The powerful force is like a huge mountain falling down from the sky.

The third move of Tianxuan Shenquan is to control heaven and earth!

Click, click

A series of broken bones came and went, and more than a dozen yinlingzong disciples in the psychic realm were directly killed by this blow.

Everyone's body was smashed into the ground.

With Chen Mo as the center, there are more than ten human shaped pits around.

In front of Chen Mo, the psychic practitioners are like ants!

Ying Yixiong looked at all this in horror, and their bodies were shaking: "what strength is this! Is this still human? "

The three were glad that they chose to surrender. Otherwise, they would end up like these people.

Nie Xiaoqian looks at Chen Mo with adoration on her face. Once upon a time, that dandy boy has grown up to such a heroic level. There is no need to worry about him.

It's a pity that although his eyes are full of warmth, there is no trace of love between men and women.

Nie Xiaoqian's eyes are a little dim. She knows that Chen Mo and Nie Xiaoqian have no relationship in this life!

"Boy, if you kill me, I will use you to avenge today There was a roar of anger in the cave.

Chen Mo's eyes are as bright as a torch, and he sees the short and fat figure hidden in the cave and disappears quickly.

Chen Mo's face is cold, and his body is full of strong killing intention, like the cold air of Jiuyou, which seems to freeze people to death.

"With your words, it's enough for me to kill you, and the whole family is full of evil spirits."

Chen Mo's greatest regret in his previous life is that his relatives and friends will end up miserable. Chen Mo's greatest wish for this rebirth is to protect his relatives and friends and make up for his regret in his previous life.

This sentence of shaozong of Yinzong has violated Chen Mo's bottom line.

Chen Mo, with his hands on his back and his face cold, looks like a sea of corpses and blood in his eyes. He walks slowly and steadily to the cave.

Chen Songzi and Nie Xiaoqian follow Chen Mo in a hurry. Anyone can see that Chen Mo is angry.

Chen Mo enters from the biggest hole. A few meters later, a huge stone chamber appears in the view of several people. The top of the stone chamber is inlaid with some luminous stones, which make the stone chamber look like day.

Seven or eight people in black stood in a corner, looking at Chen Mo with vigilance. There were young people, middle-aged people and an old man.

These people all have accomplishments, but their accomplishments are very weak. The strongest ones are equivalent to those in foreign countries.

Chen Mo's eyes flashed with a sense of oblivion, but his voice did not have a trace of emotion: "since you have chosen to join the yinlingzong, you have been doomed to your fate. Don't blame me for being heartless!"

The idea moved, the sky sword with a touch of gold, very quickly swept over several people's necks.

The facial expression on these faces is stiff, the full face can't believe to cover the neck, even how he died did not see clearly.

Ying Yixiong and his three men were frightened. Now they realized that this seemingly unsightly young man was an irresistible God of death!

Nie Xiaoqian is also shocked in her heart. She seems to know Chen Mo for the first time. She really can't connect Chen Mo with the young man she knows.

Chen Mo didn't even look at the corpses. He continued to walk towards a hole in the corner. The spirit consciousness had already locked in the little patriarch.

Chen Mo and his colleagues come to a stone chamber. The space here is much smaller than the one just entered. A stout old man stands at the end of the stone chamber, smiling.

"No escape?" Looking at the old man who is like a dead tree skin, Chen Mo looks indifferent.

"Hey, run away? I never want to escape. I'm just waiting for you here A strange smile appears on the old man's face and looks at Nie Xiaoqian behind Chen mo.

"To hell! Hehe, yingyixiong, you did a good job! After killing this boy, I'm practicing both the secret method and the extreme Yin woman. Maybe my strength can surpass the patriarch. After that, yinlingzong will be my world

Nie Xiaoqian looked at the ugly face of the old man, and his stomach was tumbling and almost retching.

Secretly glad that she met Chen Mo, if not Chen Mo, she would be ruined by this ugly monster. At the thought of that ugly face close to himself, even to make love with himself, Nie Xiaoqian's death heart has.

Ying Yixiong looks at Chen Mo nervously and explains, "master, I'm loyal to you, and I'm absolutely loyal to you."

Chen Mo ignored him, but coldly looked at the young patriarch: "do you think you can kill me with the evil spirit here? Don't dream, my ability is not what you can imagine

The little patriarch was stunned and looked at Chen Mo in surprise: "can you tell the evil spirit? You are not a warrior! What are you, boy

Chen Mo said with a faint smile: "who told you that I am a warrior? In fact, I am an immortal

"Immortal cultivator?" In the eyes of shaozong, there was a look of thinking.

"Did you plant the seeds of my friend?" Chen Mo asked.

"The devil?" The young patriarch was full of doubts, and seemed to have no idea about it.

Chen Mo can see from his look that he really doesn't know: "it seems that it's not you. I can only wait until I find the lingzong shaozong to ask him.""In that case, you may die!"

After Chen Mo finishes, the sword of cutting heaven is suspended three feet above his head, and the golden light is great. He cuts the sword directly at the little patriarch.


The little patriarch blocked his neck with his hand, and half of his arm was cut off.

"What kind of martial arts is this?" The young patriarch looks at Chen Mo in shock. He regards Chen Mo's flying sword as a martial art.

Chen Mo doesn't answer him. Instead, he looks at his broken arm, which is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What's going on? Did he become a Taoist Chen Mo frowned, but with the current aura level of the earth, even if he wants to become a Taoist body, it will take a hundred years, unless there is a great chance.

"Tao body is impossible. What is the reason that makes his body have a strong regeneration ability similar to Tao body?" This time, even Chen Mo couldn't understand.

The little patriarch said with a smile: "boy, are you scared? You know what I'm doing this time! To tell you the truth, you can't kill me! "

"Be obedient to me and give up your secret, and I can spare you from death!"

The little patriarch was obviously interested in Chen's flying sword technique.

"Come again!" Chen Mo didn't believe in evil, and the sword of cutting heaven roared again. However, the little patriarch was already on guard and released a strong black light to protect his body.

Ding Ding Kuang!

The sound of gold and iron was heard. The body of the little patriarch was as solid as iron and stone!

"Ha ha ha, I said, it's useless. You can't kill me here!" The little patriarch laughed triumphantly.

Ying Yixiong and Chen Songzi look at Chen Mo with concern. They think that the little patriarch is a little unreasonable!

Chen Mo's face was still flat. Looking at the little patriarch's almost substantive evil spirit, he thought in his heart: "this should be the source of the evil spirit."

But what kind of evil spirit can resist the sword immortal's flying sword?

Although it has experienced the invasion of endless years, the power of the sky chopping sword is less than one hundred million times of the original, but it is still not a master state practitioner can resist!

"Let me see what's weird here!"

Chen Mo's heart is moved, and the sword of cutting the sky roars out again. With a touch of gold, he cuts down the stone wall behind the little patriarch.

There, is the place with the strongest evil spirit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!