After hearing Chi Ruibin's words, two front desk ladies, who are worried about being sued by Chen Mo, feel a little relieved. They are a dandy. Even if it is reported to the chairman, the chairman should not believe it.

Two front desk ladies look at Chen Mo's eyes, but they can't help but take a trace of contempt.

"Little mo, let's go. I'll take you and your friends to rest first." Wen Qing still asks for Chi Ruibin. He doesn't want to get too hard with him, so he has to pull Chen Mo away.

However, Chi Ruibin intends to humiliate Chen Mo, so as to show his extraordinary in front of the two gorgeous beauties Wen Qing and Yan Qingcheng. How can Chen Mo leave so easily?

Chi Ruibin stepped forward and stood in front of Wen Qing with a scornful smile: "Secretary Wen, if you leave like this, then I won't accompany you to the summit banquet this afternoon, and I won't be able to get financing..."

Before he finished speaking, Wen Qing suddenly changed his face and interrupted: "Chi Ruibin, you dare to disclose the company's secrets at will. If the chairman blames him, even the late director will be implicated!"

Chi Ruibin's face was indignant: "don't say it, don't say it. Anyway, I leave my words here. You can go if you want."

With that, Chi Ruibin put his hands into his trouser pockets and looked arrogant.

"You..." Wen Qingqi's face is red. In front of Chen Mo, he doesn't dare to speak too clearly, so as to avoid Chen Mo's worry. He can only let Chi Ruibin be arrogant.

For a while, Wenqing is not going, nor is it not going to go.

Chen Mo has seen the problem. From Wen Qing's evasive words and his accommodating attitude towards Chi Ruibin, Chen Mo concludes that there should be something wrong with Meihua group.

"In my previous life, I remember that the US China crisis started after the end of the new year. Judging from Wen Qing's performance, the US China crisis was probably advanced. Otherwise, a Chi Ruibin would never dare to be so arrogant in front of Wen Qing! "

However, since Wen Qing doesn't say it, Chen Mo will not take the initiative to break it. He remembers that in his previous life, this crisis was quickly put right by his mother. It seems that Hehui group in southern Henan Province agreed to raise funds and the US China crisis was solved.

Even without the help of Hehui group now, with Chen Mo's present value, the US China financial crisis is not worth mentioning at all.

"Sister Wen, we Meihua group, when is it the turn for outsiders to show off here?" Chen Mo, with his hands on his back, looks at Wen Qing with a smile on his face.

Wen Qing was startled in the heart and said in secret: "bad!"

Wen Qing knows Chen Mo's character better than anyone else. It's not too much to say that he is a dandy. But Wen Qing always regards Chen Mo as her closest brother. No matter what others say, in her heart, Chen Mo is the closest person except Li Sufang.

Wen Qing knows that with Chen Mo's dandy character, he will be humiliated as soon as Chi Ruibin meets him. He will not give up and fight back until now, which is very good.

However, Chen Mo is too young to fight Chi Ruibin. He is too young to be humiliated by Chi Ruibin.

Wen Qing didn't care about the summit banquet, so she pulled up Chen Mo and said anxiously, "Xiao Mo, don't be wise with him. I'll take you to rest and never neglect your friends"

Chen Mo wanted to teach Chi Ruibin a lesson, but Wen Qing didn't seem to want to fall out with Chi Ruibin. Chen Mo respected Wen Qing's meaning.

"Well, I'll listen to sister Wen." Chen Mo said with a bright smile, but this smile is only for Wen Qing.

Chen Mo wants to go, but Chi Ruibin doesn't do it. He has seen that Wen Qing is determined to go, which is not the result he wants. Taking Wen Qing to the summit banquet this afternoon, in fact, he has other plans.

Chi Ruibin stopped Wen Qing again: "it's not so easy to go."

Wen Qing said angrily, "Chi Ruibin, what do you want? If you're making trouble, I'll ask the security guard to get you out of here now! "

Chi Ruibin didn't want to annoy Wen Qing. He was determined to humiliate Chen Mo: "Secretary Wen, don't be angry. I just want to correct the boy's mistakes."

After that, Chi Ruibin ignores Wen Qing's angry eyes and stares at Chen Mo with a look of disdain: "boy, who do you think is an outsider?"

Chen Mo Ben doesn't want to pay attention to Chi Ruibin. He doesn't expect this guy to challenge himself again and again.

Chen Mo's eyes gradually cold, looking at Chi Ruibin, said faintly: "say you!"

Chi Ruibin sneered: "joke, my father is a director of Meihua group. You dare to say that I am an outsider. Do you mean to let our family withdraw shares from Meihua?"

Wen Qing's face sank. Meihua is in the financial crisis. If Chi's shares are withdrawn at this time, it would be worse. Chi Ruibin is really despicable!

Chen Mo doesn't take chi Ruibin's threat seriously, and sooner or later, Chi's family will be ruined. If Chi family goes away now, Meihua group will be safer.

"If you can represent the late family, I can take my mother's place and promise your request to withdraw the shares of the late family!"

Wen Qing was surprised and stopped in a hurry: "Xiao Mo, don't talk nonsense. If the chairman is not here, how can you take the place of him?"

Chi Ruibin grabs Chen Mo's handle and laughs: "well, Secretary Wen, you have heard it with your own ears. The young master of the chairman said that we should be allowed to withdraw shares later. I will call my father now."Chen Mo can see that Chi Ruibin's words are completely threatening. He smiles faintly: "fight, I'll watch you fight."

Chen Mo knows what Chi's family will look like, but Wen Qing doesn't know. She thinks Chen Mo is a dandy. She gets angry with Chi Ruibin.

Now, in the US China crisis, several directors want to withdraw their shares. If they withdraw their shares late, it will inevitably trigger a chain reaction, and other shareholders will take the opportunity to withdraw. In this way, even if the chairman of the board went to southern Henan Province for investment, it would not be able to resolve the US China crisis.

"Silence, little mo!" Wen Qing is really anxious. For the first time, she speaks to Chen Mo in such a strict tone.

Looking at Chi Ruibin, who pretends to make a phone call, Wen Qing squeezed out a smile: "Mr. Chi, Chen Mo is still young. What he said is all jokes. If it's not true, you can't see him in the same way!"

Chi Ruibin is just bluffing Wen Qing and Chen mo. although the United States and China have encountered some crisis, their business has been booming. Now those who withdraw shares are short-sighted guys, and their chi family will not be so stupid.

Hearing Wen Qing soft, nature immediately downhill donkey: "since Secretary Wen pleaded, that's all, but I need this boy to apologize to me!"

Wen Qing looks at Chen Mo and sighs in her heart. It's more difficult to ask Chen Mo to apologize.

"Chen Mo is still young. Let me apologize to Mr. Chi for him." Wen Qing endured nausea and said with a smile.

"No, since he said it, he should be responsible for the consequences, unless he is a seedless softie!" Chi Ruibin seizes the opportunity, how can he let Chen Mo go easily?

Wen Qing frowns and wants to slap Chi Ruibin's hateful face. This is to humiliate Chen mo.

However, if Chen Mo doesn't accept his softness, Chi Ruibin is likely to make full use of it. Once the Chi family withdraws its shares, Meihua will be finished.

However, even Wen Qing is not sure to ask Chen Mo to apologize, and she absolutely does not want Chen Mo to be humiliated by a subordinate's son at the gate of her own company, and still in front of her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!