Chapter 104 104: An Immortal Sect Is Comming

Name:The Human Giant Author:

Whenever Jewel and Yoze ate during the trip back Jewel always ended up having to watch as he ate hundreds of pounds of meat every day. To feed this man she had to pick up the slack and make him more food as he was eating. 

The funny thing was Yoze was responsible for making the food since he copied his father's talent for cooking. While he still has quite a long way to go before catching up to his father's cooking, Yoze's food was quite delicious.

So every breakfast, lunch, and dinner Yoze would cook a giant meal that could feed more than 20-40 people. And every time the food would be finished in less than 30 minutes. 

With two hungry martial artists, this amount of food was not enough, especially when you added a monster like Yoze. And due to how delicious the demon meat was, they always cooked more after. 

Yoze would make her more food while she focused on eating and digesting the demon meat and vice versa. Initially, when she had agreed to this arrangement Jewel didn't think Yoze's stomach was going to be a nearly bottomless pit.

To satisfy how fast he was eating, Jewel had to resort to just simply cooking the meat above the campfires without adding any seasoning. However, Yoze didn't mind having to eat less flavorful demon meat, he was more focused on getting as much benefit as he could from the demon meat.

This was the only time he could let loose and eat as much as he desired while also getting to eat as much demon meat as he could. In the end, Yoze ate nearly 2 tons of the Leopard demon's meat, surprising even himself.

[Big Golem (Level 6: 100%)

However, the benefits of eating demon meat were showing as Yoze put on an additional 500 pounds of muscle and his progress was so swift he reached the peak of Big Golem within that week. He even made a lot of progress in Twin fists and Mindless Legs helping shorten the time he needed to reach their peaks.

Not forgetting about his spiritual energy, Yoze sensed that the amount of spiritual energy that he had gotten from eating the demon meat alone had increased his spiritual energy storage by 5 percent. He predicted that if he had kept the Leopard demon's body and eaten everything he could have tripled his spiritual energy pool.

Yoze wasn't the only one who made rapid progress during this trip, Jewel had deepened her rank as a second-rate martial artist and knew she was halfway to reaching the peak of a second-rate martial artist. She also felt that her physical power had dramatically increased.

If she fought with her physical body alone she felt could win against third-rate martial artists, which she felt would have never happened to her.

"We are finally back after nearly two weeks," Yoze said, feeling relieved to be back at home. 

"Yoze, Jewel you two are finally back. What took you so long?" Drew smiled as he asked his question.

"Dad, we went demon hunting and caught a good one. We have about 8 tons of demon meat so it should last us a while longer."

"That explains the piles of bags on the ground. Come put them inside so we can start the process of preventing it from going bad." 

With a whole new supply of demon meat, Drew couldn't help but be happy since every time he ate some of his son's demon meat he felt as if he could live a little bit longer. Understanding his father's excited mood, Yoze and Jewel hurried to put the demon meat inside since they wanted to eat his father's cooking as soon as possible.

"Dad, when did you say Yoze was coming back? Wait, why are there so many bags?" Rushing into his father's room, Dreyer was stunned by the mountain of bags of meat on his father's floor almost forgetting why he was in such a hurry.

"Yoze and Jewel brought some more demon meat. Also, he is right behind you if you need him." Drew shouted out as he focused on cooking.

"You wanted to see me?" Yoze tapped on Dreyer's shoulder, curious about why he was in such an urgent need to find him.

"Yes! We just heard rumors that an immortal sect is going to arrive within the next 6 months to recruit the students!" Remembering what he wanted to say, Dreyer said in excitement.

"An immortal sect is coming to visit? That sounds kinda suspicious, where did you hear about this?" Even though Yoze didn't want to make it seem like he didn't trust Dreyer he couldn't help but question his information source.

Even though Yoze was still learning about the immortal world he knew that real immortals disdained mortals. They even purposely withheld the last and most important realm, the Crystal Brain realm, to prevent any rogue immortal cultivator from becoming immortal on their own, so he didn't view them in a positive light 

"I can't tell you since I promised to keep their identity secret but I am sure that this information had an 80 percent chance this is real." Dreyer could understand Yoze's suspicion since he had the same attitude about immortals as he did.

"Okay, I'll believe you but what does their visit to recruit mean for us?" Yoze asked curiously why Dreyer had brought it up.

"Are you thinking we should try to get recruited by the immortal sect? I'm not opposed to the idea but it would be dangerous for us to enter the sights of the murderous crazy immortal cultivators." As Yoze thought about immortals coming to his doorstep his eyes began to shine.

He could only imagine the talents they could have, maybe they could have some unique talent that only immortals have or some high talents in comprehension talents. How he would be able to easily stand at the top of the most talented immortal cultivators simply by visiting the recruitment drive for a few days.