Chen Mo practiced for one night. The next morning, Jia Jingan, the treasure house, called.

"Master Chen, today is the day when I trade with Xu Donghan of Wanfu building. Where are you? I'll send for you! " Jia Jingan is modest.

Chen Mo sends the position to Jia Jingan and waits quietly.

At 8:10, Jia Jingan sends a driver to drive a Mercedes Benz business car and stops at the gate of Chen Mo's village courtyard.

This time, Chen Mo did not wait for mulberry to open his mouth, then said faintly: "you also come together!"

Sang Sang's beautiful face was filled with joy.

The four were sent to the headquarters of treasure house in Wuzhou.

Jia Jingan personally came forward to meet: "master Chen, please come inside!"

In fact, Jia Jingan's treasure house headquarters is a ten story building, one to five floors, displaying various rare items such as antiques, jades, calligraphy and paintings. Up the fifth floor, there are offices, lounges and luxury suites.

Master Jia points to the glass of the hall and smiles to me

Chen Mo nodded faintly, glanced at those things, but did not say a word, and continued to move forward.

Chen Songzi is a little shocked when he follows Chen mo. he used to collect antiques, calligraphy and paintings. However, compared with Jia Jing'an, it is a big difference.

Sangsang and yanqingcheng are also very surprised. Even though they are in Yanjing, they have heard of the name of zhenbaozhai. Now, they are worthy of their reputation.

Feeling a few people's surprise, Jia Jingan is more proud.

After a while, Chen Mo had already been on the first floor, but he didn't say a word.

Jia Jing'an thought Chen Mo despised the things on the first floor, and immediately said, "master Chen, the first floor to the fifth floor are all places for storing the collection. The time agreed with Xu Donghan is still early. Why don't I show you around?"

Chen Mo nods and follows Jia Jingan up the second floor.

Chen Mo walked very fast. In less than half an hour, he had finished reading the collection from the first floor to the fifth floor, but Chen Mo still did not say a word.

Jia Jingan was a little anxious: "master Chen, how do you feel? Is there anything in your eye? "

Chen Mo shakes his head: "although there are some authentic ones, they are useless to me!"

Jia Jingan was suffocated in his chest and his face was blows.

"Haha, I can't get into the master's eye naturally. It's my abrupt! It's almost time. Master Chen and I will go to the trading place and wait! "

Chen Mo nods and follows Jia Jingan to a luxury suite on the top floor.

In the room, there was an old man with elegant appearance and a middle-aged man with glasses beside him.

Jia Jingan said with a smile, "boss Xue, you've come very early."

"Good morning, boss Jia. I just arrived." The elegant old man arched his hand and said faintly.

Jia Jingan introduces Chen Mo: "master Chen, this is Xue Qianhe in Nanling city. Mr. Xue said nothing in Nanling city."

Chen Mo looks at Xue Qianhe and nods lightly. He goes over and sits on the sofa in the corner of the room.

Chen Songzi followed closely and stood respectfully aside.

Sang Sang and Yan Qingcheng also follow and sit next to Chen mo.

Xue Qianhe and Chen Mo originally wanted to say hello to Chen Mo, but before he could speak, Chen Mo ignored him, which made the well-educated Mr. Xue feel a little depressed.

Xue Qian and the middle-aged man with glasses beside him snorted: "what master? How rude

Xue Qianhe shook his head and motioned to the man not to cause trouble.

Jia Jingan was embarrassed, but after so long contact with Chen Mo, he seemed to understand that Chen Mo didn't like to be polite, so he said with a smile to Xue Qianhe: "Mr. Xue, master Chen doesn't like convention. It's not rude. Please forgive me!"

Xue Qian and smile way: "no harm!"

At this time, two more people came in. Chen Mo met at the gambling stone meeting. Qingyang's richest man Fang was different, followed by a young man in a suit.

"Boss Fang, here you are." Jia Jingan arch hand road.

"Boss Jia is polite." Fang diferent walks in, nods to Xue Qian and smiles, then finds a place to sit down.

When Fang dif erent see the corner of Chen Mo, slightly a Leng, then, and a suspicious look at Jia Jing'an.

A moment later, two people came in again. They were both big men.

Finally, Xu Donghan came in with a fat old man.

"Ha ha, let the boss wait for a long time, Xu Mou makes amends first!" Xu Donghan bowed his hand with a smile.

Most people return gifts to Xu Donghan. Jia Jing'an says with a smile: "boss Xu wants us to wait for you on purpose, so as to show your particularity."

"Boss Jia misunderstands that I came late only because I had a long way to go, not on purpose." Xu Donghan's sincere explanation, but no one believed it.

Most of the people came to Wuzhou yesterday to have a rest in the hotel. Xu Donghan certainly did. On the pretext that the journey was far away, ghost letter?

However, all the people present were big men of one side, and no one wanted to offend Xu Donghan, except his old enemy Jia Jing'an.Xu Donghan glanced at the crowd, his face showed a proud smile, but suddenly he saw Chen Mo in the corner, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

Xu Donghan hasn't called Chen Mo for the 50 million yuan, but he hasn't seen what Chen Mo has done to him. Xu Donghan has a fluke mind and wants to drag the matter over.

However, as a mysterious fat old man who claimed to be Wang Yongshan's elder martial brother came to the door and showed his strong strength, Xu Donghan suddenly found a supporter, and he no longer took Chen Mo seriously.

Xu Donghan found a seat nearby, and then whispered a few words to the fat old man beside him. The fat old man looked at Chen Mo, flashed a green light in his eyes, and gave two gloomy smiles.

Jia Jingan said: "boss Xu, now there are almost half of the big men in Hanyang in this room. You can take out those two things."

Smell speech, all people immediately look at Xu Donghan, obviously interested in those things.

Xu Donghan said with a proud smile: "well, since you are so face saving, I'll add one more thing, a total of three, please taste it!"

"Take out the things and let everyone have a look!" Xu Donghan said to one of his men.

The man opened his suitcase, took out three exquisite wooden boxes of different sizes and put them on the table in the middle of the room.

After opening, the small wooden box put an egg size beads, crystal clear, sending out a light chill, let people see, can not help but fall into it.

In the second wooden box is a palm sized Bodhisattva of dizang king. It is made of fine copper and covered with green copper rust. It seems that it has a long history.

The third wooden box is a piece of jade and eight trigrams. It seems that there is nothing special about it. The material of jade is not the best. Compared with the first two things, it is very common.

Xu Donghan mysterious smile: "everyone, please taste it!"

Sitting at the head of Xu Donghan, a chubby middle-aged man said, "I'll come first."

With that, he looked at the old man with crane hair and childish face beside his eyes and said respectfully, "please let Mr. Delong palm your eyes!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!