Through Ying Yixiong, Chen Mo finally understands everything about yinlingzong.

Yinlingzong is not the incomplete inheritance from the ancient civilization of cultivating immortals, as Chen Mo thought. It is just that 200 years ago, a poor scholar got a Book of cultivation skills by chance, and then created the yinlingzong.

When it came to the current patriarch's hand, this guy was a shopkeeper who didn't care about the affairs of the clan at all. As a result, the internal strife between the Yinling sect and the lingzong sect was serious, which split into the Yin sect and the Ling sect.

The current patriarch is also a very good one, not only ignore it, but also set up a little patriarch for the Yin clan and the lingzong school respectively to manage the two schools instead of the patriarch.

This time, the Yinling sect was completely divided.

Ying family belongs to Yin sect, and cultivates evil Qi and body. Liancheng jade, which was killed by Chen Mo, belongs to lingzong.

As for why she came to Nie Xiaoqian, she was born in the year of yin and the month of Yin. She was the most Yin woman recorded in the classics of yinlingzong.

According to the records of yinlingzong, as long as you get to the Yin girl, you can achieve great accomplishments. Therefore, Yingjia and Lianjia all want to give Nie Xiaoqian to their little patriarch in exchange for rewards.

Chen Mo asks about the magic seeds planted in Nie Xiaoqian's body, but Ying Yixiong's face is confused. He doesn't know what kind of devil is.

Ying Yixiong is a middle-term cultivation in the psychic realm, which is equivalent to a great martial artist in the inner realm. It is normal that he can't find the demons on Nie Xiaoqian. Perhaps only by seizing the two little lords, can we know who planted the Magic Seeds on Nie Xiaoqian.

"Take me to your little Lord." Chen Mo looks at Ying Yixiong and says lightly.

Ying Yixiong smiles bitterly and shakes his head: "master, it's not that I don't want to show you the way. It's just that the three of us were injured by Liancheng jade, and their meridians were broken, so they couldn't move at all."

Chen Mo frowns. He knows that Ying Yixiong is telling the truth. The meridians in their three bodies are indeed broken.

"I've ignored that."

"Well, I'll give you a chance."

Chen Mo Xin reads and takes out three Peiyuan pills from the storage ring and hands them to Ying Yixiong.

Ying Yixiong is also a person who knows the goods. He immediately widens his eyes and exclaims: "the best medicine!"

His wife Bai Juan and younger brother Ying Yiping are also shocked and greedy in their eyes.

"This is, for us?" Ying Yixiong is full of expectation. Although Chen Mo's actions are very obvious, he still does not believe that Chen Mo will give them some captives!

"Eat it, not only can repair your injury, but also let you further repair." Chen Mo said.

"Thank you, master!" Ying Yixiong and his three men kowtow to Chen Mo sincerely. They know very well how precious the best elixir is. Even the young master can hardly get one, but the young man has three at a time, and gives them several irrelevant captives!

How generous and domineering it is!

From this we can infer how powerful the patriarchal clan behind the youth is!

Looking at the three people overjoyed to swallow Peiyuan pill, they began to adjust their breath. Chen Mo's voice sounded coldly: "I can give you pills, and I can take your life at any time. You'd better not be ambivalent."

"I can't wait!" The three worshipped.

How can they betray such a generous host before they are happy?

In about half an hour, the three men finished breathing.

At this time, even Huo's wife, who was slapped by Chen Mo, also woke up.

She crushed a jade card in her arms and said with a grim smile: "dare to kill my family. I have already informed the young patriarch that none of you can live!"

With that, the woman spat out a mouthful of blood and committed suicide.

Should also xiongdun full of tension: "master, let's go quickly, once lingzong shaozong comes, we can't run any more!"

Chen Mo glanced at him and said faintly, "it doesn't matter. Even if he doesn't come, I'm going to go to him. It's the trouble of the province."

Ying Yixiong suddenly remembered that Chen Mo had asked them to lead the way to the young patriarch of Yin clan. Naturally, he would not be afraid of the little patriarch of lingzong.

However, thinking of the terrible power of the little patriarch, Ying Yixiong still said: "master, the cultivation of Shao Zong is 100 times stronger than ours. You must not despise us because of our low strength."

"Just lead the way, and don't worry about the rest." Chen Mo said lightly.


Chen Mo turns to look at Nie Xiaoqian with a gentle voice: "Xiaoqian, if you are afraid, you don't have to go with us."

Nie Xiaoqian shakes her head, a face firm: "I already have no home, what to be afraid of. I'll go with you

Chen Mo nods and waits for Chen Songzi to bury Lian Huo's wife's body, and asks Ying Yixiong to lead the way to find the young patriarch of Yin sect.

A detailed introduction to Mr. Chen is also given.

"It is said that the predecessor of the little patriarch was the childe of a small family in Northwest China. Because he provoked a large local family, he was forced to destroy his family. He happened to be caught by the old patriarch and brought him back to practice in Yinling sect."

"A few years ago, he made great achievements in his cultivation. He went back to his hometown in Northwest China and directly wiped out a hundred and ten members of that big family, including all the old, the young, the young and the young. Because the impact was too bad, the government was dissatisfied, and a large number of police forces were sent to round up the little patriarch. ""But the little Lord resisted the bullets with his body and scared the police away. It was only when the special police force was used by the government that shaozong was injured and forced to flee. He hid in the Mountain Gate of yinlingzong and didn't dare to come out. "

"In my estimation, the cultivation of the little patriarch should have reached the true spiritual realm long ago. One blow can smash a car!"

Ying Yixiong seems to think of the terror of the little patriarch, and his face is full of dignified color.

Chen Mo nodded and thought in secret: "the cultivation of the spiritual realm corresponds to the inner realm of the martial arts. Then the higher level of the true spiritual realm should correspond to the master of the martial arts' chemical realm. However, the little patriarch can resist bullets. Obviously, the evil spirit refining body is stronger than the martial arts, and the strength should be equivalent to the master of protecting the body environment. "

"Strictly speaking, this young patriarch is similar to my previous life, but he shouldn't kill innocent people after he has achieved his cultivation. He can only kill the culprit. It is estimated that his rapid progress in cultivation should be related to his strong sense of revenge. "

Two black Audi cars stop at Tongting mountain, the border of Fengshan county.

Ying Yixiong gets out of the car in a hurry and opens the door to welcome Chen Mo out of the car.

"This is Tongting mountain, where the gate of yinlingzong is located." Looking at the tall and towering mountain in front of him, he murmured in a low voice, as if afraid of disturbing the people in the mountain.

As soon as Chen Mo got out of the car, he felt that there was a strong aura in the air around Tongting mountain, but in this aura, there was a faint evil spirit.

Chen Mo frowned. There is a secret in this copper Pavilion mountain!

"Up the mountain!" Chen Mo looked at his eyes and said faintly.

Ying Yixiong's face was a little pale. They were obviously afraid, but they did not dare to disobey Chen Mo's meaning. They had to be honest and lead the way.

The mountain road is rugged and overgrown with weeds. In addition, Tongting mountain is very steep, so it is suitable for the cultivation sect to take root here.

In addition to Nie Xiaoqian, Chen Mo and others all have accomplishments in their bodies. Even on this rugged mountain road, they are still walking fast.

Chen Mo gives out a trace of spiritual power, holding Nie Xiaoqian in the void. After a while, he comes to the depth of the mountains.

"This is the watchful peak. You can enter the Mountain Gate of yinlingzong!"

Ying Yixiong points to two peaks standing side by side in front of him, just like two giant pillars. , the fastest update of the webnovel!