Translator: Soafp

“If I’m going to stay here, I’ll need a change of clothes and—–“

As I was going to stay at Shi-chan’s house for a while to take care of her, I thought about what I would need.

Like a change of clothes, a toothbrush, and maybe some food——–.

“…… Ah, Takkun, uhm, that …….”

As I was thinking about going home to get my stuff, Shi-chan, who must have noticed me thinking, came over to talk to me.

However, she seemed to be in a hurry, nervous, and probing, and even in a single word, there were many suspicious elements.

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

“……Can you open the bottom drawer of the wardrobe there, please?”

“Over there? Eh, yeah. Okay…….”

When I wondered what was going on, Shi-chan asked me to open the bottom drawer of the wardrobe.

I don’t know what’s in there, but I decided to do as I was told and open the drawer for the sick Shi-chan.

–When I opened the drawer, I found a gray sweatshirt and a toothbrush set on the floor.

“Eh, this?”

“I was wondering if Takkun might come to stay with me sometime. ……”

Although she looked embarrassed, Shi-chan honestly told me the reason why this sleepover set was complete.

I couldn’t help but chuckle at how cute she was, even though I thought it would be embarrassing for her to have a sweatshirt top and bottom wrapped in plastic with a big “men’s” sign on it for any other reason.

Well, I’m her boyfriend and Shi-chan lives alone, so I can understand why she might want me to stay over, but it was kind of cute and healthy that she had already prepared for such a situation, even though we had never talked about it before.

“I see, then I’ll be grateful to use it.”

“Ugh ……, don’t laugh at me …….”

When Shi-chan saw my unintentional smile from happiness, she hid under the covers in embarrassment.

–It’s really cute, everything about her.

In this way, thanks to the careful preparation of Shi-chan, I was ready to have a sleepover.

“Ah this”

I asked Shi-chan to continue to lie down for the time being, and as I had nothing to do but look around the room, I noticed that there were DVDs lined up on the TV stand.

The DVDs that had been released by the Angel Girls were lined up there, and of course Shi-chan, who was one of the Angel Girls, probably had all of them.

As I picked up the DVD, I noticed that the cover was a picture of the Angel Girls members, and in the middle of the picture was Shi-chan, who was lying down next to me.

“Don’t look at it too much, it’s embarrassing. ……”

“Well well, you’re cute.”

“C-cute?! …… Well, that’s fine then.”

After receiving permission from Shi-chan, who is not even a tsundere, and is far too churlish, I picked up the DVDs lined up one by one and began to look at the covers.

However, when I looked at it like this, I realized that there were so many different kinds of DVDs out there.

From the innocent feeling at the beginning, it is transmitted that the cover gradually grows as an idol as it becomes new, and it is also transmitted that Shi-chan has worked hard as an idol so far.

Then, I picked up a DVD that was placed at the very end – it was from Shi-chan’s retirement concert.

It was held at the biggest venue ever, and it was packed with fans who had gathered to support Shiori to the very end, and the cover showed Shi-chan waving at the center of the venue, which was more than enough to make me feel emotions just looking at the cover—-.

As a fan of the Angel Girls, I was a bit sentimental, thinking that Shiori, the absolute center of the group, had retired after this live—-.

“Hekuchon! Hmm, heck, who’s talking about me? Damn it!”

However, the very person who was at the top of the idol world was standing next to me, sneezing and muttering to herself like an uncle

I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the sheer difference.

The difference between the uncle’s words and her cute voice was indescribable.

The emotions that I had felt earlier were ruined by this limpid Shi-chan, but I thought that this was still her charm.

“Did you hear……?”

“Yes, I did.”

When Shi-chan heard me talking to myself, she became embarrassed and hid under the covers again.

It was early, and the sun was already setting outside.

By the time I looked at my watch, it was already around 6:00 p.m. I hadn’t eaten since lunch, and I was starting to feel hungry.

–I wondered if it would be okay to go to the convenience store for dinner. I’d like to buy her something to drink as well.

I thought about it and called out to Shi-chan to say I was going to the convenience store

“Sorry, Shi-chan, I’ll go to the convenience store, can you wait for me?”

“Convenience store?”

For some reason, Shi-chan reacted to the word “convenience store” when I told her I was going out.

And then she raised her upper body.

“…… I’m going to too.”

“No, you can’t. You need to rest.”

“No, I want to go.”

“No, no.”

“I want to go with Takkun!”

She stubbornly refuses to listen to my words to stop her from going.

It seemed to be a definite thing in her mind that she was going to the convenience store with me.

“I won’t bother you, please, Takkun.”

“Haa……, I understand.”

I reluctantly allowed her to go with me, as I had lost patience with her pleading with moist eyes.

To be honest, I wanted her to rest, and I didn’t know why she wanted to go to the convenience store so badly, but I knew she had food preferences and I thought it would be okay to go to the nearest convenience store.

Then, Shi-chan was so happy that I wondered if she was really sick. Then Shi-chan stood up and took out her clothes from the wardrobe, looking so happy that I wondered if she was really sick.

“I’m going to change my clothes, so wait for me! I’ll be right back.”

“I’m not going to peek, just go change.”

“Eh, Takkun, you can have one special peek, okay? Just kidding! I’m off!”

The innocent girl left such devilish words and went out of the room happily.

As for me, I was anguished by Shi-chan’s last words, and thought that I was even more naive than she was———.