Back in the room, Chen Mo spreads the mat that Sang Sang bought for him in the position of the spirit gathering array, and then spreads the bedding on the mat. He sits down with his knees crossed and his eyes closed.

Mulberry accompany Yan Qingcheng into the bedroom, close the door, and lock.

Chen Mo hears two girls murmuring in the room for a while. Then it seems that someone goes to the bathroom and listens to the sound of running water coming from the bathroom. Chen Mo is embarrassed. Sometimes his hearing is too sharp, which is not a good thing. However, Chen Mo simply closed his hearing and began to practice.

After a while, the door of the room is opened. Sang Sang looks at Chen Mo, and finds that Chen Mo is still sitting on the mattress, his beautiful face full of vigilance, which is slightly relaxed. He turned back and locked the door.

Night, quiet, two o'clock in the morning, most ordinary people have basically gone to sleep at this time, even Yan Qingcheng and Sangsang also spread the even breathing sound.

Chen Mo slowly opens his eyes. His closed hearing has been untied after Yan Qingcheng and Sang Sang are asleep. Then Chen Mo gets up slowly and walks quietly into the yard.

The cold wind suddenly rose, and the branches of the sweet scented osmanthus tree in the yard shook. There was no star or moon in the dark sky, but it did not affect Chen Mo's vision.

Chen Mo stands at the door of the house. He looks up slightly and looks at the wall of the courtyard. There, a dark shadow stands quietly, like a ghost.

"Now that we are here, let's all show up." Chen Mo's faint voice rings.

Then, five masked, covered in black, flew into the courtyard from the outside and landed in the courtyard.

The man who had stood on the wall of the courtyard had a hoarse voice and said, "boy, you are very alert."

Chen Mo doesn't pay any attention to him. Instead, he turns back to look at him. Sang Sang Sang, who has been awakened, is running out of the room with a tight face.

"You protect the young lady, I will deal with them!" Sang Sang looks at Chen Mo and says solemnly.

Chen Mo doesn't speak. He just stands there and looks at the five men in black.

Sangsang a dart, rushed to the yard, glared at several people: "say it, who sent you?"

Five people in black gave out a faint strange smile, which was an answer.

"Let's make a quick decision. We'll deal with her first, and then we'll taste the taste of the first beauty in Yanjing."

"Hey, hey..." Several people sent out a wave of wretched bad smile.

"Dream!" Sangsang was very angry, and her delicate body suddenly burst out a strong breath. Her speed was suddenly accelerated, and she hit the man in black with a fist.

"Yes, you have reached the peak of the outer world at a young age. In a few years, you may be able to cultivate your inner strength and become a martial artist in the inner world." The man in black was surprised.

"But unfortunately, you don't have a chance!"

The voice fell, and five men in black moved together.

Five strong breath from them, each of them is not weaker than mulberry.

Obviously, these people are prepared!


With a joint attack of five people, Sangsang couldn't resist at all. He was beaten to fly back in the air and stood reluctantly against the wall.

"How could it be? Five top warriors in the outer world! Who on earth sent you? " Mulberry throat a sweet, pressure down the impulse of hematemesis, harshly asked.

How rare are the warriors? Sang Sang Sang, who is the warrior himself, is very clear. However, let alone a warrior at the top of the border. Now, the other side has sent out five top warriors at one time. I'm afraid that only the big families in Yanjing have such a big hand!

"When you go to the underworld, ask the Lord Yan!" The man in black laughs ferociously and attacks Sangsang again, and the target points to Sangsang's throat.

Just that blow, Sang Sang already suffered internal injuries, and at the moment he couldn't avoid the man in black. Sang Sang suddenly called to Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, miss, give it to you! Take her to run away and send her back to Yan's house. I'll stop them! "

With these words, Sang Sang has a heart of death. Among the five top warriors in the outer world, Sang Sang Sang thinks that even Chen Mo, who is a martial artist in the inner world, can not be able to stop him. After all, Chen Mo is too young. She can only drag a few people with her life to give Chen Mo a chance to escape with Yan Qingcheng.

However, when Sang Sang was ready to fight back, a figure quietly blocked her. The figure was thin, but extremely tall and strong, as heavy as Mount Tai!


Chen Mo also punches the man in black.


A bone fracture sounds, and the man in black is like a broken sack. Chen Mo punches him directly and his blood is flowing.

"No, the situation is wrong. Let's go!" The man in black was lying on the ground and roared.

The other four look at Chen Mo in shock. They can't believe that a teenager who looks only seventeen or eighteen years old is actually a martial artist in the inner world!

However, looking at the half dead old man lying on the ground, the four can only choose to believe.

"Old four old five, you two take the eldest brother to go first, I break up with old three!"The two men in black suddenly made a dart and came to the man in black who was beaten by Chen Mo, lifted him up and was about to leave.

Chen Mo's faint voice sounded, without a trace of emotion, just like death's sentence: "since it's here, stay!"

The voice has not yet landed, Chen Mo's figure has disappeared from the original place. The next moment, the second and third, who is in charge of the post-mortem, sends out two screams, which are smashed by Chen Mo's two fists.

Then, before the old four and five react, Chen Mo's figure has come to them, and they are two fists. The two men follow the example of the second and the third. They are smashed by Chen Mo, hit the wall, and then fall to the ground.

The five top warriors in the outer world still flaunt their power at the moment before, but after a few seconds, they are lying in the courtyard all over the place with no idea of life or death.

The boss looked at Chen Mo, as if to see a ghost, and asked in horror, "who are you? Why should we take care of the Yan family? "

Chen Mo stepped on his face in black and said coldly, "I have been doing things all my life. Why should I explain to you?"

"Say, who sent you?" Chen Mo makes a slight effort at his feet. The man in black trembles with pain, but he tries not to make any sound.

"Well, your mouth is very hard. I want to see how hard your bones are!" With a cold smile, Chen Mo's strength increases again. This time, the man in black is dead.

Chen Mo feels that the breath of life of the man in black is rapidly disappearing. He can't help but be stunned: "did you commit suicide by taking poison? I despise you

Chen Mo turns his head and looks at the other four people and finds that their breath of life is also rapidly disappearing.

Chen Mo could not help frowning. He turned his head and looked at him. He was shocked and said, "who wants your life? How dare you pay a lot of money to invite these dead men

Mulberry has been shocked by Chen Mo's means of brain blank, smell speech stupidly shook his head: "I don't know, there are too many people who want to harm miss."

Chen Mo doesn't continue to ask. He knows that Sang Sang has not lied. She is the first beauty in Yanjing, and she has countless potential enemies under the trees of Yanqing city. Of course, there are those who have attempted against her.

Chen Mo turns around and walks back to the room. Mulberry comes back to her senses and asks, "what about these bodies?"

Chen Mo's head did not return, leaving a light sentence: "don't worry, there will be someone to clean up, the main emissary behind the scenes will certainly not let their identity exposed to the sun."

Sangsang some do not believe, who will care about a few bodies? However, after this battle, she had a blind trust in Chen Mo, and she felt that since Chen Mo said that someone would clean up, someone would certainly do it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!