Chapter 20

You have advanced appraisal skills but arent affiliated with anyone?

Esther jumped up from her seat.

No, you should have said that earlier!


Come to the Magic Tower. I will hire you right here! Then, what is the gate entrance? I will give you that gate!

What kind of windfall is it?

As soon as that S-Class hunter heard that I wasnt affiliated, she went crazy.

As I was dumbfounded at the sight, Ahn Yoonsseung quietly whispered to me.

Large guilds have a huge distribution of magic stones and equipment. They try to steal people with analysis skills from each other.

Ah, thats right.

These primitive people couldnt even check the purity of magic stones with their own eyes.

If you dont want to get scammed when trading magic stones, youll need to bring an appraiser with you

There are many places where appraisal is needed, but there are only a few awakened people of that type. There is a natural manpower shortage.

The down payment is 500 million won!

But I didnt expect her to turn a blind eye and rush at me like this.

What did you just say?

5 500 million won?

Did I hear something wrong?

Why? Is it too little? These Neo Sisters xx say they give 700 million won? They even took Ahn Yoonseung, so why are they always giving xx to the hunters I have chosen!

Representative, please calm down!

While the secretary of the Korea Magic Tower was trying to stop Esther, I reflected on the amount offered.

500 million won.

How many bowls of soup is this!

If I work here, will I get paid 500 million won?

My salivary glands are in trouble this time.

Slurp. I took a deep breath and checked Esthers suggestion once again.

Do you want to hire me as an appraiser? For 500 million won?

Of course!

All I have to do is classify items at my desk, and I can sit on wealth.

Then there is no need to do the difficult and tough work of being a hunter.

Furthermore, since we at Korea Magic Tower already employ many excellent appraisers, the workload for Kiryeo-ssi is not high.

Oh oh!

I only needed to take one more step before I gave in to the temptation of the money in front of me.


The analysis department aims for a flexible work system of working 4 days a week!

Going to work?

Ah, but sometimes there are important gate raids on weekends, so just for a little while

Going to work.

My eyes began to spin as soon as I heard the two-letter word, and every bone in my body hurt with pain.

Ugh, my head


I suddenly lowered my head and touched my forehead, and Ahn Yoonseung gave me a worried look. But I couldnt move until this nausea subsided.

Heuk, going to work!

Its a severe flashback.

The word going to work became a trigger, and I ended up thinking about the past when I was abused at my previous job.

Going to work, working overtime, and greeting my boss in the morning. The reality of civil petitioners

I dont want to go to work!

At this point, I would like to point out that I was reincarnated solely for the sake of retirement.

But are you telling me to sign the contract on my own and go back to work at the company?

Now, whenever I hear work-related words, I get chills all over my body.

Because of this traumatic experience, I naturally changed my decisions on everything.

Y, y, yeah. Wouldnt it be too early for me to decide to join a company on Earth? I havent gotten used to this planet yet, and Im sure theyll find out Im an alien.

Ah, right! I also have an important mission to regain my magic.

If I live among humans, I will run out of time for personal research.

Theres even more reason not to join the company!

As soon as I made up my mind, I took my hand off my eyes and raised my head.

Kim Kiryeo-ssi! How about incentives like this? Not bad, right?

When I looked up, the first thing I saw was a contract with an enormous price.

Im sorry.

I turned down the offer ruthlessly.

How much do you want?

Money isnt the issue. I have no intention of joining a guild.

Perhaps because it was shortly after experiencing a flashback, the words came out somewhat sharp.

Esther watched my reaction and closed the contract with a look of disappointment on her face.

If thats what you think, the awakened-nim

With this, the scouting case was over.

But we still have topics to discuss.

But are you sure you dont mind? To abandon this offer means youll end up paying the gate entrance fee.

Esthers expression suddenly turned cold.

I dont know if an individual like you can afford such a large consultation fee!


And because of the dirty taste, I got angry and looked back at Esther, who offered me coffee, reflectively


Is it a coincidence?

At that moment, Esther and I made eye contact.

With that shocked look on her face, I felt like I had been caught spitting coffee at her.

I am not an alien. Im not an alien. I am not an alien.

I sip my coffee again in a hurry.

My entire esophagus and mouth were covered in a disgusting scent, but it was a necessary sacrifice.

Do you perhaps not like coffee?


Anyway, I dont have any business in the Magic Tower anymore, so Ill have to go outside quickly and vomit.

Its delicious. Thank you.

Thinking like that, I barely finished the last sip of coffee and said goodbye to Esther.


All the guests have left.

When the warmth of people disappears, this spacious representative office sometimes feels even more empty.

Esther, who was left alone, sat at her desk and drank her second cup of coffee.

But her expression wasnt bright at all.

Is something bad happening?

The Magic Towers assistant looked at her bosss face and asked a short question.

The guild leader then began to answer with suppressed laughter.

Its not that something bad happened, but I played a prank on those guests earlier

The secretary who heard this was startled and raised her voice.

Did you curse the visitor again? Ah, boss! You say you wont do that anymore?

In fact, Esther had a nasty hobby.

When she met new hunters, she liked using her skills on them and watching them get into trouble.

Of course, its a curse. Although it had only small effects, such as pounding their toe on the edge of the furniture.

So what? Its fun.

Esther couldnt quit this bad hobby for a long time.

What was the curse this time?

Sneeze for 30 seconds!

Phew, its insignificant.

At this time, the secretary suddenly felt a sense of incompatibility.

Huh? But they never sneezed.

Esther was silent for a moment.

Yeah, actually.

This S-Class hunter, a while ago. While the guests were drinking coffee, she quietly activated her skill.

The subject of the application is Kim Kiryeo.

She wonders how those scary eyes will frown when they sneeze. So she targeted him first.

But everyone knows the consequences of this curse.

Thats right. He didnt sneeze.


This was not a simple failure. Seo Esther is the only one among the curse attribute hunters to have received an S-Class.

Has she ever missed her curse until now?


Even the unmovable No. 1 ranking. Even S-Class hunter Jung Haseong fell because of this curse.

The guild leader didnt make a mistake?

The secretary, who understood the situation, began to harden her expression.

However, Esthers answer was cold.

No at all. Just in case, I increased the intensity and cursed again, but the reaction was terrible.

Seo Esther recalled the situation from earlier.

As soon as she thought Kim Kiryeo wouldnt notice, she quietly used her unique skill.

The man who normally should have coughed helplessly.

However, he remained motionless for a while, then suddenly turned his head and looked at her.


Esther still cant forget about it.

The face of the man, with his eyes wide open like a poisonous snake, was silently staring at her.

I got caught. He obviously knew from the beginning.

However, Kim Kiryeo remained silent in the end.

He calmly praised the taste of the coffee, as if he could get away with such a ridiculous prank.

Does Kim Kiryeo know? For Esther, the calm atmosphere was what scared her the most.

He is an awakened person who ignores my curse, which I also used on my fellow S-Class people.

A new fact has been revealed here.

Kim Kiryeos way of moving his body was different from that of ordinary people.

A condition in which the brain is not the focal point, but an alien soul uses magic to control the body.

Kim Kiryeos body is always controlled by delicate and powerful magic.

Unless they are better at magic than this alien, it is impossible for them to take control.


Huh, where on earth did this monster come out?

Kim Kiryeo had absolute immunity to abnormal conditions such as sleep, fainting, paralysis, and curses.

Like white blood cells in the human body.

Even minor spells have been nullified without even realizing it.