“S-Shi-chan! Are you okay?!”

When I opened the door, I found Shi-chan collapsed in the doorway.

Her face was red, her eyes were closed, but her breath was ragged and she looked in great pain.

“…… Ah, Takkun.”

“I’m going to get you up now! You need to rest in your bed.”

When she noticed me coming, she looked pained, but smiled reassuringly.

I was relieved to see that she was still conscious, but I said no, held Shi-chan lying down, and went up to her room.

However, it was a tower apartment.

There were several rooms, and I couldn’t tell which one was the bedroom at first glance, but the door of one of the rooms was left open as if someone had come out of the room to answer the intercom, so I peeked into the room and saw a bed.

Fortunately, I soon found out where the bedroom was, so I took charge and gently laid her down on the bed.

“Thanks ……, Takkun.”

“Just get some rest. You have a cold ……, right? Have you taken your medicine yet?”

“…… No, not yet. ……”

“I see. Do you have any medicine?”

“……Yeah, it’s in the top drawer of the …… cupboard in the living room on the right as you leave this room.”

“Got it.”

I went to the living room and opened a drawer in the cupboard.

I went to the kitchen and filled a glass of water and was about to take the medicine when I realized that it would be better to have something in my stomach before taking the medicine.

So I wet the handkerchief I had brought with me and went back to the bedroom and put the wet handkerchief on Shi-chan’s forehead as she lay down.

“…… Waa, that feels good.”

“Anyway, I’m going to make some porridge in a hurry before you drink your medicine, so I’m going to use the kitchen without your permission, is that okay?”

“……Yes, I’m sorry Takkun……”

With moist eyes, Shi-chan whispered apologetically.

I wanted her to get well as soon as possible, so I grabbed her hand to reassure her.

“…… Just let me take care of everything for now and get some rest, okay? Okay?”

‘…… Yeah. …… Hey, Takkun.”

“Hmm? What’s up?”

“I promised you today. …… I’m sorry. ……?”

Shi-chan squeezed my hand back and apologized for not being able to go shopping today.

She must be in a lot of pain right now, but the fact that she was thinking of me and apologizing instead of herself made me love her so much.

“Don’t apologize, we can go shopping again anytime. You can always go shopping again.”

There was no need to apologize, Shi-chan had been looking forward to today’s appointment so much.

So I replied while gently patting Shi-chan’s head.

“Yes…… Takkun’s hand feels good.”

She smiled happily as I stroked her head.

I almost couldn’t help but admire the fragility of Shi-chan, but I needed her to rest as soon as possible, so I decided to hurry back to the kitchen, feeling a little regretful.

I went back to the kitchen to check the contents of the refrigerator.

The ingredients were neatly separated and neatly laid out, as she always made my lunch.

There was also some frozen rice in the freezer, which I took out and started to cook, since I could make porridge with eggs.

Despite being a bit bewildered by the all-electric kitchen for the first time, I managed to finish the porridge with the eggs and medicine and headed back to Shi-chan’s bedroom.

“Yes, I’ve tasted it, so I think it’s okay, but do you think you can eat it?

“Yes….Thank you”

She sat up and took a small bite of the egg porridge I offered her.

“It’s …… delicious …… hehe, it’s the first time Takkun cooked for me …….”

After taking a bite, Shi-chan smiled happily, gulping it down slowly, as if she was happy that she was eating my homemade food for the first time.

“I’m glad it was good for your taste buds. It may still be a little hot, but let’s eat it quickly and take our medicine.”

“Yes, ……, Takkun, can you give me another round?”

Even though it must still be painful for her to sit up and eat, Shi-chan opened her mouth with a small “aan” as if she was happy to see me.

I made her some egg porridge and fed her a little bit of it, then gave her some medicine and asked her to lie down again.

“Takkun, hands ……”

Shi-chan said as she lay down and pulled one of her hands out of the futon and extended it towards me.

I knew that she wanted me to hold her hand again, so I gently squeezed her outstretched hand.

“Yes, I’m here, take a good rest.”

“Yes. ……”

She closed her eyes happily and fell asleep after a while, probably relieved by my hand-holding.

As I looked at Shi-chan sleeping peacefully, I was relieved to know that she was resting comfortably for the time being.

I thought that I should report to Akari, who had told me about this, but I decided to watch Shi-chan’s face as she fell asleep for a while longer.

I didn’t want to let go of this hand that I had held, not yet.