Chapter 55:

Jung Haseongs nightmares always begin with this sensation.

That day was no different.

It was a day when he overslept and missed going to school by chance. A dungeon shock occurred, resulting in a tragedy where all his friends from school were killed.

Haseong sometimes wondered.

If I had gone to school that day, could I have saved everyone?

The awakening phenomenon typically occurs in stressful situations where one feels a threat to life. He had experienced awakening himself. So maybe, if he hadnt overslept that day He could have been exposed to monsters with his friends and awakened faster.


Haseong still often dreams of his friends from his school days. Every time that happened, he would feel indescribable regret. Although his past self did nothing, in fact, this body has the potential to become an S-Class hunter. In other words, he had the ability to protect his friends.

But how can a person predict their own future?

The probability of someone awakening as a hunter was always extremely low. So, Jung Haseong also never expected himself to become one of those rare awakened people.

He lived prioritizing safety for a while after the dungeon shock. He paid attention to government disaster alerts and conducted evacuation drills thoroughly. It was a relatively ordinary life.

However, it all ended a few years later, thanks to the kraken encountered some years ago.Follow current novels at

One day, Jung Haseong awakened. He became Koreas first S-Class Hunter.

Right after awakening, it was truly chaotic. Special reports in the news, visits from high-ranking officials from the Blue House whom he had only seen on TV

Then he became a Hunter.

At first, there was a sense of burden from the sudden responsibility thrust upon him, but once he actually started the work, it wasnt as bad as he had thought.

Is it because the awakening rank is so high? The hunting itself wasnt particularly difficult, and the more monsters he captured, the more everyone appreciated him.

Phew, thank you. Thank you so much!

I really survived thanks to Hunter-nim!

Pride? Confidence?

He thought something like that happened at that time.

But one day.

The incident occurred.

Wow~ the smell of truffles.

A few years ago now.

Jung Haseong was sitting in a restaurant. In his mid-20s, he had come into a substantial amount of money, so what else would he do but spend it? He was dining out with his mother for the first time in a while, and he had just ordered a pasta dish that cost 150,000 won.


[Association President]

However, just as he was about to have a bite to eat, he got a phone call.


If he received a call from the association, there was usually only one reason.

Ah, a gate? What grade? Ah, about B-Class.

A request to handle a Blue Gate has come in. Due to the late discovery, theres a gate near the dungeon break, so theyre requesting it be closed.


At that time, the dungeon break conditions had not yet been properly explained. Many scientists thought time was the issue, but in reality, density was more crucial.

It will explode in about a day? All right. Ill be right there.

The Association and Jung Haseong, unaware of the truth, became mistaken about the timing of the dungeon break. In a way, this became the starting point.

Lets just eat and lets go.

Jung Haseong finished the pasta on his plate, feeling that there was no need to rush.

Mom, what should I order for dessert

However, that was the moment. After finishing the meal, the phone rang again.

[Association President]

Without much thought, Jung Haseong answered the second call. But the content of the conversation that followed was shocking.

The gate? Now?

Dungeon break occurred. In just a few minutes.

The scene he hurriedly arrived at was as grim as expected. Collapsed buildings, people screaming, and the smell of iron mixed in the air. But above all, what was most horrific was the sight he saw the moment he set foot on the street.


At that moment, the black monster bit the person. Jung Haseong discovered this and ran straight away. If he uses the skill hastily, even the citizens will end up caught in the flames.


He approached at an incredible speed and grabbed the monster by the snout. Soon, a scene unfolded where a neat-looking young man tore the monster apart with his bare hands. However, what emerged were screams, not cheers.



Turning around, Jung Haseong involuntarily held his breath for a moment. The citizen he had rescued was screaming in pain. It was likely because of the pain from the injuries sustained by the monsters bite. However, it was already too late to give treatment.


A, are you alright? Wait, Im sure I have a healing potion.

Despite his trembling hands, Jung Haseong managed to take out the potion. He poured the expensive medicine onto the citizens abdomen, but the result remained unchanged.

Heuk, heuk

This potion couldnt repair a body that had been severed in half. In the end, the citizen couldnt hold on for more than a few seconds and passed away. Yeah, in just a few seconds.


Its coming.

Ill explain it to you later Anyway, Jung Haseong is in the association now, right?

Ah, yes.


Its something I imagined well enough. I was prepared from the moment I knocked out my opponent.

Hes not contacting me through the number I gave him before Is he trying to come find me and pick a fight?

I quickly prepared to leave. The current Jung Haseong was like a spark itself. I had to unravel the situation as quickly as possible.

Ha, Im not confident in my skills

Anyway, how did this happen?

In my past life, I solved most problems with my own strength. But can I be good at persuasion now?

When Earthlings beg, how do they usually do it?

Yeah. Since it turned out like this, theres nothing I can do about it. First of all, as soon as I see Jung Haseong, lets hit him in the head!

I made a firm resolution and left the tent.

There was no other choice.


10 a.m. Hunter Association building.

When will he come!

Seonwoo Yeons heart sank.

As soon as she arrived at work, didnt she receive a scolding from the top-ranked Hunter? And to top it off, wasnt it because of that F-Class Hunter that made Haseong angry?

The situation is unusual.

Her head is pounding. The person involved is on their way here to handle the situation, but


Seonwoo Yeon glanced briefly towards the back door. There stood the top-ranked hunter with a murderous look.

Will this ever be resolved?

Its a situation where she cant simply leave the scene out of fear that a major accident might occur.

At that moment, a taxi pulled up near the annex alley. Shortly after, a familiar face got out from the back door.


Seonwoo Yeon ran straight to the opponent. And she whispered softly.

What on earth is going on?

Then the blonde hunter stopped bowing and spoke calmly.

Actually, I forcibly knocked out Jung Haseong yesterday.

You did?

Yeah, it kind of happened.

He muttered dryly, as if it were no big deal.

But Seonwoo Yeon couldnt keep quiet. S-Class hunter, Jung Haseong, fainted

Suddenly, an article from the past comes to mind.


Now that she thinks about it, this guy is not a first-time offender!

Seonwoo Yeon found herself raising her voice without realizing it.

But no answer came back. The awakened person merely glanced at her with a bored expression. Because he stayed silent.


Soon, Kim Kiryeo walked toward the S-Class. Seonwoo Yeon thought as she watched them getting closer.

From what she had seen so far, both men had pretty good personalities.

Perhaps they will have a serious conversation with each other from now on. For a moment, she had that hope.


But right after this.

A gust of wind swept through the narrow backyard of the annex.


It was an attack from Jung Haseong.

As soon as Kim Kiryeo appeared before him, he released his attack without hesitation.

Seonwoo Yeon felt eerie as she saw the red traces left in the air. She hadnt seen a sword being drawn, so where did it come from?

However, what was even more surprising was the response from the opponent.

A surprise attack that the B-Cass hunter wasnt even aware of.

Kim Kiryeo responded flawlessly.

He lowered his stance in that brief moment!

He avoided that?

Kim Kiryeo paused for a moment with his head bowed and knees bent in half before slowly raising his body.

I did hold back my strength to test your abilities, but I never expected I wouldnt even scratch you. Just who are you?

Despite this attack, there was no sign of being shaken at all. Kim Kiryeo remained silent, didnt even make a sound of breathing and just kept his eyes on Jung Haseong.