According to these people's plan, first go to Feima mountain camping in the suburb of Wuzhou City, have a barbecue in the wild, and then go back to KTV to sing to Yang Qianqian to celebrate his birthday.

Chen Mo was eager to laugh at the journey of these people. It is a big winter. Although Wuzhou is close to the south, it is cold enough. These people are really in a free egg pain and go camping in the mountain in the winter.

Clearly is a group of the light crazy youth who do not know sad taste!

Maybe the first day off, these people are very excited, the music of three cars is the biggest, the sound effect of the luxury car is good, the three cars drive by all the way, just like the mobile scene of the three concerts.

Fortunately, they are walking around the city road, no one, or they will disturb the people!

Chen Mo sits in the Audi car driven by Shiyang. This guy is obviously the best car among the public. In a short time, he surpassed Zhang Xian's Porsche and won the first place.

The co driver sat in a good figure girl, dyed yellow hair, and danced with excitement: "Yang Ge is powerful, hurry up, it hasn't been so exciting for a long time!"

Encouraged by the girl, Shiyang threw the drifting partial head, and the gas pedal directly to the bottom.

Even in order to dazzle the car skills, sometimes hands off the steering wheel, frightening the girl a strange call.

Chen Mo shook his head in his heart: "young people, they are still dead and alive. Now, the speed is estimated to be 180. In case of an accident, even if the car is destroyed directly, the person will die! Even if it is a more expensive car, it is as fast as a hundred and eight, and it is the same as paper paste. "

Chen Mo even secretly lucky, once an accident, directly jump away, these people, except for the enko and murongyan, the rest of the lives of the people, he does not care.

The car soon drove out of the ring road, and several people slowed down to enter a county road that was not spacious.

After the meeting, from the side of the fork road into a black Passat, in front of the Shiyang car, and walked slowly.

County Road, like this road, want to overtake is very difficult, still immersed in the speed of passion, Shiyang and the girl have been in a hurry.

Shiyang kept pressing the horn to urge, but the Passat in front of him was not allowed. Shiyang, angry, snapped the steering wheel and scolded: "this car is so broken, so it is so bad!"

The little girl beside her also angrily scolded: "cut, a broken Passat, dare to be Yangge's way!"

Shiyang continued to press the horn to urge, but this time, the car in front of it seems to have come to temper, a direct emergency brake, stopped.

Shiyang is not prepared at all. Press the brake urgently. But it is still hit because it is too close to the car!

"Grass!" Stone Yang burst a rough sentence, hurriedly open the door to get off, a face painstakingly to see the car injury.

The Audi RS6, which he asked for a long time, took nearly 2 million yuan. It was just after it was put out and appeared, it was hit.

Passat driver in front of the car also opened the door to get off the car, a small flat head with a thick eyebrow and a strong and powerful figure. Shiyang stood at him, just like a schoolboy.

However, Shiyang ignored these, and he scolded: "do you know how to drive? You call it "illegal stop" understand? Look at the car crash! "

The flat headed youth looked at Shiyang coldly, did not speak, but walked to the rear door, respectfully lowered his head.

The rear window glass slowly lowered, a comb with big back, the oil light, full of face cross-aged man to explore his head, and asked in a deep voice: "what is the matter?"

"Chu ye, a child after the end, and scolded me for breaking the stop!"

The words with flat head were spoken in normal voice. Shiyang, only a few steps away from him, heard it directly. Immediately, Shiyang came up and scolded: "special, who are you talking about?"

When I pick my eyebrows, I will attack. The body like iron tower will press over immediately, but I am stopped by the people in the car: "knife, forget it. Mr. Jin told me that there was an urgent matter. Don't waste time!"

"Yes, Lord Chu!" Nodding with a flat head, he glanced at the stone sun coldly, opened the door of the cab, sat in again, and was ready to drive away.

Shiyang was afraid of each other, but he could see that he wanted to escape. He could stop: "stop, don't pay for the car of the young master, so you want to run? There are no doors! "

Two harsh brakes sounded, and two cars left behind also followed. Under this, Shiyang's courage suddenly came up.

"Shiyang, what's wrong?" Zhang Xian asked.

An Ke Yue and murongyan son several people also followed, surrounded by the Stone Yang asked.

"This silly goods stopped in a hurry, and I hit it, and I wanted to run," he shouted

"Hum, it's impossible for him to escape, Liu Li, you two go ahead to stop them, don't let them run!" The cold channel is displayed.

"OK!" The two boys immediately ran to Passat and sat on the hood.

Stone Yang sneered: "today does not give a satisfied reply to the young master, you don't want to run!"

The window glass of the black Passat rear seat slowly lowered again. The middle-aged man with big back was gloomy: "I can't imagine that one day, Chu Wenxiong was riding on his head by several younger generations to give a powerful lift!""Dao Zai, get out of the car!"

In front of the flat head quickly get off, open the rear door, respectfully meet the middle-aged man get off.

As Chu Wenxiong got out of the car, a sense of domineering came on the pavement. Zhang Xian and other students couldn't help but step back and looked at him with a slight shock.

Chu Wenxiong was dressed in a black suit with a black windbreaker and a white scarf around his neck. He was just like the big brother in Shanghai walking down from the TV.

is just as like as two peas in the same way.

Hearing Chu Wenxiong's three words, others didn't feel anything. However, Zhang Xian suddenly showed a look of panic and looked at Chu Wenxiong again. Zhang Xian immediately affirmed his inner guess.

"Are you Chu Wenxiong, a Madman of Chu in Wuzhou?" Zhang Xian asked carefully.

Chu Wenxiong glanced at Zhang Xian and was surprised: "I didn't expect you, a little fart child, have ever heard of my name? Come on, who is your adult? "

Zhang Xian respectfully said: "my father is Zhang Gui, lotus supermarket is my home, you should have heard of it."

Chu Wenxiong nodded and said faintly: "it turns out to be Zhang Gui's son. No wonder he has heard of my name. OK, in the face of Zhang Gui, you go!"

Zhang Xian was very happy, such as an amnesty: "thank you for your kindness and kindness."

Looking back, Zhang Xian said to a puzzled Shiyang: "not soon, thank you, brother Xiong. You don't have a common sense with us."

"Wait, I said let you go, I didn't say let him go!" Chu Wenxiong suddenly said.

Zhang Xian suddenly looked ugly, turned to look at Chu Wenxiong, full of flattery: "brother Xiong, you are a famous person in Wuzhou. Don't be wise with our children. He is my classmate. You can see my face and let him go together."

Chu Wenxiong sneered: "it's late. If you dare to offend someone in Chu, you have to pay a price. Otherwise, others will treat me as Chu Wenxiong and bully me! "

Zhang Xian didn't give up. He begged with a smile: "brother Xiong, he was brought by me. If you punish me, I will lose face in front of my classmates. You should give my father a face and forgive him this time."

Chu Wenxiong's eyes slightly narrowed: "boy, it seems that I give you too much face, so that you don't know the height of heaven and earth, you go back to ask your father, even if he is standing here today, dare I give him face?"

"While I'm not angry, get your man out of here, but he must stay!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!