We enjoyed the sandwiches that Shimizu-san had made for us, and relaxed for a while, talking about nothing at all.

Then, Takayuki told us that it was time to get ready for the next game, so we headed back to the gym.

“Thanks to Shimizu-san’s sandwich, I can do my best in the next game.”

“I, I’m glad, good luck!”

Takayuki and Shimizu-san seemed to be in a good mood as they talked while walking.

So, Saegusa and I made eye contact and quietly walked behind them so as not to disturb them.

Watching the two of them enjoying themselves from behind, I couldn’t help but think how nice it was.

As I looked next to her, I could see that Saegusa was thinking the same thing, and she looked a little envious.

Seeing Saegusa like this, I felt a stinging pain in my chest once again.

“Huh? Shimizu-san?”

Near the entrance of the gymnasium, Shimizu-san was suddenly spoken to by an unknown man.

The man was about the same height as Takayuki, and most importantly, he was handsome, with fair skin and brown dyed hair.

Although he was not the same type as Takayuki, this handsome guy who looked like a male idol seemed to be an acquaintance of Shimizu-san.

“Oh, this is Watanabe from the same junior high school …….”

“Hi, I’m Watanabe, I went to the same junior high school as Shimizu-san. Oh, right, the next game is against Shimizu’s high school, nice to meet you.

Watanabe seemed to have noticed the jersey Takayuki was wearing and realized he was his next opponent.

In contrast, Watanabe was wearing the jersey of a strong private high school that is a regular top four school in this area.

I could see why he was recommended to go to a private high school if he was as tall as Takayuki.

But what I don’t like is the way Watanabe has been looking down on Takayuki for a while now.

It is true that our school is just a public high school, but it is not the case with Takayuki, who almost single-handedly made it through the regional tournament in junior high school.

In addition, the seniors have been working hard in the club activities for a long time and are not weak enough to be despised like this, even after seeing their play earlier.

If he had been playing basketball in this area, he would have known about Takayuki, of course.

That’s why I could kind of understand why he was acting this way.

“So? Watanabe, what do you want from us?”

“Hmm? No, it’s not that I have something to do, it’s just that I wanted to talk to Shimizu-san, who I haven’t seen in a while.”

Takayuki asked the question with a straight face, to which Watanabe replied with a little giggle that he just wanted to talk to Shimizu-san.

“So, Shimizu-san, when we win the next game, let’s talk.”

“—!! I, I!!”

Despite the fact that Takayuki was right next to him, Watanabe seemed confident enough to invite Shimizu to join him.

But when Takayuki gently patted her on the shoulder as if to say it’s okay, Shimizu shut her mouth tightly as if to follow Takayuki’s lead even though she was confused.

But I was annoyed at Watanabe for being so down-to-earth.

What annoyed me more than anything was the fact that he said “when we win” instead of “after the next game”.

In short, Watanabe was trying to provoke him by saying that there was no way he could lose to our high school.

When I tried to intervene, Takayuki smiled and stopped me with his hand, then sighed and said to Watanabe, “I see.”

“I’m not going to be defeated, so let’s not talk about it.”

“Hmm. I’m looking forward to it. See you at the game.

Takayuki’s words made Watanabe’s eyebrows twitch for a moment, but he kept smiling as he told Shimizu-san, “See you later,” and left.

“I’m sorry, we were having so much fun, but I’ve spoiled the mood.”

“Oh, no! I’m not going to talk to Watanabe because he went to the same junior high school as me! I’m not going to talk to you, Watanabe!?”

Takayuki apologized and Shimizu hurriedly conveyed her feelings while bowing her head.

No wonder, there’s no way Shimizu-san would get along with a guy like that.

But Takayuki gently patted Shimizu-san’s head and said.

“Don’t worry, I won’t lose, just watch me.”

He smiled gently and strongly.

Takayuki was so handsome that my earlier resentment disappeared, and instead I was filled with the desire to support my best friend with all my might.

When Shimizu-san patted her head, her face turned bright red with embarrassment and happiness.

Saegusa-san, who had been silently watching the whole exchange, had a slight smile on her face, and although she looked normal at first glance, there was a rare hint of anger in her mood.

So there was a bit of an argument before the game, but Takayuki slapped his cheeks once with both hands to get his spirits back up, and went straight to his teammates who were preparing for the game, saying, “Okay, I’m off then.”

–Good luck! Takayuki!

We each sent a shout of encouragement to the departing Takayuki.