Chen Mo stands quietly in the courtyard and looks at Li Sufang, who is crying bitterly. A trace of inexplicable sadness arises in his heart.

It's not only a pity that you don't want to grow a tree, but you don't want to be a parent.

After grandma left, Li's only family member who loved her mother Li Sufang was gone. Chen Mo had experienced the pain of losing his only close relative in his previous life. He knew how heartbreaking the pain was!

After crying bitterly for half an hour in front of the crystal coffin, Li Sufang was pulled up by Aunt Chen Mo and her second aunt, and walked out of the hall slowly. Her eyes were red and swollen.

Li Liwen, Chen Mo's uncle, sighed and said, "tomorrow's mother's funeral, you should rest here first. After tomorrow's mother's funeral, you can go back."

Li Sufang is so sad that she turns a deaf ear to everything around her. She just walks up to Chen Mo and hugs Chen mo. her tears burst out again.

"I'm sorry, mom!" Chen Mo patted Li Sufang on the back with a soft voice.

Li Liwen looked at the younger generation of the Li family and called out, "Li Yue, take your aunt down to find a room to rest."


A young man with a white Xiaobu tied on his head stepped out of the crowd. He looked at Chen Mo strangely and said, "Auntie, please follow me!"

Li Yue, the second son of Chen Mo's uncle, Li Liwen, and Chen Mo's cousin, is insidious and mean. He is a young generation in the Li family and has an extraordinary position.

Looking at Li Yue, Chen Mo's eyes suddenly show a faint smile. According to the memory of his previous life, he knows that the good play is about to start.

Chen Mo helped Li Sufang to follow her all the way to a villa. Li Yue said faintly, "Auntie, you can rest here tonight. I'll arrange for my cousin."

Li Sufang was stunned and said, "let Xiao Mo live with me. There's no need for trouble."

Li Yue's face calm explanation: "aunt do not know, father told me that the same generation live in a place, younger generation has a place to live, etiquette, not chaos!"

Li Sufang looks at Chen Mo with some worry. She knows that the Li family are hostile to Chen mo. with her, the Li family may be more restrained, but once Chen Mo and she are separated, it will be dangerous.

Chen Mo understands his mother's worries and knows that this is indeed the Li family's rule. His mother has no ability to change it.

In order not to let Li Sufang worry, Chen Mo said confidently: "Mom, just one night, don't worry, I'll be OK!"

On one side, Li Yue quietly cast his eyes, Chen Mo, quietly lowered his head, and his mouth showed a grim smile.

Li Sufang looked at Chen Mo helplessly and told him, "be careful. Don't make trouble. If you have something, come here to find me right away."

Chen Mo is helpless in his heart. He doesn't want to cause trouble, but if other people trouble him, he can't stop it!

However, Chen Mo still nodded obediently and said, "Mom, you can rest assured. It's only one night. What can happen?"

Li Sufang thought for a moment that there should be no accident for one night. She nodded and watched Chen Mo follow Li Yue away.

Li Yue and Chen Mo have been walking forward, passing a row of empty villas, and finally, come to a small remote house.

Here, it is far enough from the villa where Li Sufang lives.

Looking at the lonely little house, Chen Mo knows that it is the warehouse used by the Li family to stack sundries.

In his previous life, he was here. He was shut up in his room by Li family's younger generation. He was beaten hard and almost killed.

Chen Mo had some feelings. He thought that some things would change after rebirth, but the history was still astonishing. Finally, he came here inevitably.

Li Yue looks at Chen Mo with a smile on his face. Without Li Sufang, he doesn't have to hide.

"You can stay here at night."

Chen Mo Ping looked at him blandly and said, "are you Li family so poor that you don't even have a house? Let the guests live in the warehouse? "

Li Yue said with disgust: "the house is for people to live in. You are such a bastard. It's flattering to let you live in the warehouse."

Chen Mo hid in the warehouse for a long time because of these two words. But this time, Chen Mo no longer felt anything.

"Who are you, son of a bitch?" Chen Mo asked lightly.

Li Yue opened his mouth and said, "bastard scolds you!"

Chen Mo smiles: "yes, you are a bastard indeed."

"You want to die!" Li Yue returned to the taste, and immediately realized that he had been trapped by Chen Mo's words. His face was ferocious and his fists clenched.

Chen Mo still looks at Li Yue quietly. If he dares to do something, Chen Mo will dare to abolish him! The reverence of the great monk of Huashen realm is not something that a mortal can challenge!

As if thinking of something, Li Yueqiang swallowed this tone, his clenched fist slowly loosened, and said in a cold voice, "I won't fight with you, let's see!"

Li Yue glared at Chen Mo fiercely. A sinister color flashed in his eyes. He left the warehouse key on the ground and strode away.

Chen Mo stands still, waiting for Li to go further away and points to the keys on the ground. The key actually flies up and flies into Chen Mo's palm.Chen Mo smiles, opens the warehouse door and enters the warehouse.

Although he didn't step into condensation gas, Chen Mo accumulated a lot of spiritual power after one night's practice. Chen Mo can still use the basic means of cultivating immortals, such as "controlling things".

Of course, if the object is too big, Chen Mo can't help it. After all, his current strength is less than that of condensing gas.

As the night falls, Chen Mo and his mother have dinner together. Seeing that Chen Mo is not in trouble, Li Sufang gradually relaxes her vigilance, but Chen Mo says nothing. After separating from her mother, she goes back to the warehouse and quietly waits for the good play to begin.

At ten o'clock in the evening, most of the Li family, who had been busy all day, were ready to take a rest. However, several young Li family members quietly gathered together and discussed for a while, and then they quickly walked to Chen Mo's warehouse.

Some of the Li elders who found them smile as if they didn't see it.

Seven or eight teenagers headed by Li Yue stood in front of the warehouse door. Li Yue took out a key on the warehouse door and handed it to a teenager attached to the Li family: "open the door."

The young man took the key and quickly stepped forward to open the door without any scruples. However, he was surprised to find that the door was not locked. He pushed it gently and opened it.

In the warehouse, came Chen Mo faint voice: "since come, all come in."

Li Yue and several teenagers were slightly surprised, but they had already explored the details of Chen Mo, and they were just an ignorant dandy. They didn't believe that Chen Mo could make any tricks.

A few people turned to Li and said, "let's go in!"

Several teenagers immediately felt the stick from the waist and walked in carefully.

Looking at a few people in safe and sound, Li Yue with the rest of the youth, all into the warehouse.

In the middle of the not spacious warehouse, hanging a white energy-saving lamp, Chen Mo is sitting on an old chair, looking at the visitors calmly.

"What do you want to do Chen Mo has a funny smile on his face.

Several teenagers automatically let out a way. Li Yue stepped forward and looked at Chen Mo grimly: "a son of a shameless woman and a wild man, dare to scold me? Now, I will let you know the consequences of insulting me! "

"Come on, don't shoot me!" Li Yue wrote lightly.

Several teenagers with sticks on their hands, with a bad smile on their faces, went to Chen Mo, spat and cursed, "bah, bastard!"

Chen Mo's face suddenly changed. Looking at Li Yue's eyes, there was a chance to kill him. It was not because of the voice of a son of a bitch, nor because there were so many visitors, but because Li Yue's words not only insulted him, but also connected his parents.

"Since you're here, you can all stay."

Chen Mo gets up slowly and confronts the passers-by with one punch. The five or six teenagers who rush to him are knocked down to the ground in an instant, crying incessantly.

The more surprised Li Mingmo is, the slower some people can avoid Chen Ming.

The remaining two teenagers, with serious faces, said, "brother Yue, the investigation data are wrong. This boy is obviously outstanding!"

Li Yue was not moved at all, and said with a smile: "there are two down-to-earth people. No wonder they dare to be fearless. Fortunately, those people have been prepared and let me follow. With these guys alone, I can't help you."

"However, I will show you what real strength is."

Li Yue said, suddenly gush out a strong breath, Chen Mo slightly a Leng, in the heart dark surprised: "Lingli?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!