Chen Songzi suddenly blocks in front of Chen Mo and glares at Xu Donghan. After several days of practice, he has reached Xiaocheng in foreign countries. He can deal with some bodyguards and thugs.

Chu Wenxiong was furious: "threaten my guests of Chu Wenxiong in front of me, when I don't exist! Dao Zai, call someone! "

Jia Jingan sneers and watches the opera. In Wuzhou, Xu Donghan is definitely not Chu Wenxiong's opponent.

Looking at Chu Wenxiong, Xu Donghan sneered: "old dog of Chu, on the boundary of Wuzhou, I admit that I'm not your opponent. But with Master Wang, it's useless even if you call in many people. In front of Master Wang, we are all ants!"

"Master Wang? What Master Wang? Who are you bluffing at? " Chu Wenxiong looked scornful.

Xu Donghan was not angry, continued to sneer: "in addition to the ghost of Wang Yongshan, in Hanyang Province, who dares to call Master Wang?"

Chu Wenxiong was shocked and looked at the skinny old man beside Xu Donghan: "Master Wang Yongshan, Master Wang!" Words, even with a trace of awe!

Jia Jing'an, who was holding his arms and waiting to see the joke of Xu Donghan, also called out in horror: "ghost sees sorrow, Wang Yongshan!"

With a proud smile, Xu Donghan dodged to make way for the skinny old man. He arched his hand and said, "please come here, Master Wang!"

All people's eyes are focused on the thin old man, even Chen Mo is no exception.

The thin old man stepped forward, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

His voice was hoarse and hard to hear, which gave people a creepy feeling: "I practiced in seclusion for more than a year, but I didn't expect that someone would remember me. It's rare!"

Wang Yongshan looked at Chen Mo, his eyes were gray, he looked like a corpse, and his voice was even more terrible: "boy, give me that piece of blood drill, it's not a mortal you can take!"

This time, Chu Wenxiong is not refuting. Instead, he looks at Chen Mo with a worried face. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

Jia Jingan stepped forward, walked behind Chen Mo, and whispered, "Mr. Chen, bear with the calm wind and calm waves for a while, take a step back from the sea and the sky. You can hand over the blood diamond. Master Wang's power is not what we can imagine!"

Chen Mo looks at Jia Jingan and smiles: "Oh, Master Wang, is he very good?"

Jia Jing'an looked at Wang Yongshan, who was as thin as firewood. Seeing that he had no expression, Jia Jingan whispered: "Master Wang was said to be only a teacher when he was young. He was sincere and honest, but because of his honesty, he was often bullied. One day, he suddenly disappeared. Everyone thought he had gone to another place or disappeared, and they didn't care

"But ten years later, he suddenly returned to his hometown. On the day after his return, all his former enemies suddenly died overnight, and the official forensic examination failed to find out any reason. However, everyone guessed that it was master Wang who killed them! The government has also investigated Master Wang, but there is no evidence to do anything about him. "

"Then, Master Wang opened a" asking spirit residence "in the local county, which is said to be able to catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits, communicate Yin and Yang, and control ghosts and even attract people's souls. At the beginning, everyone didn't believe it, but all those people who went to see Master Wang respected him. As time passed, Master Wang's reputation spread throughout Hanyang. Because he was very effective in catching ghosts and expelling evil spirits, people gave nicknames to them, which made them feel sad! "

When Jia Jingan finished, he suddenly saw Master Wang smiling at him in a gloomy way. Suddenly, Jia Jingan felt cold in his back, his legs softened and he almost collapsed.

It's no wonder that Jia Jingan and Chu Wenxiong are afraid of Master Wang. Just imagine that even if you are rich in wealth, Master Wang can easily hook your soul away when you are asleep, so that you don't even know how you died, but the official still can't find out. This kind of ability is frightening to think about.

Even Chen Songzi couldn't help swallowing and spitting. He looked at Master Wang with a touch of fear in his eyes, but he soon calmed down. Compared with the powerful existence that he saw in Chen Mo's eyes, he firmly believed that Master Wang was not a fart!

Chu Wenxiong also sighed and said to Chen Mo, "Mr. Chen, never offend Master Wang. You'd better hand over the blood diamond."

Chen Mo looked at Wang Yongshan, but he didn't care. He curved his mouth and said, "what's the matter? Ha ha, ghost see you worry, but I am not necessarily this person. It's not impossible to want a blood drill, but to exchange something with me. "

Yan Qingcheng is also afraid of ghosts. Hearing that Chen Mo wants Master Wang to exchange things with him, he stealthily walks up to Chen Mo and says eagerly, "do you want money but not your life? If he wants something, you give it to him, and you will not be afraid that he will take away your soul at night? "

Chen Mo doesn't pay attention to Yan Qingcheng. He looks indifferent to master Wang.

Chu Wenxiong and Jia Jing'an look at each other with a bitter smile and shake their heads one after another. They feel that Chen Mo is still too young. They dare to negotiate terms in front of a master who controls ghosts. They really want money but not death!

"Well, I don't know how to live or die!" Xu Donghan gave Chen Mo a cold look. Among these people, he understood Master Wang's terror better than anyone else. Chen Mo's behavior was just looking for death!Wang Yongshan looked at the silence, grinned and showed a yellow tooth. Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "boy, you are the first person who knows my name and dares to make terms with me after so many years. I appreciate your courage. Well, I promise you to exchange with you. Say, what do you want? "

Chen Mo looked at Wang Yongshan and said with a playful smile, "I want that piece of mulingyu on you, and Your life

Chu Wenxiong and others all stare at Chen Mo in disbelief.

"Is this boy crazy?" Xu Donghan sneered.

Chu Wenxiong called out in a hurry: "Mr. Chen, I know you are good at fighting, but you can't beat those evil things any more. You should kowtow to master Wang and apologize and send blood diamonds. If you are young, he may give you a way to live!"

Jia Jingan also hastily agreed: "yes, Mr. Chen, don't be impulsive. Please kneel down to apologize to master Wang!"

However, Yan Qingcheng was silent this time. Others thought Chen Mo was young and vigorous, but she felt that Chen Mo had something to rely on. Maybe Chen Mo has a way to deal with this terrible master Wang!

Sangsang quietly run real gas, ready to hand at any time, but the girl's home to ghosts, this kind of thing, there is a kind of natural fear, a little pale face.

Wang Yongshan's skinny body suddenly rose in a circle. His ugly face and ferocity made him feel terrible: "boy, you are looking for death. I will help you!"

When Wang Yongshan finished, he suddenly took out a small porcelain jar from his arms, opened the yellow paper symbol on the mouth of the jar, bit his finger, squeezed out a trace of blood, and dropped it into the jar.

Suddenly, a gust of shady wind whistling out of the air, making everyone feel cold on the back, only Chen Mo is still indifferent.

All the people looked at the small porcelain jar in horror. They didn't know what kind of ghosts and ghosts were hidden in it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!