Chen Mo takes Wen Qing into the taxi.

"Xiao Mo, who is master Chen?" Wen Qing looks curious.

Chen Mo said with a smile, "who else can there be? It's me! I am master Chen. "

Wen Qingbai Chen Mo one eye: "don't say forget, even I also conceal!"

Wenmo doesn't believe it when he explains it.

"By the way, where did you learn archery? Why is it so powerful! " Thinking of Chen Mo's three arrows shooting together, Wenqing's heart rate suddenly accelerates.

Chen Mo said with a smile, "you will not believe me if I have no teacher. Of course, I was taught by an archery expert."

"It seems that our little Mo is lucky to meet such an expert!" Wen Qing tilts her head and her smiling eyes turn into crescent moon. Since Chen Mo doesn't want to say it, Wen Qing naturally won't ask questions. In her heart, Chen Mo always comes first.

Soon, back to Chen Mo's hotel.

He sent Chen Mo back to his room, and Wen Qing said goodbye: "Xiao Mo, you came from Wuzhou, and you didn't have a rest. You must be tired. Have a good rest tonight. I'll call you when the chairman comes back."

"The company can't be empty, I have to go back to the company first, can't accompany you." Wen Qing was apologetic.

Chen Mo is a little reluctant, but he knows that what Wen Qing said is true: "well, you and mom are busy people, and I am the most free. I have prepared a small gift for you and mom this time. I'll give it to you first. "

Wen Qing looked forward: "this is the first time that you bring a gift to the chairman and me. What gift? Come out and show me! "

Chen Mo reaches out his hand and opens the storage ring with his mind. The small jade pendant appears in the palm of Chen Mo's hand.

The jade plate is made of crystal clear material. It seems that there is a flow of glittering light on it. It is not a common product at a glance.

"Xiaomo, is this jade pendant valuable? Where did you get it? " Wen Qing was a little surprised.

Chen Mo put on the body protecting jade pendant with the red rope he had bought, and put it on Wenqing's white neck in person. He earnestly admonished him: "it took me a year to ask for it from my master. I can stay in my face to protect my safety. Don't take it off at any time, even when I take a bath!"

Wen Qing's face turns red. She wants to scold Chen Mo, but seeing what Chen Mo says seriously, she understands that Chen Mo is not deliberately teasing her. Immediately also a face earnest nod: "en, I know, you this intention, elder sister accepted!"

Chen Mo once again solemnly admonishes: "no matter when you take it off, you should wear it when eating, sleeping and bathing. Remember!"

Gu Qing remembers that every moment I smile, I will never fail

"Well, go back. Be safe on the way." Chen Mo's face softens. With this jade pendant, Wen Qing will have one more life.

Wen Qing waved goodbye, took two steps, and suddenly stopped again, turned to look at Chen Mo, smiling like a flower: "Xiao Mo, this is the best New Year gift I have received!"


At night, a strange line of four people came to Hanyang pedestrian street, attracting countless pedestrians.

Among them, there are two ordinary beauties and one young Taoist.

When Chen Mo first came to Hanyang, he didn't continue to practice. When he reached the triple level of condensate gas, it was a watershed. The aura needed was too large. It was a drop in the bucket to rely on ordinary daily cultivation. It was better to go out and take a chance to see if he could meet some opportunities.

Before walking a few steps, there was a burning smell in front of me. Then someone yelled, "look, Ike building is on fire!"

Just a few miles ahead, a building with a height of more than 30 storeys, from the 15th floor up, a flame shot up rapidly, slowly half of the building was burning.

In an instant, the whole city, sirens blare!

One by one, the fire engines rushed quickly. One of them had just passed by Chen Mo's side. The crowded crowd took the initiative to get out of the way.

Some people began to stay away from the burning building, but some people with strong curiosity came quickly to see the excitement.

Chen Mo also goes to see if he can help.

After arriving at the scene, a cordon has been set up 50 meters away. The whole building has started to burn. Several ladders have been extended into the air. Firefighters are holding water taps to extinguish the fire.

The fire was fierce and crackled, which covered the people's cry for help and alarm.

From time to time, there were burning materials falling down, the crowd exclaimed, and unconsciously retreated.

One team of firefighters directed the evacuation of people who had escaped from the building, while the other two teams rushed to rescue the trapped people.

Chen Mo and his colleagues go to the temporary command center of fire rescue. They watch the middle-aged man who even wears his shoes upside down constantly giving orders, and repeatedly emphasizes that the safety of the trapped people must be ensured.

Unfortunately, Hanyang city fire brigade equipped with the ladder can only rise to the 17th floor, there is nothing to do.

A team member, whose face was blackened, panted and gasped and said, "Captain, the cause of the fire has been investigated clearly. The insulation wall around the building is aging and a fire broke out. Now the fire has begun to spread to the interior of the building. Our ladder can only rescue below 20 floors, and the upper floor is afraid to be..."The middle-aged man's face was like frost: "organize those experienced people to direct the evacuation below, and the rest of the team members will all rush up with me. How long can they last?"

"No, captain. You need to be in charge. You can't go. I'll go." A young man with a burned chin next to the middle-aged man exclaimed.

"No more command, follow me!" The middle-aged captain called out and rushed in first.

Several members of the team were in hot blood, followed by the middle-aged man and rushed to the fire. It seems that what they rush for is not the fire of death, but the celebration banquet after winning the victory!

Chen Mo looks at Ike building, which is half red in the sky, and his eyes are indifferent.

Chen Mo suddenly quietly leaves and comes to a quiet corner behind the crowd. Behind them are three Chen Songzi.

"Fire has no lover's affection, since let me meet, I'll help you!"

As soon as he reaches out, the jade pendant appears in Chen Mo's palm.

"Three thousand weak waters!"

After a dark drink, Chen Mo quickly makes a magic power into the jade pendant, and the 3000 weak water array arranged inside is instantly excited.

On the jade pendant, a flash of silver light, a gust of wind howling, the clear night sky suddenly overcast.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Almost the moment the clouds appeared, a torrential rain suddenly fell.

"It's raining! It's raining! "

"Oh, my God

"Thank God, God open your eyes!"

Those who escaped from the fire knelt on the ground, threw themselves into the ground, and worshipped the sky.

The onlookers also talked about it. The rain came in a timely manner. Moreover, the rain only covered Ike building. There was no rain falling five meters away from the building, which was a rare event in a thousand years.

"Is it really God's eye opener? Or ghosts

People secretly speculated that the rain was too strange.

Looking at the fire being extinguished, Chen Mo put away the jade pendant and said faintly, "let's go!"

Behind him, Chen Songzi's three faces were shocked, and Chen Mo's power was refreshed in their mind again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!