Wen Qing quickly picked up the phone that fell to the ground and put it in the ear to answer.

At the other end of the phone, there was a man's urgent voice: "Chairman, not good! Tianxing and Wanyuan, which originally cooperated well with us, suddenly announced that they would stop cooperating with us. There are also a few companies under ten thousand of which have stopped business with us. Director Xu, director Fang and other eight directors announced the withdrawal of shares at the same time. The whole senior management of the United States and China is in a mess. The whole company is in a state of panic. Come back and take charge of the overall situation

Wen Qing looked at Li Sufang in shock: "how can this happen?"

"It's over, Meihua is finished!" Li Sufang was pale and leaning back on the chair.

Wen Qing said anxiously, "Chairman, you must cheer up. If those companies break the contract, the loss will not be smaller than ours. As for the withdrawal of shares by the board of directors, it can be settled in accordance with legal procedures, and there is still time. As long as the funds of Hehui group arrive, we still have the ability to fight back! "

At the critical moment, Wen Qing sent out to play her own talent and quickly analyze the situation.

Li Sufang said with a wry smile: "it's useless. The United States and China are rising too fast. In order to attract funds, the contracts I signed with them were too loose. They could withdraw their shares at any time. Now Meihua is short of funds. These people are withdrawing shares. Meihua group is finished! "

Under this, Wen Qing also has some feeble feeling: "no wonder those directors usually don't seem to put you in the eye, it is this reason!"

"But you still need to cheer up. Don't forget where this is. We can raise funds, but we can open more favorable conditions. I believe they can see the future development potential of the United States and China, and they can't resist the temptation!"

In Li Sufang's eyes, hope revived: "you're right. I can't be defeated by them at this time. I want to see who is behind the scenes!"

Li Sufang took the mobile phone from Wen Qing's hand and calmly said, "Lao Zhao, don't worry, just do as I say."

Next, Li Sufang gave orders, one by one, in an orderly manner, showing the extraordinary character of this powerful woman in the shopping mall.

First of all, we should stabilize the internal of Meihua group, and then try to find ways to raise funds to fill the fund hole left by the withdrawal of those directors.

In the hall, with Li Sufang's lessons learned, some people who want to meet Wan Changru begin to think about themselves to see if they are qualified enough.

However, this could not resist the attraction of Hanyang's richest man in the slightest. Some people continued to say hello to Hanyang. All the Confucians treated each other with courtesy, with the exception of Li Sufang.

Slowly, people can see that the richest man in Hanyang is deliberately targeting Li Sufang.

Although Meihua group is just like Zhongtian in Japan, it is still too young. Compared with Hanyang's richest man, which one is more important, we are like a mirror in our hearts.

Gradually, a strange phenomenon formed in the hall. The area with Li Sufang as the center was empty.

All of them are getting rid of us China group.

Li Sufang was isolated by celebrities from all walks of life in Hanyang province!

Chen Mo sits on the chair and looks at all these things quietly, with the intention of killing looming in his eyes.

At this moment, Liu Shao and other rich second generation, who have visited Wan Wenyou, come back to Chen mo.

"You trash, you see, you Meihua group has offended Wanjia and will soon be finished. You bastard is going to beg for food soon. I see how arrogant you are Liu Shaoyi sneered bitterly.

The others, with their arms in their arms, had a good look on their faces.

Chen Mo is in a bad mood. He looks at Liu Shao coldly and spits out a word: "go away!"

A cold sense of killing comes out of Chen mo. the middle-aged man behind Liu Shao's body suddenly changes his face. He blocks Liu Shao in front of him in a hurry and looks at Chen Mo with a watchful look.

Liu Shao said with a grim smile: "waste, don't brag there. With Mr. Zhang, what can you do to me?"

Next to him, Wang Shao sneered: "I can't believe that the American China Group has been isolated, and this waste dares to be so rampant. Liu Shao, teach him a good lesson

"Yes, Liu Shao taught him a lesson!" A few rich second generation laugh and boom.

Liu Shao was excited by people, blood on the brain, think that Mr. Zhang in, he is invincible.

"Crap, I'll give you a chance to kneel down and kowtow to me and apologize. Besides, I'll let these two chicks stay with me for a month. I can spare you. Otherwise... "

Before the words are finished, Chen Mo's figure suddenly disappears in place.


After a slap, Mr. Zhang and Liu Shao were taken out directly, hit the wall, and then fell down.


With a cold drink, Chen Mo's figure instantly returns to the original place, as if nothing had happened.

Mr. Zhang vomited blood and looked at Chen Mo, his face full of panic: "master!"

Liu Shao covered his chest, looked at Chen Mo in disbelief, and said in horror: "how can it be? Why are you such a waste

Around, a lot of rich second generation can't help but take a breath. Chen Mo's strength is far beyond their expectation.Instead of looking at the entrance of the group, Mr. Liu and Mr. Chen did not come together.

With the arrival of these people, the hall of hundreds of people suddenly quieted down. All eyes, all focus on these people.

The leading director, Chen Mo, is Chi's father, Chi Chonghua.

"Chi Chonghua, former member of the board of directors of Meihua group, meet Mr. Wan!" Chi Chonghua took the lead, and the other seven people bowed to Wan Changru.

Wan Changru stood up, with a ready-made smile on his face, went to Chi Chonghua and others in person, and bowed his hands in reply: "you are welcome. Please take your seat."

Several people did not move.

Chi Chonghua went on to say, "we have left Meihua group, and we hope that Chairman Wan will accept us!"

Wan Changru looked at several people and said with a loud smile, "welcome, warm welcome!"

"Sit down, please."

There was an uproar!

Everyone's eyes turn to Li Sufang!

One by one, they showed the expression of watching the good play.

Now, they finally understand why Wan Changru deliberately ignored Li Sufang.

When Liu Shao heard the news, he burst into a wild laugh with a ferocious face: "garbage, do you hear me? You don't need to fight from thousands of families. Meihua group has already started to fight against each other. Meihua is finished! Ha ha... "

The rest of the rich second generation are also looking at Chen Mo with a grim face.

What do they think even if Chen Mo can fight again? Chen Mo's biggest dependence is still the Meihua group. Once the Meihua group is finished, even if Chen Mo is able to fight, he will only be a martial artist. It will be as easy to crush Chen Mo as an ant.

Chen Mo ignores him and looks at his mother Li Sufang quietly. His eyes are cold.

Li Sufang was pale. She had planned to conceal the withdrawal of shares by the directors of Meihua group, so as to reduce the negative influence of Meihua group, so that she could attract funds to fill the fund hole in the summit.

However, she did not expect that Chi Chonghua and other people would come directly to the summit site and join the 10000 families in front of everyone!

This is tantamount to announcing to all the celebrities in Hanyang that Meihua group has split up!

In this way, even if Meihua group has a bright future, no one dares to take risks in investment!

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