Translator: Soafp

After that, we went to Shi-chan’s parents’ house and had dinner while I talked about school and Shi-chan’s daily life and many other things.

Then I looked out the window and saw that the sun had already set.

It was a long way from here to my house, and I was thinking that it might not be a good idea to go home soon, but I was getting nervous because I didn’t have a good time to say something.

“Takkun? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing, I just thought it might be time to go home soon.”

I was embarrassed, but I told her honestly what I was thinking.

It would be better to go home soon, since I was worried about getting on the wrong train too late.

“I see, it’s already this late, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, that’s why I–“

“Excuse me! Takkun!”

I was about to tell her that I was leaving soon, but Shi-chan interrupted me by raising her voice.

“If it’s all right with you, Takkun, stay the night! Dad, Mom, it’s okay, right?”

Shi-chan then boldly told me and her parents so.

“Eh!? But then again, that’s just a quirk.”

“If it’s okay with you, Takuya, you’re welcome to stay with us. Right, dear?”

“I’d like to talk a little more. But it’s New Year’s Eve. I’m sure your family has plans, so there’s no need to push yourself too hard.”

“I see. Then I will call home once.”

To my surprise, Shi-chan’s parents were receptive to me, so I decided to call home to check in.

I grabbed my phone and left the room, and rushed to call my mom.

“Oh, hello, this is Takuya.”

“Ara, Takuya, how are you doing? Did you have a chance to talk to Shion’s parents?”

“Oh, yeah, just in case. So, you know, she asked me if I wanted to stay the night.”

“Ara ara oh my oh my! –Okay, so do whatever you want today, Takuya. You don’t have to worry about us.”

“I’m sorry to bother you on such short notice, but I think I’ll stay the night. This is a great opportunity for me.”

“Yes, I understand. I’ll let your father know–Takuya, do your best.”

With that, Mom hung up the phone.

I went back to my room, thinking that I had to be careful not to be rude, even though she was kind of cheering me on.

“I got permission from my parents, so if it’s really okay, I think I’ll stay the night. ……”

“Well, then, you have a good rest of the day.”

“You’re more than welcome. Right, Shion.”

“Yeah! Yey!”

Her parents accepted her with a smile, and Shi-chan was happy with a small gut-punch.

I had heard that they had been through a lot in the past, but seeing Shi-chan’s family smiling at each other like this now filled me with warmth.

And so, today, I am going to stay at Shi-chan’s parents’ house—.

While watching the Kohaku Uta Gassen, I had many conversations with Shi-chan and her parents.

The conversation was always about Shi-chan, such as memories of Shi-chan’s past and stories about Shi-chan after she became a high school student.

Although Shi-chan, who was always at the center of the conversation, sometimes looked embarrassed or a little angry when she was told about her embarrassing experiences, she seemed to be enjoying herself all the time and seemed to be really happy to be spending time with her family and me. I could feel it.

While we were talking, familiar music started playing from the TV.

I turned my eyes toward the TV and saw the four members of the Angel Girls performing.

Dancing in gorgeous costumes, Akarin and her friends were still active as top idols even after Shi-chan left the group, and even on the other side of the TV, the four girls looked radiant.

Shi-chan was standing next to Akarin and the other four, silently watching their performance.

Seeing her like that, I thought that Shi-chan must have a lot on her mind.

Still, Shi-chan suddenly noticed my gaze and turned around, smiling kindly at me.

It was as if she was telling me that she was more than happy to be doing this now, and that it would be all right.

“Well, you two, go finish your bath soon.”

I looked at the clock and saw that it was already around 8:00 p.m. Her father suggested I take a bath, but then I realized something important.

–I didn’t have a change of clothes, because I hadn’t planned to stay the night in the first place!

I was thinking that I would have to wear the same clothes for a day or so, when Shi-chan poked me on the shoulder.

When I turned around to see what was going on, Shi-chan pulled out the sweatshirt I was wearing at Shi-chan’s house from the Boston bag she had brought with her.

“—-Uhm, I was wondering if something like this might happen, so I brought a sweatshirt with me.”

Shi-chan then presented the sweatshirt to me, blushing with embarrassment.

I looked closely and saw that she had even prepared a pair of pants and socks, and I couldn’t help but laugh at how well prepared Shi-chan was.

Shi-chan probably had originally planned for me to stay the night.

–No, she may have even wanted me to stay over.

I honestly wish she would have at least told me ahead of time, but even so, I was honestly happy that Shi-chan was making preparations for me to stay with her.

I gratefully accepted the sweatshirt from Shi-chan and decided to take her word for it and have a bath.

After taking a bath one by one, we all enjoyed New Year’s Eve soba noodles that Shi-chan’s mother had prepared for us.

Looking at the clock, there was already less than an hour left for this year.

I thought about all the things that had happened this year, and I remembered many things that had happened with Shi-chan.

Then, after we finished eating soba, we heard the New Year’s Eve countdown on TV.

Five, four, three, two, one–

“”Happy New Year!””

I joined Shi-chan’s family in wishing her a Happy New Year.

And then.

“Takkun, I look forward to another year with you.”

“Yes, the pleasure’s all mine.”

I looked at Shi-chan and we smiled gently at each other.

We were happy to be able to celebrate New Year’s Eve together like this.

This year, I was able to greet the New Year quietly at Shi-chan’s parents’ house.

Today I was able to talk with Shi-chan’s parents about many things, and above all, I was just happy to be able to stay with Shi-chan like this for a long time.

So I made a strong promise to myself that no matter what happens, I will always cherish Shi-chan for the rest of this year.