After YUI and Shirasaki left, Shi-chan, Takayuki, Shimizu-san and I sat back down at the table.

Shi-chan, who had just moved, sat directly on the seat next to me instead of across from me.

Somehow, that made me quite happy inside.

It is also good to face each other, because you can see each other’s faces, but still, being next to each other is close enough to feel the body heat, or something like that. …… No, this idea is a bit weird, so I’ll stop.

“Well, I’m surprised YUI and the others are even here.”

Huffing and sighing distractedly, Takayuki recalled the events that had just taken place.

It is true that for the average person like us, it was an impossible situation.

“Takayuki, the reason you were so surprised wasn’t because you thought YUI-chan had a boyfriend righjt?”

“What? No, no, no, no!”

Takayuki’s reaction to Shimizu-san hitting him where it hurts was strange, even from my point of view.

As I was wondering if this was by any chance a good sign, Shimizu-san was staring at Takayuki with narrowed eyes.

Takayuki faltered under her gaze, but he was able to cover it up with a dry laugh.

I felt a little sorry for him, so I decided to change the subject, since we were at an amusement park.

“So, Takayuki, how were the rides?”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah! It was a lot of fun! Right, Sakurako-san!”

Takayuki immediately jumped in to help me out.

“Yeah! It was all great!”

Shimizu-san didn’t seem to really want to question Takayuki either, and with a twinkle in her eye, she and Takayuki talked about the fun they had together.


As I watched the two of them talking happily, I was thinking that it was good, when suddenly I heard some kind of dragging noise coming from Shi-chan’s seat.

What is it? When I looked next to me, I heard Shi-chan dragging the chair she was sitting on, and I felt as if she was closer to me than before.

–What? Is she getting closer?

When I looked at Shi-chan, her cheeks were blushing a little and she seemed to be listening smilingly to the fun talk between them.

I thought it was okay, and remembering that it was almost lunchtime, I asked her what she wanted to eat.

“Well, we can split up like the last pool. …… No, Takuya and the others bought it for us last time, so this time it’ll be me and Sakurako. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, let’s go!”

So Takayuki and Shimizu-san went to buy hamburgers together.

I was alone with Shi-chan for the first time since I came here, despite all the things that had happened.

We’ve already talked about it, but I still felt a little awkward because of the exchange we had just had.

“Oh, um, Takkun…”

Then, Shi-chan spoke to me, looking a little awkward.

“W-What is it?”

“Oh, you know, I’m here to play with Tak-kun today, so I was wondering if it’s okay if I stay next to you …… from now on so that we don’t get separated.”

Shichan said with a squirm, and then looked up at me softly with a blush on her cheeks.

No, I’m done with this……

“Yeah, please …… stay next to me. ……”

I replied, feeling my face suddenly heat up.

When Shi-chan heard my reply, she looked down and happily replied with a small “yes”.

And then…


I also heard the sound of a chair being dragged from next door—.

Then we enjoyed the hamburgers that Takayuki and Shimizu-san had bought for us.

Shi-chan was back to her usual good mood, and she seemed to like the hamburger as much as I did, eating it bit by bit.

Just looking at Shi-chan eating her food so deliciously made me feel at ease.

It was not just me, but Takayuki and Shimizu-san as well, and before we knew it, the three of us had become a group of people gently watching Shi-chan as she ate smilingly.

“Where do you want to go next?”

Takayuki asked as we finished our burgers.

As I was thinking about where I wanted to go next, Shi-chan next to me raised her hand cheerfully.

“Yes, Saegusa-san.”

“Yes! I think the haunted house is good!”

Student Saegusa, who was guessed by Takayuki-sensei, cheerfully proposed to go to a haunted house.

A haunted house.

I thought, “Shi-chan, are you good with ghosts?”

Well, if they majority wanted to go, there was no reason to refuse, so we decided to go to a haunted house next.

However, only Shimizu-san seemed to be uncomfortable with ghosts, but Takayuki noticed this and with a slightly mischievous expression on his face, he didn’t let Shimizu-san say no.

So we left the food court and headed for the haunted house.