After that, we played in the pool all day until the evening.

I was sorry that Shi-chan had to play with her sunglasses on because her bare face was too noticeable, but she still looked happy and smiling all the time, which was good.

Shi-chan seemed to particularly like the flowing pool, and at the end of the day, she was swept away by the water all by herself.

It was just so cute to see her swishing around in the water so comfortably.

After a full day of fun in the pool, we went to the locker room to change our clothes and met in front of the entrance.

As we walked to the bus stop to go home, I felt exhausted all over.

I hadn’t noticed it while I was in the pool, but once I stepped outside, every muscle in my body went limp.

It wasn’t just me, but apparently the other three as well.

Well, I guess it’s a good thing that I was able to play so enthusiastically.

“What do you want to do after this? Do we go home straight?”

Takayuki asked as we sat down on a bench at the bus stop and took a breath.

Normally, it would be perfectly acceptable to do something from now on, but now that I’ve used up all my energy at the pool, I guess he’s asking me on purpose.

“…… I want to have some more fun. Ah, look, summer vacation just started!”

In the midst of the atmosphere of breaking up today, only Shi-chan said that she still wants to play.

To be honest, I was tired, but I wasn’t too tired to leave when someone else wanted to play, so we decided to play some more.

“Did you want to do something?”

“I’ve always wanted to go to a diner with my friends.”

I asked Shi-chan if there was something she wanted to do, and she said she wanted to go to a family restaurant.

I remembered that Shi-chan had never been to a hamburger store before.

I guessed that this family restaurant was one of the things on her list of things she wanted to try, and I felt that I had no choice but to grant her request.

We decided to go to a diner in front of the station, as we were getting hungry and it seemed like a good idea.

We sat down at a box seat in a family restaurant and looked at the menu together and chose what we wanted to eat.

Takayuki and I ordered the hamburger steak set meal, Shimizu-san ordered a light pasta dish, and Shi-chan happily stared at the menu list until the last minute, and then ordered pancakes.

“Eh, Shi-chan, are you sure you want pancakes?”

“Yes! It’s my new favorite food!”

A staple food for dessert? When I asked her about it, Shi-chan told me that she had recently become addicted to pancakes.

I remembered Shi-chan’s cafe deck at the convenience store, and I couldn’t help but smile.

Shi-chan looked at me strangely, but when she saw me laughing, she smiled along with me.

–What a cute creature!

After that, we enjoyed our meal together, reminiscing about our day and talking about other things.

Then, when we were about to leave, I noticed Shi-chan looking at her phone with an unusually surprised expression on her face.

“Shi-chan? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, no, it’s nothing.”

When I asked her about it, she hurriedly said that it was nothing and quickly covered it up.

I decided not to ask any more questions, thinking that there must be one or two things in life that people don’t want to tell others, but Shi-chan said, “I’m sorry, I’m going to make a phone call!” She hurried out of her seat.

“Hmm? What’s the matter?”

“Ichijo-kun, have you heard anything?”

Both Takayuki and Shimizu-san seemed to be wondering what was going on.

In other words, everyone here has no idea what happened to Shi-chan.

We waited for Shi-chan to return, hoping that it wasn’t some kind of trouble …….

About ten minutes later, a slightly troubled Shi-chan slowly returned to her seat.

Sadly, there was no trace of the languid joy on her face.

Not only me, but also Takayuki and Shimizu-san looked at Shi-chan with concern, wondering what had happened.

“Shion, what’s wrong?”

Shimizu-san asked gently, and Shi-chan nodded silently.

We waited for Shi-chan’s next words, thinking that something had happened.

“I didn’t know they are coming too……”

“Uhm, who?”

“Akarin and YUI-chan.”


At Shi-chan’s unexpected comment, not only me but also the other two people shouted in disbelief at the exact same time.

Akarin and YUI-chan, you mean the Akarin and YUI-chan?

The leader of the Angel Girls and the vocalist of DDG.

Aren’t they both such active super idols and singers!

Why are they suddenly here again? And I don’t mean to be rude, but a family restaurant?

We were confused.

“It looks like we’re getting close to the launch of the last concert. She said she just happened to have the day off today, so it was a surprise for her…… But when I told them that I was at a diner and couldn’t make it right away, they both said they would go to the diner. So I apologize to everyone, but can we both join you for a bit?”

Shi-chan muttered, puffed up with frustration that she didn’t even think about people’s problems anymore.

But for Shi-chan, it was more like, “”I guess someone we are getting closer so they can join?” But for us, it wasn’t a situation that we could get away with that at all.

Aside from Shi-chan, the rest of us were getting nervous at the thought of the two people we usually see on the other side of the TV coming here.

Normally, I would just laugh and say, “No, no, no, that can’t be true,” but when Shi-chan says it, it doesn’t sound like a lie at all.

“Oh, there you are! Yoo-hoo, Shiorin.”

“Oh, sorry to interrupt you.”

A pair of people casually called out to us.

At the sound of their voices, all of us, except Shi-chan, turned around in fear.

There was a woman who was not the same type as Shi-chan, but we could tell at a glance that she was a beautiful girl.

There was also a woman who was tall and beautiful with long, shiny hair, and the word “beautiful” was more appropriate than “cute”.

Both of them were hiding their true faces with hats and masks, but they still exuded an aura that was different from that of ordinary people.

This is how Akarin, the leader of the Angel Girls, and YUI, the vocalist of DDG, really came to the family restaurant.