The summer vacation has finally begun.

To be honest, I have a lot of things I want to do during this summer vacation.

The most important of them all is about what I want to do with Shi-chan.

I found out that Saegusa-san is the same Shi-chan I used to play with every day at the park when I was little, and I want to make the promise I couldn’t make then come true this summer.

And I want to tell her exactly how I feel, because after all, I haven’t changed since then.

I’ve made up my mind, and this summer I’ve decided to set up a list of three rules I need to do to become a man worthy of Shi-chan.


Be confident in yourself.

In order to do that, first of all, I must always try to act in a way that I am not ashamed of, and become a man who can stand next to Shi-chan with his heart on his sleeve!


Don’t neglect your studies.

Even if you can’t be as good as Shi-chan, at least you should always be at the top of your grade and close the gap as much as you can! (And if possible, go to the same university in the future!


Take care of your appearance.

Shichan is not only cute, but she’s always fashionable.

Whenever there’s an event, she always wears natural-looking makeup.

If I want to be a man who can stand next to Shi-chan, I have to take care of my appearance as well!

Well, from the perspective of other people, they may be at the level of “Isn’t it obvious? To others, it may be a matter of course.

But because I think I’m still not good enough to do even the most obvious things, I’ve decided to hold these three rules in my heart at all times this summer.

Maybe, or maybe not, it’s not such an easy road to catch up, but at least if I don’t take action, I can’t move forward, and if I don’t take any action, negative thoughts will always follow me.

That’s why I’ve decided to do my best to improve myself based on these three rules starting today.

So where do I start? That, of course, would have to start with the form.

I left the house in the morning and got on the train.

My destination was quite far away from my hometown, so I listened to the music on my phone and took my time.

The music playing through the headphones was Angel Girls, of course.

Shi-chan’s beautiful voice is always soothing or relaxing to listen to, and her voice alone was cute.

Also, I can’t miss DDG’s songs.

YUI’s voice is so powerful that just listening to her makes me feel hot and shaken.

That is the case with Shi-chan and YUI.

Both of them are the complete opposite of each other, but both of them have wonderful singing ability that makes it no wonder they are really active in the front line.

However, when I thought about the fact that I was in a family restaurant with them yesterday, I found myself in an unbelievable situation, and even though we were alone, I couldn’t help but smile.

Shichan told me to delete the photo, but I saved it and opened it.

There was Akari and YUI smiling happily, and in the center of the picture was Shi-chan sleeping peacefully.

The destructive power of this picture was so great that I gently closed it, thinking that I shouldn’t be looking at this picture in a public place with so much information packed in it.

If there’s one thing I can say, it’s that Shi-chan’s sleeping face is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

When I finally arrived at my destination station, I got off the train.

My back and buttocks were a little sore from sitting for so long.

I continued to walk towards my destination through the crowds.

Finally, I arrived in front of a store that seemed a little too fashionable for me to visit.

But I’ve made up my mind to change.

If I thought I wasn’t worthy, I should be the kind of person who wouldn’t think that way, I thought as I opened the door of the store, determined to hold back my nervousness.

“Welcome. Ara? Ara ara, you’re Shion’s friend.”

“I’m Ichijo. It’s, it’s been a while!”

Yes, I had come to Ken-chan’s store to buy summer clothes to fulfill the third condition of the three articles today.

It’s not that I’ve been careless about fashion in the past.

But thanks to Ken-chan’s coordination, I was able to dress in a higher grade of fashion than I had ever worn before, and I learned the importance of having a knowledgeable person teach you first if you are a beginner.

So, when I thought that it would have been unbelievable for me to spend more than an hour on the train just to buy clothes, I realized that thanks to Shi-chan, I myself had already changed in many ways.

“Are you alone today?”

“Yes, I am. It’s summer now, so I thought I’d get some new clothes.……”

Then Ken-chan rubbed his beard and smirked, “Fu~, I see.” He smirked

I’m wondering what’s about to happen…..

“Alright, come here.”


And so, just like last time, I asked Ken-chan to help me find some summer clothes.

As I expected, Ken-chan asked me about my clothes and selected items that could be worn in various ways with explanations, and considering my financial situation as a student, he suggested that I could maximize my fashion with minimum expenses.

I started out as a mannequin, but as I tried on more and more clothes, I found myself enjoying fashion more and more.

I felt as if I was undergoing a metamorphosis, as if the reflection I saw in the mirror was the same me, but I was the fashionable guy I saw on the street.

It was like a bit of magic, because even clothes with strong patterns could be worn neatly in the hands of Ken-chan, the fashion coordinator.

And thanks to Ken-chan, I was able to buy some T-shirts and half pants that I could wear this summer.

“Now, Takkun, you’re as sexy as any man in the world. Have some confidence in yourself.”

While paying the bill, Ken-chan smiled and winked at me.

Even if it was just flattery, I was honestly very happy to hear it from Ken-chan, a professional fashion coordinator.

By the way, Ken-chan seems to keep in touch with Shi-chan on rare occasions, and he already found out that Shi-chan calls me “Takkun”.

“So, what are you going to do from now on?”

“What do you mean, from now on?”

“I mean with Shion.”

Ken-chan hit the nail on the head.

I knew that Ken-chan knew everything about me, so I decided to talk to him about what I was thinking.

I felt that I could trust Ken-chan, and more importantly, that he would give me a good advice.

“I see. So, Takkun is planning to confess his love to her this summer.”


“Yeah, it’s good, isn’t it? It’s like coming of age, and it makes me want to go back to that time too.”

Then Ken-chan poked me with his elbow and said, “You know what?”

I thought I was out of touch with my youth until a while ago, but now I think I might be in my youth.

But it was a very special coming-of-age story, because I was with Shi-chan, a former national idol.

“To be honest, I can only imagine the outcome. Oh, Takkun, do you have time later?”

“Eh? Ah, yes. I was thinking of going to Ken-chan’s place to buy some clothes and then just hang out and go home, so I’m free…?”

When Ken-chan heard my reply, he nodded once in satisfaction and then hung up the phone as soon as he called someone to check something.

“I’m going to give this T-shirt to Takkun as a gift. And with the money you saved, I’ll introduce you to my friend’s hairdresser, so you can go there now and get a refreshing haircut.”

“EH! No, no, it’s not right!”

“It’s okay, this is just a favor from me. I’m just trying to help out the cute little Shion and Takkun who is trying his best.”

I refused, but Ken-chan said it was fine and went straight to paying the bill, handing me my change and clothes.

And then.

“I’ll show you the way to the reception desk.”

This is how I ended up being taken by Ken-chan to a hair salon in the big city.