Linzhou, the land of the Lin family.

A middle-aged man, 40 or 50 years old, rich in gods and jade, was standing in front of the gate of the Lin family.

After seeing the guards on both sides of the gate, he went straight into the gate.

"Who? Dare to break into the Lin family without permission Two guards yelled.

Bang bang!

Two muffled rings, the middle-aged man in the robe took back his palm, and the two guards bled from their seven orifices, and died miserably on the spot.

"The servants of the Lin family dare to stop me

Coldly looked at the bodies of the two guards, the middle-aged man sneered and strode into the Lin family.

In the hall, Lin Xue, dressed in a snow-white dress, sits on the main seat, dealing with the Lin family's large and small affairs.

All of a sudden, Lin xueruo felt something and suddenly raised his head. He saw a middle-aged man in a long robe, who was less than a foot in front of him.

"Who are you?"

Lin Xue is shocked. She gets a reward from Chen Mo for Peiyuan Dan. Now she is a little martial artist in the inner world. She doesn't even know when the other party came in. If the other party wants her life, she is dead now.

The man looked at Lin Xue curiously, and a touch of appreciation flashed in his eyes: "Neijing Xiaocheng! Lin's family even has such a beautiful woman. The boy in Lin's family didn't send it to me. It seems that he deliberately conceals his own property. I will teach him a lesson later

Lin Xue's heart is even more shocked. Seeing that this man is obviously younger than Lin San, he calls Lin Shao boy. Listening to his voice, he is extremely old, like an old man of 80 or 90 years old.

Who is this person?

"Who is your excellency? Why intrude into our Lin family Lin Xue stood up and stepped back to escape.

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "I'm GUI Youguang from the Lin family. Hasn't Lin Shang talked about me? Really. Do you need to keep it secret? By the way, what about forest damage? Let him come out to see me

Lin Xue can't stand the unbridled eyes of the other party. This person is clearly a rogue. She has been looking at her proud place. If it was not for his strength, she would have slapped her in the face.

Lin Xue said angrily: "the forest damage has been killed by my master. Now I will take over the Lin family. If you are my Lin family's sacrifice, you should submit to my master!"

"Lin is dead! It's not true. The forest damage is half a step away. Is your master a master? " GUI Youguang was surprised.

Lin Xue sneered: "the strength of my master is not what you can imagine."

GUI Youguang evil spirit smiles: "so? If I kill you, do you think your master will come to avenge you? "

Lin Xue was surprised and stepped back: "if you dare to move me, my master will never let you go!"

GUI Youguang stroked his smooth chin with one hand, and his eyes were very aggressive: "Hey, don't worry, I can't bear to kill a beauty like you. But I owe a favor to the Lin family. If the Lin family is destroyed, I have to ask for an explanation for the Lin family. "

"I'll take you first. When your master comes, I'll kill him."

Lin Xue was surprised and angry: "you dare!"

Finish saying, Lin Xue tiptoe lightly, toward the gate to sweep. She knows that she is not GUI Youguang's opponent and must inform Chen mo.

"Want to escape?" Guiyouguang plays with a smile and looks at Lin Xue leaving the gate before he starts.

Guiyouguang's speed is not sure how many times faster than Lin Xue. At the next moment, he appears in front of Lin Xue and pinches Lin Xue's white neck.

"In front of the master, you are a mole ant!"

"Well, if you want to kill me, my master will avenge me!" Lin Xue looks desperate and dies with her eyes closed.

"Don't worry. I said I would not like to kill you. I will wait for your master to come to me and kill him in front of you." GUI Youguang sneers.

On the sixth day of Chen Mo's closure, Lin Xue is captured and the Lin family is separated from Chen Mo's control.


On the edge of Hanyang Province, Yinfeng mountain is the sect of Tiangui sect.

A dark shadow with a gust of wind swept into the cave where Tiangui sect was located.

Black shadow is firmly in the position of leader. He is the leader of Tiangui sect, Gu qiansha.

Below, the only five remaining disciples opened their eyes together.

"Master, do you have any news?"

Gu qiansha's face was gloomy: "I have found out that your elder, younger and third elder martial brothers have all been killed by one person. That person is likely to be a descendant of Tianshi sect, known as master Chen!"

"There is a descendant of Tianshi sect

All the disciples were shocked.

"I also found out that master Chen has integrated ten southern cities of Hanyang Province, and most of Hanyang respect him!" Gu said

"What? The people of Tianshi sect dare to interfere in the affairs of the secular world! Do they want to break the contract? "

The disciples were furious.

It is a long established rule that the martial arts world should not interfere in the affairs of the secular world. Although many of the big companies and powerful forces on the surface have the shadow of people from the martial arts world, no one dares to interfere in the affairs of the secular world.

Gu qiansha's face was cold: "since they broke the rules first, we don't need to be polite. You go out of the mountain immediately and integrate the northern forces. I want to avenge the disciples!""Yes

The whole heavenly ghost sect came out.

One day later, sun Jingcai, the big man of Longhua City, was killed.

Five days later, on the tenth day of Chen Mo's closure, seven cities in the north of Hanyang province all submitted to the Tiangui sect.

On the 11th day of Chen Mo's closure, the Tiangui sect integrated the seven northern cities and merged into Tiangui gate. At the command of Gu qiansha, tianguimen points to ten southern cities.

On the 12th day of Chen Mo's seclusion, Gu qiansha sent a letter to the big men of ten southern cities. The content of the letter was only five words.

"Surrender, or die!"

The southern bigwigs, who had already received news from the seven northern cities, gathered at the home of Chu Wenxiong, a big man in Wuzhou, to discuss countermeasures.

Jia Jing'an looked worried and said: "I heard that this Tiangui gate was created by a hermit sect in the martial arts circle. In a few days, it unified seven cities in the north. Sun Jingcai, the great man of Longhua, was killed because of his resistance. His strength is beyond imagination."

"Master Chen has been unable to get through to his mobile phone. What should we do now?" Qingyang's richest man has a different look of anxiety.

However, Chu Wenxiong was calm: "it's OK. I have informed master Chen's disciples that he will arrive soon. I believe he can contact master Chen."

When they heard that Chen Songzi was there, they felt a little relieved.

In a moment, the guard came in and announced, "Lord Chu, Chen Songzi is here!"

"Come on, please!" Chu Wenxiong stood up and said.

Chen Songzi, with Yan Qingcheng and Sangsang, enters the hall. Chu Wenxiong immediately gives up his seat and lets Chen Songzi sit down.

Chen Songzi was modest, but Chu Wenxiong insisted that he should not be modest and sit on the throne.

Chu Wenxiong said: "Taoist priest, Tiangui gate has sent an ultimatum. This is a letter sent by them!"

Chu Wenxiong handed the letter to Chen Songzi with both hands.

Chen Songzi looked calm and looked at the contents of the letter and said angrily, "how dare you! Taking advantage of the master's travel, Tiangui gate is so arrogant!"

"Don't be afraid of me. If you dare to come to Tiangui gate, you can make sure that they will never come back."

Hearing Chen Mo go out, a lot of big men look a little ugly, but see Chen Songzi full of confidence, they are a little relieved.

In the afternoon of the same day, Chen Songzi sent a reply. At 9:00 p.m., Yan returned to the lakeside to fight against the heavenly ghost gate.

Chen Songzi's cultivation has reached the peak of the inner environment, even stronger than the forest damage of half step Huajing on that day.

At the Bank of Yangui lake, Chen Songzi and three disciples of Tiangui sect were defeated by Huang Shirong, the second disciple of Gu Qian.

Huang Shirong's accomplishments are already the peak of soul swallowing realm. With the skill of controlling ghosts, Chen Songzi fought for three consecutive battles, which cost a lot of money and was finally defeated.

Knowing that Chen Mo left, Gu qiansha did not hurt Chen Songzi and others, and worried that Chen Mo would retaliate afterwards.

However, Gu qiansha detained Sangsang and Yan Qingcheng, and gave Chen Songzi three days' notice to Chen mo. if Chen Mo didn't come, he killed two people.

Chen Songzi vomites blood on the spot. After being carried back by Chu Wenxiong and others, Chen Mo is immediately contacted. However, Chen Mo's mobile phone has been turned off and can't be contacted at all.

Chen Songzi and a group of big men, like ants on the hot pot, anxious round and round. , the fastest update of the webnovel!