the recent addition to the advising team and I hope that we can all get along. "

"I like your spirit." Eric nodded his head in approval as he felt felt satisfied with Yoze's attitude.

"His spirit won't last so long." Grewn said with the same Vigor as an old man seeing a youth about to face his an unavoidable wall.

"Don't be like that look Josh is still doing fine..." Eric took a look a look a Josh's unkempt stubble, messy hair, and the dark circles around his eyes before continuing.

"Nevermind. But Yoze is different I heard he is a martial arts enthusiast. Isn't that right Yoze."

Yoze was stunned by the fact that rumors that he liked martial arts was already spread but he didn't deny it since there was no reason to hide his interest.

"Yes, that was the main reason I chose to be an advisor for the Martial Court Yard. I was hoping to catch a glimpse at martial artist practicing their martial arts. And I have to say so far it has not been disappointing."

"That's good that you weren't forced here." Grwen commented seemingly shifting his opinion to match Eric's.

"Now that we have finished our introductions. I will tell you what we do around here. Simply put we are here to smile and act as puppets for the Martial Court Yard."

"I'm sorry but I seemed to have misheard you. Can you say that again?"

Yoze couldn't believe what he heard act as puppets. What did that mean? Wasn't he here to act as an advisor?

"You didn't mishear anything. We are scholars and we are at the Martial Court Yard. The center of where all martial artist who work for the city guards are trained. "

"Even though we are placed here by the city government, internally we are just symbolic placeholders for the government to show the martial artist's who is their boss. "

"As for actually giving advice, we don't do that. Because the martial artist of the Martial Court Yard view as us incompetent. We all are here either because we didn't do well on the exam or were forced here. So in a way, they are right to think we can't give them any useful advice." Eric finished his speech with a deadpanned face as he looked at the shocked face on Yoze.

Digesting the news he just received, Yoze quickly accepted it. He was never here to give advice anyways. If he could get paid and be able to collect talent and martial art body cultivation methods that would be enough.

Seeing Yoze quickly get over it, Eric and the other were impressed with his mental fortitude. After getting the main news out of the way, the rest of the meeting seemed to be tainted as Eric ended the meeting soon after.

Even though the meeting ended in bad taste, Yoze was able to ask on how he could get a body cultivation method from Eric.

"A body cultivation method? I don't know exactly what that is but you should be able to find one in the in the library. Normally to be able to take read something related to martial arts you would need to have made some contributions but as we are advisor we can take a look at the basic ones."

When Yoze arrived at the library, he saw an old man that wore loose clothing sitting on the floor.

"You are only allowed to read books on the first floor." The old man said.

"Thank you for telling me. Can I ask you were the body culrivation method books are in the library."

The old man raised his eyebrows and looked at Yoze's skinny body up and down.

"You're interested in martial arts?"

"Yes, that's one of the reasons I chose to come here."

"Alright then, they are in the back left. However those are only the descriptions. If you want to check one out you need to bring it to me and I'll give you a copy of the book."

"Thanks again."