Translator: Soafp

“36.8 degrees. Your fever really dropped in a day.”

After breakfast, we returned to the bedroom and I took her temperature.

After breakfast, we went back to the bedroom and Shi-chan took my temperature.

“Thanks to you, I’m fine now.”

Shi-chan made a pose as if to say she was fine.

I wanted her to take it easy for the rest of the day if possible.

But I was relieved to know that she was going to be okay for the time being.

When I thought of this, …… without me, somehow I was suddenly struck by a feeling of loneliness.

Even though I’m staying here in the name of taking care of her, I can honestly say that the time I spend with her is too happy for me.

That’s why I wanted to spend more time with her if I could.

And I guess Shi-chan was thinking the same thing.

She picked at the hem of my dress a bit and looked at me with a lonely expression on her face.

“…… Takkun, you’ll still here, right?”

She didn’t want to leave me yet, and she looked up at me and asked me such a question, which was foully cute – she was so cute.

“Don’t worry, I will stay. I have a part-time job tonight, so if I can make it in time, I should okay.”

I replied, and Shi-chan, probably happy that I was still there, smiled at me with a big smile.

Needless to say, Shi-chan was too cute to be so honest about her feelings today, and more than anything, I was just happy that she was doing so.

So I decided to be honest about my feelings too.

This is how Shi-chan taught me the importance of communicating my thoughts to others—.

“…… And I’d like to spend some more time with you, too.”

I was so embarrassed that I scratched my cheek with my finger, but I told her honestly, and she said, “Takkun! She hugged me happily.

I should not forget that Shi-chan was still in her maid’s uniform, and it goes without saying that Shi-chan hugging me from the front in such a stimulating outfit was foul in many ways.

We decided to refrain from going out for the day, so we decided to watch the Angel Girls DVDs together.

She said she was embarrassed to watch the one from her retirement concert because she was crying, so we decided to play the one before that.

The television showed the members of the Angel Girls singing and dancing energetically, with Shi-chan, aka Shiorin, who was still an active idol at the time, in the center.

The stage costumes they wore were all really cute, and to be honest, just watching them was a real feast for the eyes.

Incidentally, Shi-chan had changed into the same gray sweatshirt that I was wearing, since she didn’t want to be in a maid’s uniform all the time.

The beautiful girl on the other side of the TV, dancing in her idol costume, is now wearing the same sweatshirt next to me, holding a cushion on her stomach and resting her head on my shoulder.

I was happy that Shi-chan was showing her carefree side only in front of me, which made me feel a little superior.

“Ah, I actually almost fell here.”

” Akarin said with a straight face, ‘Oh no, I ate so many pistachios in the dressing room I think I’m going to throw up’ is what she said, and I was struggling to hold in my laughter.

“She was pointing the microphone at the audience and skipped singing again.”

I really enjoyed watching the live performance along with the behind-the-scenes episodes.

At the end of the DVD, there was a bonus video of a roundtable discussion with the members.

“Oh, this is…”

I knew something was up, so I took away the DVD remote before Shi-chan could get it.

“Ah Mou, please give it back to me, Takkun!”

“There’s definitely something in there, is it really that bad to be seen?”

“T-That’s…… auuu…..”

I was a little mean to her, and she looked down, blushing in embarrassment.

When I thought that there was definitely something wrong with this.

“Question to the members! Exactly! What is the ideal type of the opposite sex you like?”

Such a question came from the TV, which I, as a boyfriend, could not stop listening to—

“I want someone who’s funny!”

“I want someone who is kind.”

“Well, I want someone I can rely on.”

Megumi, Chi-Chii, and Miya answered about their favorite types.

The comedian who was hosting the event reacted to their answers and the conversation spread.

Then, it was the turn of the leader, Akarin.

“Well, I like people who have a strong sense of self. I like people who can act on their own initiative when the time comes.”

Akarin expressed her mature opinion as if she were the leader of the group.

Akarin’s opinion was very mature, as if she were the leader of the group. …… Yes, I really thought so.

I was so worried about Shi-chan that I even contacted Akarin yesterday, and thanks to her, I was able to take care of Shi-chan who was running a high fever, and I just experienced firsthand the importance of making decisions and taking action instead of being indecisive.

Now that Akarin’s ideal type had been discussed, it was finally Shiori’s turn to be the center of the stage.

“Please stop!”

“It would be torture not to look at Shi-chan after all this time.”

I hugged Shi-chan’s shy shoulders and held her tightly.

“Then, last but not least, Shiori! What is the ideal type of the opposite sex that you like?”

“Uhm. right……I want someone who will find me properly and then let me experience many things with him. I would also like someone with a cute smile. ……”

Shiorin answered shyly on the other side of the TV.

Unlike the other members’ answers, the host, a comedian, noticed her specific answer.

“Eh, isn’t Shiori-san the only one who’s really specific? Isn’t there actually someone like that?”

“Eh!? No, it’s not like that! I read about it in a manga once and thought it would be nice.”

“I see, a manga! Shiori, who falls in love like that, is still cute today, so let’s get to the next question!”

Thus ended the theme of ideal types, and the round-table discussion moved on to the next topic.

“…… Shi-chan, could that be ……?”

“…… Yes, it’s all about you, Takkun. That’s why I hated it. ……”

She buried her face in the cushion she was holding and looked so embarrassed, it was really cute.