Translator: Soafp

Finally, the promised New Year’s Eve arrived.

I waited for Shi-chan to arrive at our usual meeting place in front of the station.

Usually Shi-chan would be there first, but I was so nervous about going to her parents’ house today that I couldn’t sleep well, so I arrived much earlier than the meeting time.

Fortunately, it was a beautiful sunny day, but the temperature outside was much cooler on New Year’s Eve, and my breath was white.

I drank a canned coffee to warm myself up and wondered what was going to happen today.

Would I be able to talk well with Shi-chan’s parents, whom I was meeting for the first time?

If I were to be disliked by the parents of my beloved Shi-chan, it would be the worst thing that could happen to me.

In other words, depending on what I do today, whether or not I can continue my relationship with Shi-chan might be affected.

Just thinking about it makes my stomach churn.

I was so consumed by nervousness that I wondered if I had ever been so nervous in my life.

“Good morning, Takkun! Did I keep you waiting?”

While I was thinking about this, Shi-chan arrived with her large luggage.

Naturally, Shi-chan was going back to her parents’ house for a few days, so she was carrying a large Boston bag in which she was probably carrying a change of clothes.

Today Shi-chan was wearing the beige duffle coat she wore at Christmas, with a white knit inside, a dark red checked skirt underneath and beige boots, and the scarf I had given her around her neck.

Shi-chan smiled at me as soon as she saw me, as if she was happy that we could be together on New Year’s Eve, even though I didn’t expect to see her today.

Seeing her smile, I felt that I could not make a mistake today, and I tightened my grip on my mind.

If Shi-chan can smile at me like this by being with me, then I want to be next to her from now on——-.

“No I wasn’t waiting for you. Then, let’s go.”

I picked up Shi-chan’s luggage from her because it looked heavy, and then we started walking together toward the station.

Shi-chan’s parents live in Tokyo, so we were going to take the train to the nearest station.

When we boarded the train, Shi-chan was wearing a mask and glasses as a disguise.

As we got closer to the city, the number of people around us was increasing, so it was inevitable that she would stand out and avoid unnecessary trouble.

Still, seeing her having to disguise herself in this way made me realize that my girlfriend was a celebrity, or rather, that she was special.

“To be honest, I’m a little worried about whether I’ll be able to speak well today.”

As I was swaying on the train, searching for something to talk about, I unintentionally let slip my true feelings.

Don’t worry. Both my mother and father want to see you.”

“I see.”

Shi-chan followed up by reassuring me that everything would be fine.

However, although I somehow understood that her mother said so, it was a little surprising that her father also said so, or perhaps I had a hunch that he meant something different.

I saw a TV drama once that said, “I won’t give you my daughter!” This scene of a stubborn old man comes back to my brain.

I kept on riding the train with Shi-chan while having a casual conversation, hoping that nothing like that would ever happen to me——-.

After transferring trains at major stations, I get off the train at a station I have never heard of.

When I got out of the ticket gate, I found myself in a residential area, and while I was a little impressed to see such a townscape even in Tokyo, I began to realize that I was finally going to Shi-chan’s parents’ house, and my nerves began to rise.

Shi-chan took me on a short walk, and we stopped in front of a detached house that was larger than the surrounding houses.

“This is my parents’ house.”

Saying this, Shi-chan opened the door of the house.

I see, this is Shi-chan’s …… house. I had heard that she was wealthy, but if she had built such a magnificent house in Tokyo, I could tell that she must be very rich, even though I don’t know the market price.

Nervously, I followed Shi-chan into the property.

Shi-chan rings the intercom.


It’s Shion. I’m home.”

[“Yes, yes, I’ll open it now.]

From the other end of the intercom came the voice of a beautiful woman.

Shortly thereafter, I hear the sound of a key being unlocked with a click from inside.

“Welcome. Ara, is that Takuya you were talking about? Thank you for coming all the way out here. Now, it must be cold outside, so come on up and get inside.”

When she opened the front door, there was a beautiful adult woman.

–Eh, is this Shi-chan’s mother?

That was my honest impression.

She still looked totally young and had a beauty that made it hard to believe that she was the mother of my classmate.

Of course, she was Shi-chan’s mother.

“N-Nice to meet you! I’m Takuya Ichijo! S-sorry to bother you!”

I bowed my head and gave a terse greeting, nervous from the double whammy of being Shi-chan’s parent and the appearance of her mother, who was younger and prettier than I had expected.

Seeing me so nervous, Shi-chan’s mother put her hand over her mouth and smiled at me elegantly, saying, “You’re so cute,” which made me feel a little relieved that my first contact with her had ended well.

I was finally allowed to go over to Shi-chan’s parents’ house——.