Chapter 44 44: Demon Hunting

Name:The Human Giant Author:

After getting the demons into a good position, Drew stabbed the demon expecting to get a good chunk of meat to make a delicious demon stake.


However, the moment his knife hit the demon's scale it snapped in half. Looking at his favorite knife broken in half, Drew sighed and looked at Yoze for him to deal with preparing the demon's body.

"I got it, dad."

Half expecting this to happen, Yoze did not bother to grab another knife and instead used his hands to rip into the Serpent Demon's flesh. Tearing several chunks of meat off the Serpent Demon's tail.

Before handing the meat off to his father, Yoze peeled off the Serpent Demon's scales and handed the meat to his father.

An hour later, Yoze, Jewel, and Leah were drooling as they smelled one of the most mouthwatering scents in their lives. Roasting the various pieces of demon meat above their campfire allowed them to see the golden juice dripping into the fire below.

"It's done." Drew looked completely satisfied with his life.

The thought that he was one of the very few people in the world to cook and eat demon meat made him feel like he accomplished something in life.

After handing the various pieces of meat to Jewel, Yoze, and himself. Drew took a bite of the demon meat even though it was still hot, burning his mouth.

The moment the meat entered his mouth, Drew felt as if he had eaten the most delicious steak in the world. The aroma of the meat filled his enter mouth before covering his body in warmth.

Unable to contain herself, Jewel took a bite of the demon meat as well and sighed at how delicious the meat was. Before taking another bite until she ate her meat in its entirety only realizing that she had eaten everything when her fork touched her plate.

Meanwhile, Yoze's pupils contracted as he saw that the green flame above his father's head started absorbing a green gas coming out of the Serpent Demon's flesh. Once the green gas came in contact with his father's green majority of it was lost but a slight amount acted as fuel that made the green flame expand and burn some of the stench of death surrounding it.

It was just a slight amount but Yoze predicted that a small amount might have bought his father a day or maybe a few days to live.

It wasn't just his father experiencing this but Jewel as well. Instead of a green flame above her head like his father she had an orange cloud that changed shape occasionally.

As she was ravaging through her demon meat the green gas coming from the demon flesh went towards her Orange Cloud but even less of the green gas made it to fuel her orange cloud. By the time she finished eating her orange cloud expanded less than half a percent.

An idea started to form in Yoze's head as he took his first bite of the demon meat.


The flavor of the meat was so flavorful and the meat was soft but had a good texture. Yoze could sense that the green gas was Serpent Demon's refined life spiritual energy that it had absorbed before it hatched.

The Serpent Demon's refined life and spiritual energy escaped from the demon's flesh and into his body. Flowing the same route that his Serpent Spiritual Body Cultivation commanded it.

He didn't sense any of it trying to go above his head, so Yoze look up and saw that unlike Jewel and his father, he didn't have a bunch of spiritual gas or something above his head. He guessed that it was either one can not see their own or he had absorbed it into his body like the Serpent Demon.

When he upgraded his Spiritual Sensing, Yoze saw three different types of ways spiritual energy appeared. The first was like Jewel and his father where their spiritual energy took on color and shape. The second was the Serpent Demon who lacked one.

And the last came from Leah whose spiritual energy was an in-between. Leah's spiritual energy was a red gas that covered every inch of his body with no gap in-between.

Yoze had a sneaking suspicion that Leah was a failed demon as the only other creature he found with Spiritual talents was the Serpent Demon with the only difference between them being that Leah lacked a Spiritual body cultivation talent. Which he thought was due to Leah's low talent in Spiritual Sensing.

"Let's see what happens if Leah eats some Demon meat." Though Yoze was of the impression that Goats couldn't eat meat looking at the desire in Leah's eyes he gave him a few pieces.

"Have some meat, Leah."

With a grateful look in his eyes, Leah swallowed the few pieces of meat to Jewel's and Drew's shock. The moment that Leah ate the demon meat, Yoze watched as Leah's red spiritual energy seemed to have come in contact with something evil. It immediately began to boil as the green gas mixed in with red gas. The turmoil caused some of the red gas and green gas to entire Leah's body which in turn stopped the explosive reaction.

Even though the reaction was intense from the red and green sparkles appearing in Leah's eyes it was a good thing. Watching the various reactions to the demon meat Yoze came up with an idea.

"If demon meat can extend my father's life and even strengthen Leah then I need to get more demon meat in the future." The idea of hunting demons excited Yoze but he could only put that idea away for the time being.

"Right now I need to focus on giving the remaining 600 pounds of demon meat into dad's and Leah's stomachs." After making his decision, Yoze gave the rest of his demon meat to Leah and tore several more pieces of meat, and placed them on the campfire.

"For the rest of the trip, we will be eating demon meat."