Chapter 83:

“Why did the talk about personal sanctions suddenly come up?”

Unlike Seonwoo Yeon’s serious expression, Kim Kiryeo maintained his usual attitude, not showing much difference.

“Oh, did I forget to explain? Don’t worry. What I’m trying to do won’t be so... violent.”

He said while fiddling with the jasmine tea on the table.

“Then let me explain first. I personally classify the followers there into three categories.”

“Three categories?”

“Yes. 1. Simple worship, 2. Indirect brainwashing, 3. Direct brainwashing. Like that.”

The F-Class hunter folds his fingers one by one and adds further explanation.

“Number one is simply ordinary people who are absorbed in the doctrines of the cult.”


“The latter involves cases where they forcibly manipulate suitable talents according to their needs.”


Kim Kiryeo had a habit of munching on sweet and sour pork whenever there was a pause. Thanks to that, Seonwoo Yeon could relax a bit and ask questions.

“What exactly is the difference between numbers 2 and 3?”

However, the sentences that followed were unexpected and tremendous information.

“It’s a difference in brainwashing methods.”


“While number 2 relies on items such as [Eyes of Temptation], number 3 is something that an awakened person directly worked on.”


“People brainwashed by number three use items to create number two, and these number two individuals recruit number one by being loyal to the cult. It’s roughly that kind of pyramid structure...”


He continued, putting the gold necklace that was hanging out of his shirt back into his clothes.

“I felt it the last time I looked at the people in that organization that the same person brainwashed all these 3 people.”


“In other words, there is only one mastermind behind the brainwashing in the RakshasaTemple.”

Kim Kiryeo made a shocking statement without changing his facial expression.

“And I can find out who the person in charge is.”

If that is true, if the person at the center of all brainwashing is arrested, the leadership will come to their senses, and the organization will suffer a huge blow.

“How is that possible?”

However, it is known that it is impossible to track the user of mental skills. No, it is difficult to properly determine whether brainwashing has occurred or not with current technology, let alone the user. But how could Kim Kiryeo...

“Trade secret.”

Unfortunately, she couldn’t hear an explanation about it. The other person seemed hesitant to reveal their abilities. Eventually, the only sound in the room was the faint clinking of dishes.

“Excuse me.”

Of course, being in a position to ask for something, he couldn’t just stay quiet.

“Seonwoo Yeon-ssi.”


A moment later, after finishing the meal, Kim Gireyo quietly asks a question.

“Anyway, as I said, I just want to help to catch the central figure.”


“To do that, I have to meet a brainwashed believer of a Rakshasa temple. We also need someone to build a bridge with the police.”

In other words, Kim Kiryeo desperately hopes for Seonwoo Yeon’s help.

“How could it not?”

Originally, Seonwoo Yeon wasn’t someone they’d typically approach for personal requests. She was known for her innocence and integrity, living by her own beliefs.

‘I must refuse this kind of request.’

That was clearly the conclusion in her head, but for some reason, Seonwoo Yeon couldn’t easily continue speaking.

‘But, if we can really destroy those troublemakers with this...?’

Indeed, how many people in this world can truly uphold perfect righteousness? That was Seonwoo Yeon’s weakness. While she was resolute when it came to matters involving bribery or any form of unjust gain for herself, she could be surprisingly swayed when persuasion was based on the name of public interest.

‘Is it true...?’

From Seonwoo Yeon’s perspective, who has a strong sense of chivalry, Kiryeo’s words were very tempting.

‘Well, this person has no reason to lie.’

Indeed, targeting the mastermind behind the brainwashing rather than the cult leader was a remarkably intelligent plan.

While simple persuasion activities may not be punishable, using mind control skills on people is definitely a significant illegal act.

‘At least it won’t end in disarray.’

The issue lies in the fact that despite being classified as a narcotic, Blueshell is still being secretly distributed by some criminal organizations.

“What was the name of the group there?”

– Gayang faction. Gayang faction.

What Seonwoo Yeon is currently pursuing is precisely some power within the Gayang faction.

“Uhm, you’re going to arrest a gangster...”

But at this point, a natural question comes to mind. At first glance, this incident cannot be connected to cults.

“So what does this have to do with me?”

I fixed my phone and asked the question. Then the B-Class Hunter explained in her usual calm voice.

-Blueshell distributors have a lot of contact with Rakshasa Temple.


-Do you remember the hiker you saw in the Eunpyeong-gu disappearance case before?

Aha, even hearing that much gives me a rough idea. Come to think of it, that hiker. Indeed, their magical power increased noticeably right after they chewed on something.

“Did they use the Blueshell at that time too?”

-Yes. There is evidence that a large amount of Blueshell flowed into the hands of those terrorists, despite only the Gayang faction handling such large quantities of the substance.

Is Rakshasa Temple a kind of VIP guest?

‘They must have had frequent contact with each other for sure.’

It seems that the police will likely inquire about the terrorist’s impression at most during this interrogation, but my thoughts were somewhat different.

“It may be possible that the Gayang people themselves are affected by the brainwashing skill.”

I continued the call by stretching my stiff neck.

“If they’re capable enough to maintain such a massive religion, they wouldn’t hesitate to use their skills.”

Tuk, tuk.

A small dissonance was mixed with the vocal cords made by Kim Kiryeo’s corpse.

“If it were me, I would definitely have hinted at the distributor to some extent.”

– Is that so?

“How convenient it would be if we could just adjust ourselves to feel favorable towards someone.”

Because it’s definitely not a transaction that moves only one or two pennies.

“Make sure to catch that distributor. I have something specific to confirm with them.”

When I spoke with confidence, Seonwoo Yeon immediately responded as if she understood.

– I understand.

By the way, this person is also having a hard time. Because she is a full-time employee of the Hunter Association, she is frequently mobilized for national projects.

‘I feel sorry for you.’

I expressed a few concerns because I was worried that the other person might be overworked.

– Hahaha.

However, the Earthling on the other end of the line suddenly chuckled lightly. Why?

– Thank you for your thoughts, but actually, I don’t do much. I’m just an outsider.

I listened quietly to her. At first glance, it seemed like a proper conversational stance, but inside, there was an insidious calculation going on.

– Real police officers went to the dangerous scene. All I have to do is witness the warehouse search.


– Originally, I didn’t even want to come up with this, but it turned out that there was a barrier in the Blueshell storage warehouse.


– Once that’s done, today’s work is practically finished.

It’s a warehouse filled with blueshells.


Although the substance explosively improves awakening ability, people were reluctant to use it because of the aftereffects of causing fatal damage to the body. But that’s only the perspective of Earthlings.

If I had excellent body repair capabilities, wouldn’t I be able to endure some of the side effects?

‘I’m curious about how it works on the human body.’

Furthermore, even if not used directly, Blueshell was enough to pique the interest of magicians. Perhaps within that unknown fruit lies the key to resolving my misfortune.


I need a sample. However, given that South Korea is sensitive to items like Blueshell, it’s unlikely that it would be casually leaked.

“Hunter Seonwoo Yeon.”

I asked vaguely into the phone’s microphone.

“...Don’t you need one more assistant to search the warehouse?”