The head of the four families, with a group of his subordinates, fought with Chen Mo in the courtyard outside the hall.

"Who are you?" The new owner of the Lian family asked.

Chen Mo's face was cold: "you don't deserve to know. Everyone here is going to die today

Chen Mo releases Yan Qingcheng and Wen Qing with a fist.

"The third move of Tianxuan Shenquan is to control heaven and earth!"

The powerful force drives the vitality of the heaven and earth in a radius of 100 meters, like a huge mountain.

Puff, puff

In addition to Yan Qingcheng and Wen Qing, all the people in the courtyard were hit by an invisible force. Except for the four family owners who were seriously injured, all the others were crushed to pieces and died on the spot.

Kill all living beings with one blow!

The heads of the four families were looking red and frightened.

"Who are you? What do we have against you? Why do you want to do this? "

Among those who died, there were some children and grandchildren of several big families who were killed by the strange young man in front of them before they knew what was going on. Several owners of the house were frightened and angry.

"You dare to touch my family, but you don't know who I am?"

Several people suddenly understand that Chen Mo seeks revenge for the two abducted girls.

"It's all done by the little Lord. It has nothing to do with us." The new owner of the Yings family called "bumping into heaven".

The other three quickly echoed.

"Your little Lord is dead. Now it's your turn!" Chen Mo has no intention of being merciful. Even killing all these people is not enough to calm his anger.

"No! Spare my life! We are also forced to be helpless! " He knelt down to beg for mercy.

They have learned the power of Chen Mo's fist just now. They know that they are not Chen Mo's opponents. They can only kneel down and beg for Chen Mo's forgiveness.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Mo is merciless, and the four men suddenly lose their heads.

"As I said, none of the people here today want to live." Chen Mo's voice is cold, without a trace of emotion.

With Yan Qingcheng and Wen Qing, Chen Mo continues to search for the people in the yard, but none of them is missed.

By the way, Chen Mo wiped out the resources accumulated by the little patriarch and the four big families over the years. He really found several good things.

This is the real way for a great monk to transform the divine realm!

In the temporary tent, leader Mei was still discussing with Chen Jingye and battalion commander Wang how to rescue Yan Qingcheng and Wen Qing. Suddenly, a soldier came in.

"According to the report, there is a teenager who claims to be Chen Mo, waiting outside the camp with the hostage taken."

Li Sufang said in surprise, "Xiao Mo is back!"

Immediately, Li Sufang realized what she had neglected and was shocked: "what, he has rescued the two people!"

"Yes The soldier's reply was expressionless.

Meixian grow up happy: "great, I hope everyone is safe, go out to meet Mr. Chen quickly!"

Outside the camp, the soldiers of a battalion are in full force, and the black muzzle is aimed at Chen mo.

But Chen Mo, with two gorgeous beauties, looks relaxed and indifferent, and doesn't pay attention to those guns.

Meixian is the fastest distance runner. He sees Chen Mo at a glance and says with a happy smile, "Mr. Chen, you are back at last. Are they all ok?"

Chen Mo knows that he can easily mobilize the army to rescue Wen Qing and Wen Qing this time, thanks to the help of director Mei.

Nodded to Mei line: "there is no danger! This time, there is the magistrate of Laomei county. I have written down this favor! "

Meixian County Magistrate was also worried that Chen Mo would blame him. Hearing this, he was immediately relieved: "it's OK, it's ok if it's OK. If there's no human relationship, don't say it."

Chen Jingye was puzzled and asked, "Xiao Mo, did you save them alone? Where are the robbers? "

Chen Mo said faintly, "they are all dead!"

Several people nodded, a little slow reaction.

Then several people exclaimed at the same time: "all dead?"

"How could that be possible? Who killed them? " Chen Jingye asked in doubt.

Commander Mei and battalion commander Wang are also puzzled. They have seen the strength of those robbers. Even ordinary bullets can't hurt them. Who can kill them all?

Li Sufang was not surprised to see Chen Songzi kill the master of the Li family at the Hanyang summit.

But Mei County Magistrate seems not to believe it, so Chen Mo takes Yan Qingcheng and Wen Qing back to the tent for a rest, and then takes people to the courtyard to check.

Seeing the scene in the yard, except for battalion commander Wang, Mei county chief and Chen Mo's parents all vomited.

It's bloody!

Back in the tent, Mei Xianchang's face was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Chen, even if they deserve what they deserve, they should also be handed over to the official disposal! And there are a lot of them who don't deserve to die! "

Even Chen Jingye agrees with the opinion of county magistrate Mei. After all, both of them are people living in secular society. They are very cautious about killing people.Chen Mo's face was flat, and his voice was a little cold: "I just hate not killing enough!"

"If you kill too much, no one dares to touch my relatives and friends. I just want to let everyone know what will happen if I move Chen Mo's relatives and friends! "

Mei Xianchang was terrified when he heard that. The killing intention in Chen Mo's words was real, not alarmist.

But he didn't understand why Chen Mo, as a senior high school student, had such a strong intention to kill?

All the people have been killed. Although commander Mei and battalion commander Wang are not happy and think Chen Mo has done too much, they are not fools and will not quarrel with Chen Mo for the dead.

Think of it as death under the fire of the army!

Moreover, those people are basically martial arts, and they are relatively simple to deal with, and they will not pursue anything.

"I'll take them back to have a rest first."

"Mr. Chen, take your time!" Mr. Mei said goodbye respectfully.

Looking at the distant figure of Chen Mo's family, Mei Xianchang sighed: "in the past, people respected the Chen family, perhaps because of the relationship between Chen Mo and the Jin family. After today, everyone's attitude towards the Chen family will change from respect to awe. "

Mei Xianchang made up his mind that Chen family should not be offended.

Chen Mo returns home and heals the mulberry wounded by the leader of shaozong. Fortunately, the little patriarch is lustful and has no killer on Sangsang. Chen Mo only uses a Peiyuan pill to cure Sangsang.

Pacifying Wen Qing and Yan Qingcheng, Chen Songzi and Nie Xiaoqian rush back to find out that Wen Qing was abducted by the young patriarch. Chen Songzi also secretly pinched a sweat.

That night, Chen Jingye and Li Sufang call Chen Mo into the room, close the door and start questioning.

After this crisis, Chen Mo, who originally intended to confess his status as an immortal cultivator, decides to give up. In order not to bring danger to his parents, it is better to keep the status of the immortal cultivator temporarily.

Finally, Chen Mo puts everything on Chen Songzi's head, saying that Chen Songzi taught himself some skills, so that he could kill the young patriarch.

After this battle, Chen Jingye heard something about martial arts, but he didn't know the strength level of the warrior. He believed Chen Mo's words by seven or eight points.

At night, Chen Mo takes out the chalcedony that he has collected from the young patriarch and divides them into three pieces. Chen Jingye, Wen Qing and Yan Qingcheng refine a jade pendant for their body protection, which they give to the three people and instruct them to wear them close to their bodies at all times.

Wen Qing and Yan Qingcheng naturally believe it, but Chen Jingye doesn't believe what a small jade pendant can do. However, she is scolded by Li Sufang and put it on honestly.

The next day, on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, Wuzhou No.1 high school had begun for several days.

Li Sufang returns to Hanyang with Wen Qing, and Chen Moyan's four men rush back to Wuzhou. , the fastest update of the webnovel!