JULY 11, 2021 5 COMMENTS

“Alright, let’s draw lots starting from the front of the window seat.”

The teacher said, and the drawing of lots began immediately.

It would be an exaggeration to say that everyone’s fate would be decided by this lottery, but the tension in the classroom was intense.

I hadn’t really cared about the seat change last time, but now it was a big deal for me.

With my best friend, Takayuki, in front of me and my girlfriend, Shi-chan, next to me, I couldn’t believe how attached I had become to this divine seat.

If today’s seat change puts me in a seat apart from Shi-chan, …… well, I’d be a little, no, a lot sadder.

So, I can honestly say that I understand the pale face of Shi-chan next to me.

I don’t want to leave my current seat if I can help it.

As I was thinking about this, it was soon my turn.

Just like last time, the lottery had assigned the front seat by the window as number 1, and the back seat by the hallway as number 40.

Incidentally, Takayuki, who had already finished drawing the lottery one seat ahead of me, had drawn number 40.

Oh, I’m back at my old seat.

Takayuki laughs. Indeed, Takayuki, who was the last one in Yamamoto’s ‘well’ in the first seating order of the list number, just went back to his old seat.

But for Takayuki, it was a chance to be seated close to his girlfriend, Shimizu-san, and he seemed to be waiting excitedly for the results.

I, too, made my way to the podium and drew the lottery ticket with determination.

“Yes, Ichijo is, let’s see, number 33.”

Number 33, ……, which means I’m in the second row from the corridor, second from the back, …….

This time I was seated in an indescribable position, but the only thing that saved me was that I was seated diagonally behind Takayuki.

“Oh, we’re close again! Nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you again!”

Takayuki and I laughed and all we had to do was to watch where Shi-chan and Shimizu-san’s seats were.

Shi-chan looked at me and Takayuki, who were happy to be seated so close to each other again, and muttered, “It’s nice,” as if envious, and then started muttering numbers like a buddhist.

I thought I’ve seen this scene before, but then I remembered that during the first seat change, she was chanting numbers like a buddhist.

And I can see it now.

That time, and now, Shi-chan was muttering the number of the seat near me.

“Thirty-two ……, thirty-four ……, thirty-six …….”


“Thirty-two …… thirty-four …… thirty-six ……”


I tried to talk to Shi-chan, who was mumbling like a sutra, but it seemed that Shi-chan, who was now acting suspiciously, did not hear me at all.

“Yes, Mikitani is number 32, next.”


Although Shi-chan was in full concentration mode, the fact that one of the numbers she was muttering about had been filled was taking a heavy toll on her.

–Then, finally, Shi-chan’s turn came around.

“Next, Saegusa.”


When the homeroom teacher called her, Shi-chan stood up vigorously with her right hand raised in the air.

All her classmates looked at her.

From now on, the seat of destiny would be decided.

There was an indescribable sense of tension in the classroom.

And more than anything, it was Shi-chan herself who was nervous.

She was so nervous that she walked to the teacher’s table while holding out her hands and feet at the same time. With a shaky voice, she drew the lottery.

“Yes, then, …… for Saegusa.”

After receiving the lottery, the teacher paused for a breath.

She knew that everyone in the class was curious about Shi-chan’s new seat, so she did it.

All of them waited for the teacher’s next words, paying attention to what she was going to say.

“—-Number 34!”

The classroom buzzed with excitement at the teacher’s words. The classroom buzzed with excitement.

Oh, so Shi-chan is number 34. …… Hmm?

I looked at the new seating order written on the blackboard, and saw that behind me there was a new name: Saegusa.

Yes, in the new seating order, Shi-chan was no longer next to me, but instead, she was one seat behind me.

–I thought it was a miracle.

It seemed that Shi-chan did the same, and froze as she looked at the new seating order on the blackboard.

“Saegusa, we should get moving since we’re getting ready for the next one.”

The homeroom teacher’s words brought Shi-chan back to her senses, and she replied cheerfully, “Yes!” and returned to her seat with a big smile on her face, as if a flower had bloomed in the classroom.

There was too much of a difference in level between the way she went and the way she came back, but it was not unreasonable.

“This time I’m behind you! Takkun!”

Shi-chan smiled at me as she returned to her seat.

Her expression was really cute, and I couldn’t help but admire her.

“Yes, it’s nice to see you again.”

I replied, and smiled back at the happy Shi-chan.

I was just so happy that Shi-chan was always there when I needed her.

And the miracle didn’t end there.

To my surprise, Shimizu-san drew lottery number 39, which put her in the seat in front of Takayuki.

I was tempted to say, “What kind of romcom is this?” but it was the result of a fair draw.

Let’s just call it the result of our romantic comedy plot.

Thus, the four of us were seated together at the very back of the classroom

The stares from the other classmates were a little painful, but there was nothing dishonest or unfair about it, so resentment was a good thing.

“I’m glad, I’ll be with you from now on.”

Shimizu-san, who was now seated in front Takayuki, smiled at him, looking really happy.

“Oh! I’m so happy that Sakurako will be sitting in front of me!”

Both Shimizu-san and Takayuki looked really happy as they looked at each other.

They were already open about the fact that they were dating, so I was still jealous that they could make out like this in the classroom without hesitation.

And then I noticed.

It was true that I was sitting in front her, but since we were not open about our relationship, I couldn’t find any reason to look back.

The only person behind me is Shi-chan, that means if I turn around = I see Shi-chan

As I was thinking about what to do, I felt a poke on my back.

When I turned around, I found Shi-chan smiling happily with her cheekbones.

“Now I can watch you all the time, Takkun.”

She said this in a whisper so that only I could hear, which caught me completely off guard and I felt my face heat up.

“Oh, Takkun, you’ve turned red.”

“S-Shut up!”

When Shi-chan saw me like this, she smiled devilishly at me, and I hurriedly turned around, hiding my embarrassment.

But Shi-chan, perhaps amused by my behavior, continued to poke and prod my back whenever she could.

TL: Who would have thought that they will be sitting close to each other? I totally did not.

So the seating look like this