China, Hanyang Province, Wuzhou City.

Wuzhou No.1 high school, the mid-term examination of the third year of senior high school.

The classroom of class 6 in senior three is very quiet, only the rustling sound of pencils crossing the examination paper.

In the classroom, a boy in blue and white school uniform, sword eyebrows and stars, half of the bangs covering his pretty face, is lying on the table, sleepy.

All of a sudden, he stood up without any sign, his face was ferocious, and he let out a cry of grief: "little sister!"

A burst of youth, instantly attracted the attention of the whole class. Everyone is staring at Chen Mo, even the two invigilators are no exception.


I don't know who was the first to laugh. Then the whole class burst into laughter.

"Younger martial sister? Ha ha, is Chen Mo asleep

"I think he is a martial arts novel, little sister? I still make fox rush

In an instant, the quiet and serious examination room is in a mess. Those students who do not study well at ordinary times take the opportunity to peek at the answers copied in advance in the palm of their hands, and small pieces of paper fly randomly.

Sitting by the window, wearing a long ponytail, an KeYue, a school flower with outstanding temperament, looks at Chen Mo and shakes his head.

"Although my parents have always wanted to set me up with him, such an uneducated dandy, even if he has a good family background, is doomed to accomplish nothing in the future. Compared with Yuan Hao, he is nothing. "

Thinking of this, an Da school flower secretly looked at Zheng Yuanhao, the only son of the vice leader of Wuzhou City.

Zheng Yuanhao is also looking back at her. Suddenly, an KeYue is nervous for no reason and quickly lowers his head.

Zheng Yuanhao takes back his eyes and turns to scan Chen Mo, who is standing in a daze. There is a flash of extreme contempt on his face. This kind of person is not worthy of being his rival in love with Zheng Yuanhao.

Two invigilator teachers angrily looked at Chen Mo with a dull expression, but they shook their heads, with an expression that the guy was hopeless.

Then, he yelled and scolded in a hurry, stabilized the examination room order, and collected a large number of small notes.

Chen Mo stood in the classroom with a blank face.

"What's the matter? I'm Chen Mo, the great monk of xuandaozong's Huashen realm. I once went into the forbidden area "eye of the universe" with my younger martial sister. I wanted to explore the origin of the immortals. In order to save me, how could I suddenly appear here? "

Thinking of little sister Luo Li at the last moment, the attachment in her unique blue eyes and the faint smile on her beautiful face are deeply imprinted in Chen Mo's soul and engraved in his bones, which makes him extremely sad!

However, all the real things in front of him let Chen Mo's mind converge quickly, and his eyes gradually recover.

He looked at his surroundings quickly, and he felt familiar with everything around him.

"It's like a classroom here? It seems that in the exam? "


Someone kicks Chen Mo in the back. Chen Mo turns to look and finds a fat man winking at him and signals him to sit down.

"Are you, Zhao Gang?" A name appears in Chen Mo's mind, and he can't help talking to himself.

In an instant, Chen Mo finally understood where he was now, just like a movie replay.

"Is this the earth? I'm taking the midterm exam in the first half of senior three?" Chen Mo stares at the fat man Zhao Gang and asks.

"This is not earth, is it Mars? Classmate Chen Mo, I think you've lost your sleep! " The female supervisor examination teacher with big black frame glasses stares at Chen Mo coldly with a black face.

"You don't do well, you don't want to make progress, you sleep on the midterm exam. But please don't affect other students' examination, otherwise I have to ask you to leave the examination room! "

The female supervisor examination teacher pinches the waist and glares at Chen Mo angrily. If you say one more word, I will drive you out.

Chen Mo turns to look at the female teacher. Her face is flat, and a name is ready to come out! Wang Li, his English teacher in senior three.

A startled thought comes to Chen Mo's mind.

"Am I not dead? I'm reborn. I'm back in my junior high school years? "

This, perhaps, is the only reason for all this.

Chen Mo suddenly closes his eyes and feels the surging spiritual power in his body that can destroy the stars, but he finds it empty. And the powerful spirit, which has been able to transform thousands of gods, has no reaction at the moment.

Is this an illusion?

However, Chen Mo directly vetoed the idea because of all the real things around him.

The only explanation is that Chen is really reborn.

After thinking about it, Chen Mo is not annoyed by the disappearance of his cultivation, but has a slight excitement.

"In my previous life, I was a dandy. I didn't even get into a decent University. It was my mother, Li Sufang, that forced me to enter a second-class university with money."

"Later, I was beaten to half death by my mother's family's children in my condolence to my grandmother. Then I was brave and angry. But after all, because of talent and age, achievements are limited. "

"After my parents died, I took over the mother's company, but I was defeated by the conspiracy of ten thousand families. Forced me to jump off a building and commit suicide. Fortunately, I was saved by the Donghua Xiandi who passed by the earth and took me to Xiuxian road. ""I was frustrated, but I didn't want to fit in with the spirit of the cultivator. I made great progress in my cultivation all the way. In just six hundred years, I stepped into the third stage of the transformation of God state. I could transform the gods and travel through the universe and the stars."

"My teacher Donghua Xiandi cherished my talent, and he even gave me his favorite daughter, Luo Lixu, to be a Taoist couple. We have been together for a long time and become a couple admired by many people. But eventually, because of the curiosity of the younger martial sister, she went to the forbidden area privately, and both of them fell down. "

"By the way, since I can be reborn, will the younger martial sister whose cultivation is higher than me also be reborn to the earth?"

Chen Mo is suddenly excited.

But he calmed down immediately.

"Even if the younger martial sister is also reborn on the earth, I can't find it with my current strength. At present, the top priority is to improve my strength as soon as possible and find a way to repair it. Otherwise, let alone looking for younger martial sister, even self-protection is a problem."

He was no longer the ignorant and ignorant young man on the earth. He knew that the immortal people could easily destroy the planet.

Only strength is the foundation of everything.

"In my previous life, I was a person with no strength. An KeYue, the object of secret love, despised me. My fiancee, Yan Qingcheng, withdrew from marriage. My mother's family regarded me as a hybrid. In my father's family, only my grandfather, Chen Guoliang, loved me. I lived a very miserable life. "

"Seeing my beloved sister Wen Qing surrender to my enemy Wan Wenyou in order to protect me, I can only drink unconscious at her wedding."

"Seeing my parents die, I can't do anything about it. Seeing that the company that my mother took over was destroyed by thousands of families step by step, I can't help but be disillusioned and determined by death."

"However, God made me reborn, and in the most turning period of senior three."

"In this life, I will make up for all my regrets and protect my loved ones. Those who deceive me, humiliate me and look down on me, you never expect me to be reborn... "

The light in Chen Mo's eyes is more and more prosperous, just like a new rising sun, shining on the earth!

"Dad, mom and Wenqing, I will never let anyone humiliate you in this life! Wan Jia, Li Jia, you wait, I Chen Mo is back! "

In the classroom, Chen Mo's eyes are more and more determined. A breath of courage and courage emanates from him, which changes his whole spirit!

Wang Li is surprised to look at Chen Mo in front of her. She suddenly feels that Chen Mo seems to have changed. But she can't say where it is different, but she doesn't forget that Chen Mo has not answered her.

"Chen Mo, take the teacher's words as fart, how do you do it?"

"If you want to continue the exam, be honest with me, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Chen Mo looked at Wang Li and said, "no need!"

With that, the two teachers and all the students were stunned and strode out of the classroom.

The examination is important, but since he was born again, the examination will be just a trivial matter. Now, what he has to do is to resume his cultivation as soon as possible.

If you remember correctly, according to the memory of his previous life, tomorrow he will go to Yanjing with his mother to attend his grandmother's funeral.

Even after six hundred years, Chen Mo still remembers this funeral, because he will encounter the biggest blow in his previous life, which is also one of the reasons why he became angry and strong in his last life.

Looking at Chen Mo's graceful leaving figure, Wang Li was furious: "what rotten wood can't be carved!"

An KeYue gently shakes her head, the disappointment in her eyes is deeper.

Zheng Yuanhao looked scornful, and in his heart he crossed Chen Mo out of his competitors. A man who can give up the exam is not worthy of being his opponent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!