“You’re lying, ……. You’re a Shiorin, ……?”


“Shiorin, you’re really Shiorin, aren’t you?”

Megumi, Chi-Chii and Miya rushed to Shiorin who appeared on the stage.

The three of them reacted in different ways, but all of them seemed to be unable to control their emotions in front of Shiorin.

“It’s been a while, everyone.”

Shiorin smiled and gently replied to the three of them.

The crowd called out, “Shiorin!” from the audience.

“I’m sorry about this, it’s YUI’s concert.”

“It’s true. But I’m glad to Shiorin again”

“Ah, thanks. But I’m not going to lose, okay?”

For some reason, Shiorin declared that she would not be defeated as she smiled devilishly at YUI-chan who laughed at her.

YUI-chan, who was laughing, smiled bitterly and replied, “I don’t know what you are talking about, but I won’t lose either.”

“Come on, Shiorin! Everyone! It’s DDG’s concert today, so let’s get on with the next song!”

The members of the Angel Girls nodded at Akarin’s words.

Akarin gave Shiorin an earful, and Shiorin nodded and stood in the middle of the stage.

With Shiorin in the center, the other members also took their positions.

“Please listen to this song. I will always be your friend.”

At the sound of her voice, DDG’s performance begins.

I knew this song all too well, or rather, it was my favorite song of the Angel Girls.

This song was released right after Shiorin announced her retirement, and it was basically a song about the bond between the members and Shiorin.

Even if it was only a revival for today, the Angel Girls were back together again, and this song had the audience sniffling even before they started singing.

“I wonder why Saegusa-san quit …….”

Takayuki, who was muttering next to me, also seemed to be feeling a bit sad in front of the Angel Girls who were all together again.

“It’s really ……”

”I really wonder why Saegusa-san quit being an idol….”

The first verse ended.

And the idol Shiorin’s singing voice echoed throughout the hall.

Her clear, angelic voice had a charm that attracted all who heard it.

Then, one by one, the voices of the other members overlapped with Shiorin’s voice.

It was as if each member was pushing Shiorin to move on, and her voice touched the hearts of all the listeners.

In the chorus, all the members sang together.

The lyrics of the song, “Wherever you are, we are your friends,” combined with the good melody of the song, deeply touched the hearts of the audience.


“Please come back!”

Even the members who were singing seemed to be moved by the cheers from the audience.

“—Amazing. This is the real face of Saegusa-san.”

I was glued to Saegusa-san, who was able to attract people’s hearts as a perfect idol even though she had just joined the group.

I was mesmerized by Shiorin, the center of the national idol group, Angel Girls, all the way until the end of the song.

“Everyone! Thank you so much for today! Please continue to enjoy DDG’s live performance until the end!”

After Akarin said that, all the Angel Girls went backstage.

The audience applauded and cheered for the departing Angel Girls.

Since they had already gone on stage, Saegusa-san naturally disappeared backstage with them.

I was in a daze for a while, thinking that I had just seen something amazing.

She’s always acting suspiciously and mysteriously in the seat next to me, but today she was unmistakably an idol.

—I was listening to you correctly, Saegusa-san.

I told Saegusa that in my mind as she walked away.


I still couldn’t shake the lingering effects of yesterday’s concert.

DDG’s live performance was really great until the end, and I had become a fan just like Takayuki.

It was so great that Takayuki and I talked passionately for a while at the cafe after the concert was over.

I was so grateful to Takayuki for inviting me to such a great concert.

Today, I’m working part-time at a convenience store, back to my everyday life.

The melody that opens the door of the convenience store is playing.

In response to the melody, I say “Irasshaimase” (Welcome!) as usual, and I looked at the customer that just came in.

There stood a suspicious-looking girl wearing a mask, thick-rimmed glasses, and a deep cassock to hide her appearance.

–It was the familiar Saegusa-san.

She was the complete opposite of yesterday’s cute figure, wearing her usual suspicious style, and had come to the convenience store again today.

Normally I would have been relieved to see Saegusa-san coming to the convenience store in such a suspicious style, but today I couldn’t stop my heart from pounding.

It would be funny if I wasn’t nervous after seeing her perform like that yesterday.

Saegusa-san was walking past the cashier at a very fast pace, oblivious to my feelings, she was acting very suspicious today.

Saegusa-san came to the cashier with a salad pasta and vegetable juice in her shopping cart.

I was surprised to see that it was all vegetables today.

Even in disguise, Saegusa-san standing in front of me was still adorable, and I managed to keep my composure by avoiding looking at her face as much as possible, and quickly completed the checkout.

“Yes, that’s it, 782 yen…”

“Here it is!”

Before I could finish telling her the amount, Saegusa-san pulled out a thousand-yen bill from her wallet and presented it to me.

As expected, Saegusa-san didn’t seem to be giving me any change today, so I took the bill and quickly paid the bill and handed her the change.

Then, as usual, Saegusa-san wrapped her hands around my hand as I handed her the change, looking as if she cared about it.

Oh, …… this …….

But then she noticed something and stopped moving.

What she was looking at was a pink wristband attached to my arm.

“Oh, is this it? It’s the merchandise of my favorite idol. It’s called Shiorin from Angel Girls.”

When I said this with a sales smile on my face, Saegusa-san instantly turned bright red.

It was literally bright red.

“Oh, wow, thank you so much!”

Saegusa-san, who had caught off guard, walked out of the convenience store embarrassed.

But even though she was wearing a mask, I couldn’t miss the happy look on her face as she left.

Yes, yesterday’s Saegusa-san was amazing, but I thought that this Saegusa-san was more familiar and cute.